• coarse language in the video https://rumble.com/v5wfi4q-this-applies-to-the-entire-world-lose-the-slave-attitude-and-realize-who-yo.html
    coarse language in the video https://rumble.com/v5wfi4q-this-applies-to-the-entire-world-lose-the-slave-attitude-and-realize-who-yo.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 100 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • Cathy O’Brien, born in 1957 in Muskegon, Michigan, is a nationally and internationally recognized US Government Whistleblower on the subject of MK Ultra mind control and healing from it.

    Knowledge is our defense against mind control, and Cathy’s experience empowers her insight into far reaching effects of mind control on society today and what you can do to reclaim, protect, and expand free thought.

    In 1995 when the US National Security Act was invoked on her testimony for US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight, that testimony was released through her book TRANCE Formation of America, written with Mark Phillips.

    Through systematic torture and well documented NASA/military mind control programming, Cathy was forced to do the “unthinkable” and participate in CIA Black Ops and White House/Pentagon level operations during the Reagan/Bush Administration.

    Cathy recounts her high profile interactions with politicians, including Pierre Elliott Trudeau who she says was all part of the larger global agenda to establish a New World Order.

    #freedom #trudeaumustgo #canada #godkeepourland #liberty #liberalsmustgo #mkultra #mindcontrol #slave #pierretrudeau #electiontime #savecanada #Godkeepourland

    Cathy O’Brien, born in 1957 in Muskegon, Michigan, is a nationally and internationally recognized US Government Whistleblower on the subject of MK Ultra mind control and healing from it. Knowledge is our defense against mind control, and Cathy’s experience empowers her insight into far reaching effects of mind control on society today and what you can do to reclaim, protect, and expand free thought. In 1995 when the US National Security Act was invoked on her testimony for US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight, that testimony was released through her book TRANCE Formation of America, written with Mark Phillips. Through systematic torture and well documented NASA/military mind control programming, Cathy was forced to do the “unthinkable” and participate in CIA Black Ops and White House/Pentagon level operations during the Reagan/Bush Administration. Cathy recounts her high profile interactions with politicians, including Pierre Elliott Trudeau who she says was all part of the larger global agenda to establish a New World Order. #freedom #trudeaumustgo #canada #godkeepourland #liberty #liberalsmustgo #mkultra #mindcontrol #slave #pierretrudeau #electiontime #savecanada #Godkeepourland https://www.instagram.com/reel/DC6dcorOuLW/?igsh=Yzg0bDMwcmhmYm9j
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 479 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • Most Americans & Canadians believe that the choice each election is between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, left and right. They don’t understand that the real choice has always been between globalization and nationalism, centralization vs. decentralization, between slavery and freedom. Never was understanding that choice more urgent than now as we have increasingly been on the verge of losing our national sovereignty to globalists at the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, etc. The COVID policies facilitated a massive increase in that global takeover. Historic Turning Point in Geneva at UN June 1 shows That the WHO failed to impose its WHO Pandemic Treaty in May but planned to continue working on it. WHO Fails To Get Agreement On The Text Of The Pandemic Treaty But It Is Not Over Yet explained that the WHO Pandemic Treaty would override our national sovereignty.
    Most Americans & Canadians believe that the choice each election is between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, left and right. They don’t understand that the real choice has always been between globalization and nationalism, centralization vs. decentralization, between slavery and freedom. Never was understanding that choice more urgent than now as we have increasingly been on the verge of losing our national sovereignty to globalists at the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, etc. The COVID policies facilitated a massive increase in that global takeover. Historic Turning Point in Geneva at UN June 1 shows That the WHO failed to impose its WHO Pandemic Treaty in May but planned to continue working on it. WHO Fails To Get Agreement On The Text Of The Pandemic Treaty But It Is Not Over Yet explained that the WHO Pandemic Treaty would override our national sovereignty. https://activistpost.com/2024/11/is-this-the-end-of-globalization-now.html
    Is This The End of Globalization Now? - Activist Post
    The real choice has always been between globalization and nationalism, centralization vs. decentralization, between slavery and freedom.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 191 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • https://t.me/worldalternativemedia/471009

