I own, with my husband, a forestry hauling trucking company in Northwestern Ontario. We established our business in September 2004. We have a fleet of 6 trucks & trailers and employ 6 truckers.
I also have/had a day job for 25 years in education, when at Christmas break, their policy came into effect (proof of vaccination - 2 shots or proof of being tested 2x weekly proving negative covid test, which I asked for an accommodation to be exempt but was denied), but I was placed on Leave Without Pay since January 4, 2022. I have 2 grown children with 2 grandchildren which is who I am fighting for freedom for, is them.
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  • Owner - Constant Trucking στο Fort Frances, Ontario
  • Female
  • σε γάμο
  • 22/10/1966
  • ακολουθείται από 13 μέλη
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