• This should be a problem for any sane adult yet the dumb-assed democrat voters are willing to look the other way, apparently because it's not THEIR children . . .

    HHS Data Reveals Child Sex Trafficking Cases Soared Threefold Under Biden and Harris

    This should be a problem for any sane adult yet the dumb-assed democrat voters are willing to look the other way, apparently because it's not THEIR children . . . HHS Data Reveals Child Sex Trafficking Cases Soared Threefold Under Biden and Harris https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/hhs-data-reveals-child-sex-trafficking-cases-soared-threefold-under-biden-and-harris/
    HHS Data Reveals Child Sex Trafficking Cases Soared Threefold Under Biden and Harris
    Three times as many children have been trafficked for sex in the United States under the Biden and Harris administration than during the Trump administration.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 164 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • “Whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control." Hillary Clinton

    Why exactly Hillary Clinton would be dumb enough to come out on every news channel and Internet site on Gawd’s green earth to declare the end of free speech throughout Western Civ might remain one of those abiding mysteries of history. Bad timing doesn’t begin to explain it. What does explain it is the psychotic desperation of her party now that the days to election dwindle down and the pathetic figure they “nominated” stumbles from one campaign blunder to the next, and the whole sick crew behind her entertains dark visions of courtrooms and prison cells — including, by the way, her cohort in nation-wrecking Barack Obama.

    I received notice late Sunday from an informant in commercial aviation, with connections to military aviation, that a massive deployment of aircraft is preparing logistics for a major operation set to go down in about a week, probably in the Middle East. I can’t guarantee you that it is for real, but it was a real warning message, at least, from a serious person, and you know that something could be up. . . some humdinger of an October Surprise, like a big fat world war. This might be their 'Hail Mary' . . .
    “Whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control." Hillary Clinton Why exactly Hillary Clinton would be dumb enough to come out on every news channel and Internet site on Gawd’s green earth to declare the end of free speech throughout Western Civ might remain one of those abiding mysteries of history. Bad timing doesn’t begin to explain it. What does explain it is the psychotic desperation of her party now that the days to election dwindle down and the pathetic figure they “nominated” stumbles from one campaign blunder to the next, and the whole sick crew behind her entertains dark visions of courtrooms and prison cells — including, by the way, her cohort in nation-wrecking Barack Obama. I received notice late Sunday from an informant in commercial aviation, with connections to military aviation, that a massive deployment of aircraft is preparing logistics for a major operation set to go down in about a week, probably in the Middle East. I can’t guarantee you that it is for real, but it was a real warning message, at least, from a serious person, and you know that something could be up. . . some humdinger of an October Surprise, like a big fat world war. This might be their 'Hail Mary' . . .
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 350 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • I can’t help wondering, is Medically Assisted Death (MAD) a symbol of the state of mind of Great Britain today? Have the citizens of this storm-lashed island finally put their lives completely in the hands of those who devise so called ‘national health policies’ – 100% reliant on the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry to keep people alive? Let us not denigrate life to a description of human beings becoming dumbed down replicas of the walking dead.
    I can’t help wondering, is Medically Assisted Death (MAD) a symbol of the state of mind of Great Britain today? Have the citizens of this storm-lashed island finally put their lives completely in the hands of those who devise so called ‘national health policies’ – 100% reliant on the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry to keep people alive? Let us not denigrate life to a description of human beings becoming dumbed down replicas of the walking dead. https://www.activistpost.com/2024/09/digitally-manipulated-humans-and-medically-assisted-death-set-to-become-the-flagship-policy-of-the-british-national-health-service.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 297 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • The real concern is the 48% of Catholics that are apparently that dumb, not to even mention their apparent agreement in allowing the killing of babies . . .

    The real concern is the 48% of Catholics that are apparently that dumb, not to even mention their apparent agreement in allowing the killing of babies . . . https://catholicvote.org/pew-poll-52-of-catholics-including-61-of-white-catholics-back-trump-over-harris
    Pew poll: 52% of Catholics including 61% of white Catholics back Trump over Harris
    CV NEWS FEED // A Pew Research Center poll released Monday found that former President Donald Trump is leading Vice President Kamala Harris by five points
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 216 Vue 0 Aperçu
    DUMBS OR DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BUNKERS, BASES, AND BLACK SITES- PART 1 https://rumble.com/v53v12r-dumbs-or-deep-underground-military-bunkers-bases-and-black-sites-part-1.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 220 Vue 0 Aperçu

    FRIDAY AUG. 02, 2024
    EPISODE #4172 8AM

    Share this far and wide!