    Until people understand freedom any form of government is not freedom it is violence, anti human
    & slavery
    https://t.me/worldalternativemedia/471009 Until people understand freedom any form of government is not freedom it is violence, anti human & slavery
    Moni in World Alternative Media đź—Ł
    🚨EMERGENCY WARNING! Australia🚨 Follow @zeeemedia Website | X | Instagram | Rumble
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 136 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • Jordan Maxwell made a lot of interview on the ADMIRALTY LAW exposing the system and the symbols.
    "Strawman v. Human They Did Not Teach You in School
    Learn how international bankers use fraudulent, debt based, fiat currency to control all governments, own all resources, and enslave all men and women on earth."
    Debt to Success System - DTSS
    STRAWMAN v. Human
    The Sinister Method Government Used to Enslave Most Everyone
    Jordan Maxwell made a lot of interview on the ADMIRALTY LAW exposing the system and the symbols. "Strawman v. Human They Did Not Teach You in School Learn how international bankers use fraudulent, debt based, fiat currency to control all governments, own all resources, and enslave all men and women on earth." Debt to Success System - DTSS STRAWMAN v. Human The Sinister Method Government Used to Enslave Most Everyone https://www.dtss.us/strawman-v-human.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 193 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • Globally the world to get peace and freedom , is to end their belief in authority

    Government is a criminal / terrorist organization and maintains slavery stop consenting to be ruled period

    That’s how the satanic globalists beasts move about their games to enslave all of humanity

    Got get rid of these systems and the satanic beasts

    Want freedom that’s only way to get it
    Globally the world to get peace and freedom , is to end their belief in authority Government is a criminal / terrorist organization and maintains slavery stop consenting to be ruled period That’s how the satanic globalists beasts move about their games to enslave all of humanity Got get rid of these systems and the satanic beasts Want freedom that’s only way to get it
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 188 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • Quand un CANADIEN est RÉVEILLÉ, ça ressemble à ça!!!!
    Canadian citizen receives a standing Ovation after laying out Klaus Schwab’s plan to enslave the world.
    Un citoyen canadien reçoit une ovation debout après avoir exposé le plan de Klaus Schwab visant à asservir le monde.
    Quand un CANADIEN est RÉVEILLÉ, ça ressemble à ça!!!! Canadian citizen receives a standing Ovation after laying out Klaus Schwab’s plan to enslave the world. đź‘Ź Un citoyen canadien reçoit une ovation debout après avoir exposé le plan de Klaus Schwab visant à asservir le monde. đź‘Ź https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1848610733980062118
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 130 Vue 0 Aperçu
    The samething in CANADA, "STAY ALERT: THE ELITE'S WILL CREATE A NEW Classic OF SLAVES" https://old.bitchute.com/video/Lwb43rneS5bS/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 88 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • Is this what is planned? Are they trying to cause that "King Louis the XVI Moment" so they can swoop in and take over and enslave, virtually, the entire world? Quite possible. Read on . . .

    Revolutions destroy nations, including their laws. Post revolution, if these nations could be placed into UN Territory Trusts, their sovereignty and right to govern could be replaced by administrators, whereby international law could be permanently installed.

    The UN already has the agenda, think tanks, and legislative ability for one-world global governance. The WEF already has the councils ready for a “global future”. The corporate army, we term ReichsWEF, already have a monopoly on most of the world’s supply chains and resources, and the globalist executives to employ and deploy labor around the world.

    All that is needed is the collapse of nation states around the world, and the “UN Territory Trust” could gobble up most of the Western world, ushering in a New World Order.

    For that to happen, there would need to be some kind of worldwide revolution.

    When the French Revolution destroyed the powerful French monarch seemingly overnight, a venomous new set of data points were revealed. If revolutionary theory could explain how a nation’s citizenry could turn on itself and tear down everything in an instant, empires could be destroyed from within.​ Revolution could become the most potent weapon in an army’s arsenal. Harnessing the power of the people to destroy their own culture was a megalomaniac’s utopian fantasy.

    There have been many revolutions since the French experiment and 1848. Lenin and the Russian revolution of 1917. The German revolution of 1918. Mao and the birth of the CCP. Castro, Pol Pot, and many more.

    To borrow another phrase from Kamala, if we “look through the passage of time”, we can see that each revolution becomes more sophisticated. Similar to the evolution of any weapon, the power of Marxist-based revolutions improves with the passage of time. Today, the “woke mind virus” is exceptionally powerful, and it is being deployed all over the world​l

    We are entering a period when decades happen. If nation states are going to fall to ​Marxist-style revolutions, they will be without governance, laws, or sovereignty. Like Papua New Guinea after WWII, the UN will be there to guide them into their “mandated Territory Trusts”, and the World Economic Forum will be at the ready to administrate the daylights out of us.

