• Podcasting Outdoors in fresh air and sunshine is healthy for the body, mind and spirit! Most of all it's fun and some random passersby get to listen to some SHAMELESS TRUTH ! Please get notified to the upcoming podcast series on "Money Talk and Parallel Economy" and "Freedomizers Health I.Q." by joining our uncensored mailing list! Go to www.ojtv.ca and sign up with Freedom Code: #healthfreedom and/ or #paralleleconomy or both podcast series with Freedom Code #offgrid

    @followers #offgridlife #offgridliving #offgridhomestead #ParallelEconomy #parallelhealthcare #BreakingNews #redpill #freedom #MAGA #MAGA2024 #freedomconvoy2022 #awakening #freedomfighters #FreedomConvoy #peoplehelpingpeople #AmericaFirst
    Podcasting Outdoors in fresh air and sunshine is healthy for the body, mind and spirit! Most of all it's fun and some random passersby get to listen to some SHAMELESS TRUTH ! Please get notified to the upcoming podcast series on "Money Talk and Parallel Economy" and "Freedomizers Health I.Q." by joining our uncensored mailing list! Go to www.ojtv.ca and sign up with Freedom Code: #healthfreedom and/ or #paralleleconomy or both podcast series with Freedom Code #offgrid @followers #offgridlife #offgridliving #offgridhomestead #ParallelEconomy #parallelhealthcare #BreakingNews #redpill #freedom #MAGA #MAGA2024 #freedomconvoy2022 #awakening #freedomfighters #FreedomConvoy #peoplehelpingpeople #AmericaFirst
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 684 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Ahhh les papes, les NAZIS en soutannes! Et dire qu'ils nous ont endoctrinés, de générations en générations, Âmes INCONSCIENTES, que nous savions même pas que l'ont ENSORCELLÉES par le VENIN de SATAN!!
    Les papes prétendent qu'ils ont le pouvoir sur la Spiritualité, alors qu'il en est RIEN ! Ils ne sont pas les CRÉATEURS de l'HUMANITÉ, point barré!!!
    Pareil pour les cul-rés d'églises catholique, ça se prétend avec le "sur-nom" de "père", qui n'en sont pas un pantoute!! C'est de la moquerie TOTALE envers LA SOURCE-Père Créateur de tout les êtres ORGANIQUES VIVANTS!!
    2024 - C'est le temps du RÉVEIL - REGARDEZ AVEC LES YEUX DU COEUR et non du cerveau!
    Pour certain(e)s, vous allez comprendre pourquoi JE N'AI PAS ÉTÉ COMMUNIÉ à l'enterrement, j'ai repoussé SATAN dans son "nid"!
    Ahhh les papes, les NAZIS en soutannes! Et dire qu'ils nous ont endoctrinés, de générations en générations, Âmes INCONSCIENTES, que nous savions même pas que l'ont ENSORCELLÉES par le VENIN de SATAN!! Les papes prétendent qu'ils ont le pouvoir sur la Spiritualité, alors qu'il en est RIEN ! Ils ne sont pas les CRÉATEURS de l'HUMANITÉ, point barré!!! Pareil pour les cul-rés d'églises catholique, ça se prétend avec le "sur-nom" de "père", qui n'en sont pas un pantoute!! C'est de la moquerie TOTALE envers LA SOURCE-Père Créateur de tout les êtres ORGANIQUES VIVANTS!! 2024 - C'est le temps du RÉVEIL - REGARDEZ AVEC LES YEUX DU COEUR et non du cerveau! Pour certain(e)s, vous allez comprendre pourquoi JE N'AI PAS ÉTÉ COMMUNIÉ à l'enterrement, j'ai repoussé SATAN dans son "nid"! Voilà un EXTRA-ORDINAIRE DOCUMENTAIRE pour ceux qui comprennent pas encore que la RELIGION C'EST DE LA POLITIQUE!! LA POLITIQUE DE LA DIVISION POUR MIEUX RÉGNER ET CONTRÔLLER !!! https://x.com/RedpillDrifter/status/1759095398923370822
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 180 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • The Unacknowledged Special Access Programs: Advanced Technology, Mind-Control, Spiritual Power and the Corruption behind Closed Doors
    Cloning Centers, Underground Bases 18
    The Unacknowledged Special Access Programs: Advanced Technology, Mind-Control, Spiritual Power and the Corruption behind Closed Doors Cloning Centers, Underground Bases 18 https://augtells.wordpress.com/2017/01/25/the-unveiling-of-the-hidden-knowledge-and-the-secret-space-program/#_Toc472897934
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 277 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Adrenochrome Taskforce Rescues Hundreds of Kids Trafficked by Marina Abramovic

    Russian special forces have rescued hundreds of enslaved children from a factory farm in the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains, as President Putin’s campaign against the global adrenochrome industry intensifies. According to Russian sources involved in the raid, the bust that liberated hundreds of children was made possible by the infiltration of an adrenochrome party organized by Marina Abramovic and attended by elites in Paris, France.

