• Yep -- democrats and globalists gotta protect the hand that feeds them . . .

    Yep -- democrats and globalists gotta protect the hand that feeds them . . . https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/outgoing-biden-extends-prep-act-protection-until-2029-what-democratic-process-e137c165
    Outgoing Biden Extends PREP Act Protection Until 2029: What Democratic Process? No Advice or Consent
    Outgoing President Joe Biden, through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has extended liability protections for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers, healthcare providers, and other parties involved in administering vaccines and countermeasures until the end of 2029. This decision is positioned as a proactive step to address the potential for future public health emergencies related to COVID-19 or other emerging threats. However, given the recent impactful election, the more critically minded suggest an illicit move to protect industry given the prospect of an incoming Trump with nominated Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr. Key Actions and Motivations
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  • IT'S A SICK WORLD! The foreign-backed terrorist insurgency in Syria has finally accomplished the globalists' objective: regime change in Syria. But how did we get here? Who was behind this decades-long plan for reshaping the Middle East?
    IT'S A SICK WORLD! The foreign-backed terrorist insurgency in Syria has finally accomplished the globalists' objective: regime change in Syria. But how did we get here? Who was behind this decades-long plan for reshaping the Middle East? https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/ep469-syria:a
    0 Comments 0 Shares 51 Views 0 Reviews
  • Most Americans & Canadians believe that the choice each election is between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, left and right. They don’t understand that the real choice has always been between globalization and nationalism, centralization vs. decentralization, between slavery and freedom. Never was understanding that choice more urgent than now as we have increasingly been on the verge of losing our national sovereignty to globalists at the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, etc. The COVID policies facilitated a massive increase in that global takeover. Historic Turning Point in Geneva at UN June 1 shows That the WHO failed to impose its WHO Pandemic Treaty in May but planned to continue working on it. WHO Fails To Get Agreement On The Text Of The Pandemic Treaty But It Is Not Over Yet explained that the WHO Pandemic Treaty would override our national sovereignty.
    Most Americans & Canadians believe that the choice each election is between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, left and right. They don’t understand that the real choice has always been between globalization and nationalism, centralization vs. decentralization, between slavery and freedom. Never was understanding that choice more urgent than now as we have increasingly been on the verge of losing our national sovereignty to globalists at the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, etc. The COVID policies facilitated a massive increase in that global takeover. Historic Turning Point in Geneva at UN June 1 shows That the WHO failed to impose its WHO Pandemic Treaty in May but planned to continue working on it. WHO Fails To Get Agreement On The Text Of The Pandemic Treaty But It Is Not Over Yet explained that the WHO Pandemic Treaty would override our national sovereignty. https://activistpost.com/2024/11/is-this-the-end-of-globalization-now.html
    Is This The End of Globalization Now? - Activist Post
    The real choice has always been between globalization and nationalism, centralization vs. decentralization, between slavery and freedom.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 148 Views 0 Reviews
  • Attack on the Internet archive could memory-hole information globalists don't want you to know - LifeSite !
    Attack on the Internet archive could memory-hole information globalists don't want you to know - LifeSite ! 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #JustSayNoMore 🇨🇦 https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/attack-on-the-internet-archive-could-memory-hole-information-globalists-dont-want-you-to-know
    Attack on the Internet archive could memory-hole information globalists don't want you to know - LifeSite
    The Internet was founded to be free and democratic. It will require herculean efforts at this point to restore that vision as escalating censorship efforts are quickly suppressing that ideal.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 79 Views 0 Reviews
  • The Growing Revolution Against Globalists explained in 2023 that nationalists – like Trump – were increasingly winning in Europe, MEGA Conference Celebrates Nationalism! shows that Trump’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) slogan was adopted by European nations for the “Make Europe Great Again” (MEGA) conference on April 27-28 in Romania. The exit from the European Union now includes Brexit (Britain), Nexit (Netherlands), Frexit (France), TAlexit (Italy), and Auxit (Austria). Dr. Robert Malone gave the In Praise of Nationalism and the Diversity of Nations address. Like Donald Trump, Hungary’s Prime Miniter Viktor Orban survived an assassination attempt in June as did Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico in May 2024. Hungary’s Orbán on Slovak PM’s condition: between life and death after shooting 5/17/24.
    The Growing Revolution Against Globalists explained in 2023 that nationalists – like Trump – were increasingly winning in Europe, MEGA Conference Celebrates Nationalism! shows that Trump’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) slogan was adopted by European nations for the “Make Europe Great Again” (MEGA) conference on April 27-28 in Romania. The exit from the European Union now includes Brexit (Britain), Nexit (Netherlands), Frexit (France), TAlexit (Italy), and Auxit (Austria). Dr. Robert Malone gave the In Praise of Nationalism and the Diversity of Nations address. Like Donald Trump, Hungary’s Prime Miniter Viktor Orban survived an assassination attempt in June as did Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico in May 2024. Hungary’s Orbán on Slovak PM’s condition: between life and death after shooting 5/17/24. https://activistpost.com/2024/11/nationalists-sweep-us-european-2024-elections.html
    Nationalists Sweep US/European 2024 Elections - Activist Post
    The Growing Revolution Against Globalists explained in 2023 that nationalists – like Trump – were increasingly winning in Europe...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 421 Views 0 Reviews
  • Globally the world to get peace and freedom , is to end their belief in authority