    The primary driver of the Enlightenment was for man to observe the world around him; for him to question and dare to think. Today, around the world, we have two-tiered justice systems, the weaponization of justice, rampant inflation, crime, and a flood of migration that has never been seen before. The globalist media apparatus nonchalantly describe these events as the result of climate change, and our politicians have vowed to eliminate xenophobia and hate speech.

    If we question ​WTF is going on here, we arrive at a rather uncomfortable hypothesis; that we are on the verge of a globally coordinated Marxist revolution, orchestrated by the UN and administrated by member-corporations of the ReichsWEF. The woke mind-virus has already infected large swathes of Western civilization, and if we do not pay attention to what is transpiring, humanity will surely once again learn from history that which was not learned from history.

    Is this what is planned? Are they trying to cause that "King Louis the XVI Moment" so they can swoop in and take over and enslave, virtually, the entire world? Quite possible. Read on . . . Revolutions destroy nations, including their laws. Post revolution, if these nations could be placed into UN Territory Trusts, their sovereignty and right to govern could be replaced by administrators, whereby international law could be permanently installed. The UN already has the agenda, think tanks, and legislative ability for one-world global governance. The WEF already has the councils ready for a “global future”. The corporate army, we term ReichsWEF, already have a monopoly on most of the world’s supply chains and resources, and the globalist executives to employ and deploy labor around the world. All that is needed is the collapse of nation states around the world, and the “UN Territory Trust” could gobble up most of the Western world, ushering in a New World Order. For that to happen, there would need to be some kind of worldwide revolution. When the French Revolution destroyed the powerful French monarch seemingly overnight, a venomous new set of data points were revealed. If revolutionary theory could explain how a nation’s citizenry could turn on itself and tear down everything in an instant, empires could be destroyed from within.​ Revolution could become the most potent weapon in an army’s arsenal. Harnessing the power of the people to destroy their own culture was a megalomaniac’s utopian fantasy. There have been many revolutions since the French experiment and 1848. Lenin and the Russian revolution of 1917. The German revolution of 1918. Mao and the birth of the CCP. Castro, Pol Pot, and many more. To borrow another phrase from Kamala, if we “look through the passage of time”, we can see that each revolution becomes more sophisticated. Similar to the evolution of any weapon, the power of Marxist-based revolutions improves with the passage of time. Today, the “woke mind virus” is exceptionally powerful, and it is being deployed all over the world​l We are entering a period when decades happen. If nation states are going to fall to ​Marxist-style revolutions, they will be without governance, laws, or sovereignty. Like Papua New Guinea after WWII, the UN will be there to guide them into their “mandated Territory Trusts”, and the World Economic Forum will be at the ready to administrate the daylights out of us. The primary driver of the Enlightenment was for man to observe the world around him; for him to question and dare to think. Today, around the world, we have two-tiered justice systems, the weaponization of justice, rampant inflation, crime, and a flood of migration that has never been seen before. The globalist media apparatus nonchalantly describe these events as the result of climate change, and our politicians have vowed to eliminate xenophobia and hate speech. If we question ​WTF is going on here, we arrive at a rather uncomfortable hypothesis; that we are on the verge of a globally coordinated Marxist revolution, orchestrated by the UN and administrated by member-corporations of the ReichsWEF. The woke mind-virus has already infected large swathes of Western civilization, and if we do not pay attention to what is transpiring, humanity will surely once again learn from history that which was not learned from history. https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/when-decades-happen-part-i
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 590 Vue 0 Aperçu
  • ‘Managed Retreat New Zealand: Shhhh….be careful not to let the community know’ – and into a ‘Smart City’ prison. These Smart City prisons will employ a dense network of 5G towers to facilitate communication and enable total control, where the imprisoned transhuman slaves will be geofenced to confine their movements to within 5 kilometres of where they are imprisoned.
    ‘Managed Retreat New Zealand: Shhhh….be careful not to let the community know’ – and into a ‘Smart City’ prison. These Smart City prisons will employ a dense network of 5G towers to facilitate communication and enable total control, where the imprisoned transhuman slaves will be geofenced to confine their movements to within 5 kilometres of where they are imprisoned. https://www.activistpost.com/2024/09/technocracy-the-brave-new-world-of-2030.html
    Technocracy: The Brave New World of 2030 - Activist Post
    Scientific dictatorship run by AI will destroy what it means to be human, making life and death decisions without any mercy.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 237 Vue 0 Aperçu
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