    Ukraine is the global capital of the child sex trade and investigators warn it is home to a network of adrenochrome factories.

    Many children are born into the factory farm system, bred for slavery, without birth certificates or ID. These children never know what it is like to live a life without terror.

    However, the adrenochrome industry is growing so fast it requires a constantly growing supply of children to satisfy the urges of the elite pedophiles and addicts.

    This is why the streets of towns and cities across Ukraine are lined with missing children posters.

    Russian President Putin formed an elite adrenochrome task forced earlier this year, explaining that Zelensky’s Kiev regime has been earning hundreds of millions of dollars per year by keeping children in degrading factory farm conditions and selling them to the highest bidder on the international market – no questions asked.

    According to those on the ground in Ukraine, these children are sold as sex slaves to elite pedophiles and those who don’t find buyers are “carved up like discarded waste,” and their organs are harvested and sold for use at European and Israeli transplant centers.

    Last year Zelensky appointed Satanic witch Marina Abramovic to serve as ambassador to Ukraine and help rebuild the country’s schools for children. The so-called “performance artist” is infamous for being part of the Wikileaks document dump that revealed she sent an email to Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and his brother Tony inviting them to a “Spirit Cooking dinner,” which is an occult ritual made famous by the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley.

    Adrenochrome Taskforce Rescues Hundreds of Kids Trafficked by Marina Abramovic Russian special forces have rescued hundreds of enslaved children from a factory farm in the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains, as President Putin’s campaign against the global adrenochrome industry intensifies. According to Russian sources involved in the raid, the bust that liberated hundreds of children was made possible by the infiltration of an adrenochrome party organized by Marina Abramovic and attended by elites in Paris, France. Ukraine is the global capital of the child sex trade and investigators warn it is home to a network of adrenochrome factories. Many children are born into the factory farm system, bred for slavery, without birth certificates or ID. These children never know what it is like to live a life without terror. However, the adrenochrome industry is growing so fast it requires a constantly growing supply of children to satisfy the urges of the elite pedophiles and addicts. This is why the streets of towns and cities across Ukraine are lined with missing children posters. Russian President Putin formed an elite adrenochrome task forced earlier this year, explaining that Zelensky’s Kiev regime has been earning hundreds of millions of dollars per year by keeping children in degrading factory farm conditions and selling them to the highest bidder on the international market – no questions asked. According to those on the ground in Ukraine, these children are sold as sex slaves to elite pedophiles and those who don’t find buyers are “carved up like discarded waste,” and their organs are harvested and sold for use at European and Israeli transplant centers. Last year Zelensky appointed Satanic witch Marina Abramovic to serve as ambassador to Ukraine and help rebuild the country’s schools for children. The so-called “performance artist” is infamous for being part of the Wikileaks document dump that revealed she sent an email to Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and his brother Tony inviting them to a “Spirit Cooking dinner,” which is an occult ritual made famous by the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley. https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/adrenochrome-taskforce-rescues-hundreds-of-kids-trafficked-by-marina-abramovic/
    Adrenochrome Taskforce Rescues Hundreds of Kids Trafficked by Marina Abramovic
    Russian special forces have rescued hundreds of enslaved children from a factory farm in the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains, as President Putin's campaign against the global adrenochrome industry intensifies.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 882 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • https://rumble.com/v5dt26l-spiritual-counsellor-kristin-bredimus-a-couple-of-major-events-expected-thi.html @everyone #NoFarmersNoFood #ExitTheWHO #DepopulationAgenda #ShutItDown #novascotiafreespeechbulletinpodcast
    https://rumble.com/v5dt26l-spiritual-counsellor-kristin-bredimus-a-couple-of-major-events-expected-thi.html @everyone #NoFarmersNoFood #ExitTheWHO #DepopulationAgenda #ShutItDown #novascotiafreespeechbulletinpodcast
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 467 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • President Trump Promises To Make USA The "Bitcoin Super-Power Of The World"; Democrats Panic U-Turn On Anti-Crypto Crusade.

    In a spirited keynote address, Former President Trump promised to make USA the "bitcoin super-power of the world," ensuring that cryptocurrency is "mined, minted, and made in the USA."