    Government is a criminal / terrorist organization and maintains slavery stop consenting to be ruled period

    That’s how the satanic globalists beasts move about their games to enslave all of humanity

    Got get rid of these systems and the satanic beasts

    Want freedom that’s only way to get it
    Globally the world to get peace and freedom , is to end their belief in authority Government is a criminal / terrorist organization and maintains slavery stop consenting to be ruled period That’s how the satanic globalists beasts move about their games to enslave all of humanity Got get rid of these systems and the satanic beasts Want freedom that’s only way to get it
    0 Comments 0 Shares 167 Views 0 Reviews
  • I cannot verify this is true, or even if Julian Assange even stated it, but:

    "The stage is set.

    On Thurs. 24 Oct. and Fri. 25 Oct. every cell phone on the planet will be hit with a loud, unmistakable Alert signal. It will be an intense, ear-piercing sound that will wake you up whether you like it or not.

    The signal will be transmitted directly from Star Link Satellites, bypassing traditional Media channels that are controlled by the Elite. This means you won’t need to rely on your local news or social media for updates. The truth is coming directly to your phone. There’s no way for the Globalists to censor it."

    -Julian Assange
    I cannot verify this is true, or even if Julian Assange even stated it, but: "The stage is set. On Thurs. 24 Oct. and Fri. 25 Oct. every cell phone on the planet will be hit with a loud, unmistakable Alert signal. It will be an intense, ear-piercing sound that will wake you up whether you like it or not. The signal will be transmitted directly from Star Link Satellites, bypassing traditional Media channels that are controlled by the Elite. This means you won’t need to rely on your local news or social media for updates. The truth is coming directly to your phone. There’s no way for the Globalists to censor it." -Julian Assange
    0 Comments 0 Shares 109 Views 0 Reviews
  • The 2024 Global Elections Super Cycle explains that national elections are being held in 52 countries this year. The information voters get will help determine the results. Globalists Are Taking The Mask Off And That’s A Bad Sign… cites some of the recent attacks.
    The 2024 Global Elections Super Cycle explains that national elections are being held in 52 countries this year. The information voters get will help determine the results. Globalists Are Taking The Mask Off And That’s A Bad Sign… cites some of the recent attacks. https://activistpost.com/2024/10/growing-global-attacks-on-freedom-of-speech.html
    Growing Global Attacks On Freedom of Speech - Activist Post
    The attacks on free speech aren't limited the US. A a 221-page report provides-country-by-country analysis of the decline.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 70 Views 0 Reviews
  • They thought they had won without firing a shot, but it’s not that easy. Far more people are awake and aware of their motives than they realized, and, at least in America, over 50 million of those people are armed. The lockdowns are now gone, almost no one took the vax boosters, far fewer people took the vaccine than the CDC claims, and the vax passports were defeated. This victory was made possible due to the efforts of alternative media platforms circumventing Big Tech censorship. It’s that simple.
    They thought they had won without firing a shot, but it’s not that easy. Far more people are awake and aware of their motives than they realized, and, at least in America, over 50 million of those people are armed. The lockdowns are now gone, almost no one took the vax boosters, far fewer people took the vaccine than the CDC claims, and the vax passports were defeated. This victory was made possible due to the efforts of alternative media platforms circumventing Big Tech censorship. It’s that simple. https://activistpost.com/2024/10/globalists-are-taking-the-mask-off-and-thats-a-bad-sign.html
    Globalists Are Taking The Mask Off And That’s A Bad Sign… - Activist Post
    When globalists are honest about what they truly want, it usually coincides with an engineered calamity.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 256 Views 0 Reviews
  • While they will tell you over and over and over again that the majority of people are in favor of all the drastic things the globalists tell us we must do to save Earth, things like banning fossil fuels, creating 15 minute cities, eating bugs instead of meat, and more, in reality, only 10% of WE THE PEOPLE are gullible enough to buy their propeganda . . .

    While they will tell you over and over and over again that the majority of people are in favor of all the drastic things the globalists tell us we must do to save Earth, things like banning fossil fuels, creating 15 minute cities, eating bugs instead of meat, and more, in reality, only 10% of WE THE PEOPLE are gullible enough to buy their propeganda . . .
    0 Comments 0 Shares 174 Views 0 Reviews
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