• ‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

    The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.

    Jablonowski noted that the study was based solely on government data. He said: “The government has had this data for decades, professing safety while simultaneously refusing to study safety. The facade of U.S. government public health is crumbling, revealing a culprit in chronic disease in this country: willful ignorance.”

    ​The authors of the study noted that government-sponsored studies have not compared health outcomes in vaccinated versus completely unvaccinated children.​

    (In other words, government _LIED_ to you . . . )

    ‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders. Jablonowski noted that the study was based solely on government data. He said: “The government has had this data for decades, professing safety while simultaneously refusing to study safety. The facade of U.S. government public health is crumbling, revealing a culprit in chronic disease in this country: willful ignorance.” ​The authors of the study noted that government-sponsored studies have not compared health outcomes in vaccinated versus completely unvaccinated children.​ (In other words, government _LIED_ to you . . . ) https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/study-vaccinated-children-autism-risk-increase/
    ‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism
    The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 249 Views 0 Reviews
  • In the Bay Area and Los Angeles, where incidents have become increasingly brazen and violent in recent years, often drawing hundreds of attendees and overwhelming police, agencies already rely on planes, drones, and automatic license plate reader (ALPR) cameras as they aim to reduce the risk to first responders. And they’ve begun to see results. On Oct. 25 in the Bay Area, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) reported the seizure of 16 vehicles that had been involved in two separate takeovers a month prior. Officers couldn’t reach the center of the sideshow before it moved to another location, but they collected video evidence from cameras placed around the Bay Bridge. That led investigators to a list of vehicles, allowing them to request seizures orders from a judge.
    In the Bay Area and Los Angeles, where incidents have become increasingly brazen and violent in recent years, often drawing hundreds of attendees and overwhelming police, agencies already rely on planes, drones, and automatic license plate reader (ALPR) cameras as they aim to reduce the risk to first responders. And they’ve begun to see results. On Oct. 25 in the Bay Area, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) reported the seizure of 16 vehicles that had been involved in two separate takeovers a month prior. Officers couldn’t reach the center of the sideshow before it moved to another location, but they collected video evidence from cameras placed around the Bay Bridge. That led investigators to a list of vehicles, allowing them to request seizures orders from a judge. https://activistpost.com/2024/11/police-crack-down-on-street-takeovers-with-high-tech-surveillance-as-4th-amendment-battles-loom.html
    Police Crack Down On Street Takeovers With High-Tech Surveillance As 4th Amendment Battles Loom - Activist Post
    The selling point is that the AI-powered system identifies patterns nearly instantly that would typically take hours or days for humans.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 294 Views 0 Reviews
  • We have become 100% marxist. The democrats have done this. Every democrat voter has done this. Thank them accordingly ...

    US seizes Scott Ritter’s passport , The RT contributor was stopped from visiting Russia

    Ritter was on his way to Russia for the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) when he was pulled off the plane and had his documents confiscated.

    “I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said ‘orders of the State Department’. They had no further information for me,” Ritter told RT. “They pulled my bags off the plane, then escorted me out of the airport. They kept my passport.”

    “Was this done in accordance with the First Amendment, or the Fourth,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, commenting on the news. The first amendment to the US constitution protects freedom of speech, press and assembly, while the fourth bars the government from “unreasonable searches and seizures.”

    Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, who later served as the US and UN weapons inspector in Iraq. He is also a RT contributor, writing about international security, military affairs, Russia, and the Middle East, as well as arms control and nonproliferation.


    We have become 100% marxist. The democrats have done this. Every democrat voter has done this. Thank them accordingly ... US seizes Scott Ritter’s passport , The RT contributor was stopped from visiting Russia Ritter was on his way to Russia for the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) when he was pulled off the plane and had his documents confiscated. “I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said ‘orders of the State Department’. They had no further information for me,” Ritter told RT. “They pulled my bags off the plane, then escorted me out of the airport. They kept my passport.” “Was this done in accordance with the First Amendment, or the Fourth,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, commenting on the news. The first amendment to the US constitution protects freedom of speech, press and assembly, while the fourth bars the government from “unreasonable searches and seizures.” Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, who later served as the US and UN weapons inspector in Iraq. He is also a RT contributor, writing about international security, military affairs, Russia, and the Middle East, as well as arms control and nonproliferation. https://www.rt.com/news/598711-us-seizes-scott-ritters-passport/
    US seizes Scott Ritter’s passport
    The RT contributor was blocked from visiting Russia for the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF)
    0 Comments 0 Shares 724 Views 0 Reviews
  • Free market Capitalism has turned into Corporatism. If you are a large enough corporation and want to use a harmful agent in your foodstuffs because it's cheaper and you can make more money, you will be allowed to as long as you grease the correct politician's bank accounts and re-election campaigns ...

    Aspartame was FDA approved under Reagan, due to Donald Rumsfeld's insistence, over all prior medical assessments that it was unsafe and gave baby monkeys epilepsy.

