This is what the Biden administration, i.e. the democrats, are willing to risk:
In just 72 minutes of nuclear exchange, 60% of the world's population (some 5 billion people) would either be vaporized or suffer an excruciating death from radiation. SUrvivors wouldn't fare much better with what is left of the world that would become a 'Mad Max World' on steriods.
The Biden administration has now allowed Ukraine to use US long-range weapons that can strike deep into Russia. And Putin knows this is the US now fighting him in a proxy war by using Ukraine. Biden and the rest of the global elites are desperate to hold onto power because they know President Trump is coming in to strip them of their power and bring back anti-ware normality into our world. Their desperation is very, very dangerous. They know time for the is running out and they will do whatever it takes, ANYTHING, to retain their power.
They believe that a limited nuclear exchange will give them the upper hand and help them bring in total control of the world. The problem is, there likely is no such thing as a limited nuclear exchange: whomever feels they got the worse will launch more nukes. And some countries, for example Sweden, knows this. That is why they have already warned their citizens to prepare for a nuclear war.
Will this occur? Time will tell. It doesn't look good. We are right now closer to nuclear war than we ever have been in the past . . .
In just 72 minutes of nuclear exchange, 60% of the world's population (some 5 billion people) would either be vaporized or suffer an excruciating death from radiation. SUrvivors wouldn't fare much better with what is left of the world that would become a 'Mad Max World' on steriods.
The Biden administration has now allowed Ukraine to use US long-range weapons that can strike deep into Russia. And Putin knows this is the US now fighting him in a proxy war by using Ukraine. Biden and the rest of the global elites are desperate to hold onto power because they know President Trump is coming in to strip them of their power and bring back anti-ware normality into our world. Their desperation is very, very dangerous. They know time for the is running out and they will do whatever it takes, ANYTHING, to retain their power.
They believe that a limited nuclear exchange will give them the upper hand and help them bring in total control of the world. The problem is, there likely is no such thing as a limited nuclear exchange: whomever feels they got the worse will launch more nukes. And some countries, for example Sweden, knows this. That is why they have already warned their citizens to prepare for a nuclear war.
Will this occur? Time will tell. It doesn't look good. We are right now closer to nuclear war than we ever have been in the past . . .
This is what the Biden administration, i.e. the democrats, are willing to risk:
In just 72 minutes of nuclear exchange, 60% of the world's population (some 5 billion people) would either be vaporized or suffer an excruciating death from radiation. SUrvivors wouldn't fare much better with what is left of the world that would become a 'Mad Max World' on steriods.
The Biden administration has now allowed Ukraine to use US long-range weapons that can strike deep into Russia. And Putin knows this is the US now fighting him in a proxy war by using Ukraine. Biden and the rest of the global elites are desperate to hold onto power because they know President Trump is coming in to strip them of their power and bring back anti-ware normality into our world. Their desperation is very, very dangerous. They know time for the is running out and they will do whatever it takes, ANYTHING, to retain their power.
They believe that a limited nuclear exchange will give them the upper hand and help them bring in total control of the world. The problem is, there likely is no such thing as a limited nuclear exchange: whomever feels they got the worse will launch more nukes. And some countries, for example Sweden, knows this. That is why they have already warned their citizens to prepare for a nuclear war.
Will this occur? Time will tell. It doesn't look good. We are right now closer to nuclear war than we ever have been in the past . . .
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