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In The Kaluga Region of Russia, a replica of
The Tower of Babel was burned to the ground.
Middle Fingers Up Towards The NWO . . .
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I see no point in changing perfection or rewriting that which is still accurate. However, since this equipment is not compatible with that upon which we first wrote this message of evacuation, I shall share it with you again. I will distract myself, Dharma, and allow you to pick it up from my monitors.
We have millions of ships stationed in the skies above your planet, ready to instantly lift you off at the first warning of your planet's beginning to tilt on its axis. When this occurs, we have only a very short time segment in which we can lift you from. The surface before great tidal waves will lash your coastlines. ; These waves can be as deep as five miles or more. They will subsequently cover much of your land masses. Your melting polar ice caps are contributing greatly to the unequal balance of the orb itself.
Along with these changes there will be great earthquakes which will feed from one suture line (fault line) to the next to cause se¬vere shifting of entire tectonic plates. As these splits and grindings occur you will have massive volcanic eruptions over widespread areas of previously dormant cones. In portions near your nuclear testing grounds you will experience probably spillage of radioactive material into your atmosphere. You will also experience radiation leakage from your nuclear power plants as they are disrupted by land changes. Portions of your continents will split and sink and in other areas this will cause thrusting upward of other masses.
You have had plenty of news about winds, etc. that will accom¬pany these upheavals. There will be upheavals and earthquakes for instance, that will not trigger evacuation, so I will speak of cataclysmic proportions.
We are very experience a in the evacuation of populations of planets! It would be grand if this were not necessary to be true, but alas, it is not even all that uncommon for many various rea¬sons. We will stick to yours and what you might expect.
We expect, and are practiced and prepared to complete the evacuation of Earth of the souls of Light in some fifteen min¬utes, regardless of numbers. Further, we will rescue the souls of Light first. (Not a bad idea to get on that Light List.) Our computers are massive and self updating. Each entity is entered into the system and all changes, to the minute details, are con¬stantly updated. The computers are locked onto the coordinates as designated by your grid ley lines and vortex intersections. At the first indication that there may be need to evacuate, the com-puters lock onto the location of every energy entity instantly, no matter where might be the location of the human form. Don't concern yourself with that portion; just make sure you keep the signals attuned on an ongoing basis.
After the souls of Light have been evacuated, then the children will ALL be lifted off. The children are considered to be non-¬accountable, so they will be evacuated to special ships to be cared for until they can be reunited with their parents or placed for indefinite care and tending. We have ones well trained for the specific task of handling the children and their trauma. Many may be put into sleep for a period of time to help them overcome their fear and anxiety. Our computer system is far, far beyond anything ever used thus' far on Earth in this age it can locate parents of specific children wherever they may "be and notify one another of safety or status. THE CHILDREN WILL BE LIFTED TO SAFETY DURING THE EVACUATION, SO DO NOT GIVE UNDUE THOUGHT TO THEM. DO NOT SEEK TO UNITE BEFORE LIFT OFF--TEND YOURSELF AND WE WILL TEND THE CONFUSION.
After the evacuation of the children, the invitation will be ex¬tended to all remaining souls on the planet to join us. However, this will be for only a very, very short time period, perhaps an¬other fifteen minutes or so. There is abundant space for all ones, but because the atmosphere by that elapsed amount of time will be filled with fire, flying debris, poisonous smoke, and be¬cause the magnetic field of your planet will be disturbed, we will have to leave your atmosphere very quickly or we, also, with our craft will perish.
TWWW.FOURWINDS10.COMNEW] MESSAGE FRPM ASHTAR~~~EVACUATION~~~NOVEMBE 18, 2022 >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds11-18-2NEW] MESSAGE FRPM ASHTAR~~~EVACUATION~~~NOVEMBER 18, 2022PJ-5CHAPTER 5REC 3 ASHTAREVACUATIONI see no point in changing perfection or rewriting that which is still accurate. However, since this ...read more0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 948 Ansichten 0 Vorschau -
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