    "We have to talk about Bitcoin. Our country is blessed with the extraordinary talent and genius in this room.​ This spirit built America and will help us make it great again."​

    President Trump Promises To Make USA The "Bitcoin Super-Power Of The World"; Democrats Panic U-Turn On Anti-Crypto Crusade. In a spirited keynote address, Former President Trump promised to make USA the "bitcoin super-power of the world," ensuring that cryptocurrency is "mined, minted, and made in the USA." "We have to talk about Bitcoin. Our country is blessed with the extraordinary talent and genius in this room.​ This spirit built America and will help us make it great again."​ https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/why-did-trump-change-his-mind-bitcoin
    Trump Promises To Make USA The "Bitcoin Super-Power Of The World"; Democrats Panic U-Turn On Anti-Crypto Crusade
    "On day one, I will fire Gary Gensler and appoint a new SEC Chairman... and commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht to time-served."
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 344 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • In modern America, an obsessive fixation on “safety” has given rise to a culture of fear, paralyzing action and warping decision-making across all levels of society. The conditioning begins early, with children trained to be fearful rather than competent in facing challenges or unfamiliar situations. In their formative years, children are inundated with rules and guidelines, ostensibly designed to maintain safety. But this only stunts their adventurous spirit, undercuts the development of real confidence, and provides an excuse to avoid the uncertain striving necessary for growth.
    In modern America, an obsessive fixation on “safety” has given rise to a culture of fear, paralyzing action and warping decision-making across all levels of society. The conditioning begins early, with children trained to be fearful rather than competent in facing challenges or unfamiliar situations. In their formative years, children are inundated with rules and guidelines, ostensibly designed to maintain safety. But this only stunts their adventurous spirit, undercuts the development of real confidence, and provides an excuse to avoid the uncertain striving necessary for growth. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fear-mind-killer-americas-dangerous-obsession-safety
    Fear Is The Mind-Killer: America's Dangerous Obsession With 'Safety'
    ...an obsessive fixation on “safety” has given rise to a culture of fear, paralyzing action and warping decision-making across all levels of society.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 251 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • I wrote this this morning myself because I have been praying and fasting for self control now for 5 days.

    Trust = (1, Father 2, Son 3, Holy Spirit) = God = Creator = Universe = Love, Since Christ defeated death there is no breach of trust for our souls (beneficiaries) who put our trust in Him, we are forgiven of our sin, there is no death penalty of eternal Hell.

    In the first trust agreement, God is the grantor of his son Jesus Christ as equity property of the trust. When God trusts his son to do what he is to do and Jesus Christ trusts his Father to do what he is to do, this agreement activates and binds the holy spirit power to by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, executing eternal life in the heavens, defeating sin and death (breach of trust). Then the vail is opened to eternal life in the heavens for all who trust in this truth. Our souls are the Beneficiaries our minds are the trustees.

    Because of sin and time our body's flesh dies. Time only exists while our flesh and body are here on earth.

    While on this earth, we are to use our God given critical thinking skills to reason out the truth from lies, then trust in His truth. When you trust in Jesus Christ you live for eternity with him in heaven.

    Sin = Breach of Trust, penalty is death but Trust in Jesus Christ joinders your soul to eternally in heaven with Him, because of our sin (Breach of Trust) He paid the penalty for our sin, and brought us back into heaven because he forgave us. God = Trust
    This is also why they (Judges) have the rule of 3 in the courts, when you rebut a Judge's wrongful claims 3 times they change their order or back down. Because you are rebutting their breach of trust using the rule of 3.

    Interestingly the satanic masonic system uses 33 level as a symbol into their satanic secret control society. I wonder what 333 would mean to them?

    This is the whole reason these satanic globalists (secret societies) try to remove our independent critical thinking, because this is how we find the truth from the lies, we reason out to find our salvation.

    Satanic globalists do not want to do this, therefore because of their ego and pride they do not want others to be able to do it either.

    They are trying everything to change our DNA so we are not able to independently reason out truth to reach heaven or communicate with God, which is another breach of God's trust by satan and the Globalists' secret societies. Trust is the highest natural law, one of the foundations of creation.