    DEEP STATE WILL SURVIVE IF: AMERICANS ARE DUMB & BELIEVES THE LIES[PETE SANTILLI SHOW #4172-8AM] THE PETE SANTILLI SHOW FRIDAY AUG. 02, 2024 EPISODE #4172 8AM Share this far and wide! https://rumble.com/v59iunh-deep-state-will-survive-if-americans-are-dumb-and-believes-the-liespete-san.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 245 Vue 0 Aperçu

    MONDAY JULY 22, 2024
    EPISODE #4154 8AM

    • Marco Morano @ClimateDepot - Author and Publisher of Climate Depot
    • Bill Maher @CurativaBay CEO at Curativa Bay Inc.

    DUMB-O-CRAT-FEST: DUMB JOE THROWS TO EVEN DUMBER KAMALA HARRIS [Pete Santilli Show #4154-8AM] THE PETE SANTILLI SHOW MONDAY JULY 22, 2024 EPISODE #4154 8AM SPECIAL GUESTS: • Marco Morano @ClimateDepot - Author and Publisher of Climate Depot • Bill Maher @CurativaBay CEO at Curativa Bay Inc. https://rumble.com/v582l6r-dumb-o-crat-fest-dumb-joe-throws-to-even-dumber-kamala-harris-pete-santilli.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 225 Vue 0 Aperçu
    It's named as "The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion"

    It will be dedicated to the deep dive on these subjects below:

    Technocracy, Social Credit Social System, Exo-politics, Political and Economic Facism ,
    15 minute cities, CBDCs, Digital IDs, Digital Currency, Carbon Wallets, Vaccine Passports

    Transhumanism, Post-humanism, Borgs, Chimeras and Hybrids

    Biblical Worldview on technology, futurism, technocracy, UFOs, USOs, Military Industrial Complex, Black Projects, Weather Manipulation, SAPs or Special Access Programs, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases),

    Cosmic events, Stellar calendars, Interdimensional and Galactic conflicts,

    Current Transhumanist Tech, Genetic Engineering and Warfare, Weaponized Bio-Technology, Neuroscience or Cognitive Science, Nano-Technology, Robotics, Super Intelligence, AGI, Bio-Digital Convergence, Human-Brain Interface, Digital Twins, Metaverse, Omniverse and the Matrix (Simulation Universe)

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    May the Force of Light be with You!

    -Ordinary Joe
    THIS IS A BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!! It's named as "The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion" It will be dedicated to the deep dive on these subjects below: Technocracy, Social Credit Social System, Exo-politics, Political and Economic Facism , 15 minute cities, CBDCs, Digital IDs, Digital Currency, Carbon Wallets, Vaccine Passports Transhumanism, Post-humanism, Borgs, Chimeras and Hybrids Biblical Worldview on technology, futurism, technocracy, UFOs, USOs, Military Industrial Complex, Black Projects, Weather Manipulation, SAPs or Special Access Programs, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), Cosmic events, Stellar calendars, Interdimensional and Galactic conflicts, Current Transhumanist Tech, Genetic Engineering and Warfare, Weaponized Bio-Technology, Neuroscience or Cognitive Science, Nano-Technology, Robotics, Super Intelligence, AGI, Bio-Digital Convergence, Human-Brain Interface, Digital Twins, Metaverse, Omniverse and the Matrix (Simulation Universe) Please visit and Subscribe to this channel, and click the bell Icon, to get notified everytime there is a new data-info-upload https://www.youtube.com/@TheFourthIndustrialDemon-op6wt May the Force of Light be with You! -Ordinary Joe
    The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion
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  • #DUMBS #CelebritiesClones #HumanCloning
    "The term cloning describes a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original, is referred to as a clone. Researchers have cloned a wide range of biological materials, including genes, cells, tissues and even entire organisms, such as a sheep."
    HUMAN CLONING - Human Cloning exists and Human Hosts Walk among
    #DUMBS #CelebritiesClones #HumanCloning #ScienceTechnology "The term cloning describes a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original, is referred to as a clone. Researchers have cloned a wide range of biological materials, including genes, cells, tissues and even entire organisms, such as a sheep." HUMAN CLONING - Human Cloning exists and Human Hosts Walk among https://rumble.com/v4nw1a3-human-cloning-human-cloning-exists-and-human-hosts-walk-among.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 990 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • Canadian politicians' trip to China at same time as foreign interference inquiry is 'dumbfounding'
    https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/canadian-delegation-china-foreign-interference-inquiry via @nationalpost
    Canadian politicians' trip to China at same time as foreign interference inquiry is 'dumbfounding' 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/canadian-delegation-china-foreign-interference-inquiry via @nationalpost
    Canadian politicians' trip to China at same time as foreign interference inquiry is 'dumbfounding'
    'If they have any skill at all, it’s the ability to read the room. … This is not the right time'
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 263 Vue 0 Aperçu
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