    Decades of Science Link Popular Artificial Sweetener to Serious Health Risks

    Dozens of studies have linked aspartame to serious health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, stroke and dementia, plus mood disorders, headaches and migraines.​

    Free market Capitalism has turned into Corporatism. If you are a large enough corporation and want to use a harmful agent in your foodstuffs because it's cheaper and you can make more money, you will be allowed to as long as you grease the correct politician's bank accounts and re-election campaigns ... Aspartame was FDA approved under Reagan, due to Donald Rumsfeld's insistence, over all prior medical assessments that it was unsafe and gave baby monkeys epilepsy. Decades of Science Link Popular Artificial Sweetener to Serious Health Risks Dozens of studies have linked aspartame to serious health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, stroke and dementia, plus mood disorders, headaches and migraines.​ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/community-forum/aspartame-artificial-sweetener-serious-health-risks/
    Decades of Science Link Popular Artificial Sweetener to Serious Health Risks
    Dozens of studies have linked aspartame to serious health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, stroke and dementia, plus mood disorders, headaches and migraines.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 1K Views 0 Reviews
  • Warning: Covid Masks Linked to Seizures, Cancer - NIH Study via @WestJournalism #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP https://www.westernjournal.com/warning-covid-masks-linked-seizures-cancer-nih-study
    Warning: Covid Masks Linked to Seizures, Cancer - NIH Study via @WestJournalism #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP https://www.westernjournal.com/warning-covid-masks-linked-seizures-cancer-nih-study
    Certain COVID Masks Linked to Seizures, Cancer: NIH-Backed Study
    Some masks studied by researchers released levels of toxic chemicals that are linked to diseases such as seizures and cancer.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 328 Views 0 Reviews
  • https://beckernews.com/n95-masks-exposed-for-dangerous-levels-of-toxic-compounds-linked-to-seizures-and-cancer-51660/
    N95 Masks Exposed for Dangerous Levels of Toxic Compounds, Linked to Seizures and Cancer
    The N95 surgical mask has long been considered the ‘gold standard’ for protection against Covid-19. However, a study posted by the National Institutes of Health indicates that wearing these medical-grade masks could expose users to dangerous levels of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). South Korean researchers from Jeonbuk National University examined various types of disposable… Read More »
    0 Comments 0 Shares 542 Views 0 Reviews
  • From seizures to heart attacks, from lung cancer to fatty liver disease, Vitamin E was reported by Orthomolecular.org's news release arm, to assist with all these conditions and more. They provide links to articles and pdf's for those who want to research further:

    From seizures to heart attacks, from lung cancer to fatty liver disease, Vitamin E was reported by Orthomolecular.org's news release arm, to assist with all these conditions and more. They provide links to articles and pdf's for those who want to research further: http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v06n19.shtml
    0 Comments 0 Shares 669 Views 0 Reviews
  • The main enabler of the government’s institutionalized criminality is the income tax, the government’s seizures of private earnings and wealth. The income tax is a scheme in which one side (the government) demands a take from the earnings of the other side (the workers and producers), involuntarily. Such a transaction is in the absence of a voluntary contract, making such a transaction illegitimate, and criminal in fact. No different from a robber demanding your money on threat of violence.
    The main enabler of the government’s institutionalized criminality is the income tax, the government’s seizures of private earnings and wealth. The income tax is a scheme in which one side (the government) demands a take from the earnings of the other side (the workers and producers), involuntarily. Such a transaction is in the absence of a voluntary contract, making such a transaction illegitimate, and criminal in fact. No different from a robber demanding your money on threat of violence. https://www.activistpost.com/2022/12/the-income-tax-is-the-main-enabler-of-the-governments-criminality-against-the-people.html
    The Income Tax Is the Main Enabler of the Government's Criminality Against the People - Activist Post
    The income tax is a scheme in which one side demands a take from the earnings of the other side, involuntarily.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 624 Views 0 Reviews
  • Are Old Stock Canadians The True Target of Trudeau's Gun Seizures? https://open.substack.com/pub/bradsalzberg/p/are-old-stock-canadians-the-true
    Are Old Stock Canadians The True Target of Trudeau's Gun Seizures? https://open.substack.com/pub/bradsalzberg/p/are-old-stock-canadians-the-true
    Are Old Stock Canadians The True Target of Trudeau's Gun Seizures?
    After assuming power, Fidel Castro changed his position, following Chairman Mao Tse Tung's rule that guns should not be in the hands of the people.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 735 Views 0 Reviews
  • justinbieber face is caused by the jab. The same people denying the link between "ramsay hunt syndrome" deny the link between the seizures, blood clots, myocarditis etc.... flip through the slides to see MUTIPLE PEER REVIEWED CASE STUDIES of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome following c0vid Jab! @ichrissky always brings the truth that the majority cant handle :) #unitednoncompliance #truth #realitycheck
    justinbieber face is caused by the jab. The same people denying the link between "ramsay hunt syndrome" deny the link between the seizures, blood clots, myocarditis etc.... flip through the slides to see MUTIPLE PEER REVIEWED CASE STUDIES of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome following c0vid Jab! @ichrissky always brings the truth that the majority cant handle :) #unitednoncompliance #truth #realitycheck
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4K Views 0 Reviews
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