    Author: Peter William
    I wrote this this morning myself because I have been praying and fasting for self control now for 5 days. 👇 Trust = (1, Father 2, Son 3, Holy Spirit) = God = Creator = Universe = Love, Since Christ defeated death there is no breach of trust for our souls (beneficiaries) who put our trust in Him, we are forgiven of our sin, there is no death penalty of eternal Hell. In the first trust agreement, God is the grantor of his son Jesus Christ as equity property of the trust. When God trusts his son to do what he is to do and Jesus Christ trusts his Father to do what he is to do, this agreement activates and binds the holy spirit power to by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, executing eternal life in the heavens, defeating sin and death (breach of trust). Then the vail is opened to eternal life in the heavens for all who trust in this truth. Our souls are the Beneficiaries our minds are the trustees. Because of sin and time our body's flesh dies. Time only exists while our flesh and body are here on earth. While on this earth, we are to use our God given critical thinking skills to reason out the truth from lies, then trust in His truth. When you trust in Jesus Christ you live for eternity with him in heaven. Sin = Breach of Trust, penalty is death but Trust in Jesus Christ joinders your soul to eternally in heaven with Him, because of our sin (Breach of Trust) He paid the penalty for our sin, and brought us back into heaven because he forgave us. God = Trust This is also why they (Judges) have the rule of 3 in the courts, when you rebut a Judge's wrongful claims 3 times they change their order or back down. Because you are rebutting their breach of trust using the rule of 3. Interestingly the satanic masonic system uses 33 level as a symbol into their satanic secret control society. I wonder what 333 would mean to them? This is the whole reason these satanic globalists (secret societies) try to remove our independent critical thinking, because this is how we find the truth from the lies, we reason out to find our salvation. Satanic globalists do not want to do this, therefore because of their ego and pride they do not want others to be able to do it either. They are trying everything to change our DNA so we are not able to independently reason out truth to reach heaven or communicate with God, which is another breach of God's trust by satan and the Globalists' secret societies. Trust is the highest natural law, one of the foundations of creation. 🙏🙌♥ Author: Peter William
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 725 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Spiritual Warfare: Media, Mind Control, and Deep State Tactics
    Spiritual Warfare: Media, Mind Control, and Deep State Tactics https://odysee.com/@solarireport:4/spiritual-warfare-media,-mind-control
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 230 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Some natural law instructors are still caught up in the Roman and British Empires masonic system.

    As of June 29, 2024, I am reviewing the main instructors material and instructions. Then I will start writing my own version from the collaboration of their material and instructions, to become a grantor, executor, beneficiary and creditor of the Roman Empire's trust estate that was created in my legal corporate birth certificate name, FIRST MIDDLE LAST.

    The Roman and British Empires are the public trustees, since the holy spirit raised Jesus Christ from the dead. The Roman Empire (trustee) pays our debts out of their estate, they look after us who are the Beneficiaries.

    The Roman Empire is the trustee in the trust estate ($1 million bond and $2 million life Insurance policy) that was created in my legal name, at the time my Christian names were registered. At this same time I became the donated equity to this trust. I also am the beneficiary and creditor to this equity in this trust.

    The Roman Empire owns my legal corporate name FIRST MIDDLE LAST as they are the trustee in this trust estate. They do not own my Christian given names or the registration date. This is my identity with Jesus Christ's holy spirit living in me, as a man, a living soul, the grantor executor beneficiary and creditor to the trust estate.

    On the registration date of my Christian given, first, middle names, this is my identity that i am, alive, living, breathing with Jesus Christ's holy spirit living in me, a man, a living soul.

    Unfortunately the Roman Empire (Satan) tries to switch roles and capacity, so that they are the executor and beneficiary.

    We are here to declare, we are living souls, alive with our saviour Jesus Christ living in us!
    Some natural law instructors are still caught up in the Roman and British Empires masonic system. As of June 29, 2024, I am reviewing the main instructors material and instructions. Then I will start writing my own version from the collaboration of their material and instructions, to become a grantor, executor, beneficiary and creditor of the Roman Empire's trust estate that was created in my legal corporate birth certificate name, FIRST MIDDLE LAST. The Roman and British Empires are the public trustees, since the holy spirit raised Jesus Christ from the dead. The Roman Empire (trustee) pays our debts out of their estate, they look after us who are the Beneficiaries. The Roman Empire is the trustee in the trust estate ($1 million bond and $2 million life Insurance policy) that was created in my legal name, at the time my Christian names were registered. At this same time I became the donated equity to this trust. I also am the beneficiary and creditor to this equity in this trust. The Roman Empire owns my legal corporate name FIRST MIDDLE LAST as they are the trustee in this trust estate. They do not own my Christian given names or the registration date. This is my identity with Jesus Christ's holy spirit living in me, as a man, a living soul, the grantor executor beneficiary and creditor to the trust estate. On the registration date of my Christian given, first, middle names, this is my identity that i am, alive, living, breathing with Jesus Christ's holy spirit living in me, a man, a living soul. Unfortunately the Roman Empire (Satan) tries to switch roles and capacity, so that they are the executor and beneficiary. We are here to declare, we are living souls, alive with our saviour Jesus Christ living in us! đŸ™â€ïžđŸ™Œ
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 575 Ansichten 0 Vorschau