A group for people to discuss ongoing social and political developments focussing on Nova Scotia and the Maritimes.
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https://www.nationalcitizens.ca/firetheliberals0 Comments 0 Shares 38 Views 0 ReviewsPlease log in to like, share and comment!
Complaining about excluding
from TV election debates might feel good -might even be influential- but what would be best is NON STOP PROMOTION OF PEOPLE’S PARTY principles & policies to raise our polling numbers! We stand for the policies most Canadians DO want!Complaining about excluding @MaximeBernier from TV election debates might feel good -might even be influential- but what would be best is NON STOP PROMOTION OF PEOPLE’S PARTY principles & policies to raise our polling numbers! We stand for the policies most Canadians DO want!0 Comments 0 Shares 49 Views 0 Reviews -
https://yellow.forum/t/about-the-owning-the-food-supply-chain-category/1930YELLOW.FORUMAbout the Owning The Food Supply Chain categoryAs the Stakeholders attempt to own the food supply chain, Farmers are being stripped of their right to own farms.
https://yellow.forum/t/partner-with-yellow-forum-stop-our-transition/1435YELLOW.FORUMPartner With Yellow.Forum & Stop Our Transition!In order to achieve our mission, we need to create more awareness about our undemocratic and discrete transition away from free-market capitalism to a global, authoritarian political system called Stakeholder Capitalism. We are seeking partners, within the growing freedom movement, to collaborate by sharing information and driving initiatives. If you’re passionate about preserving our freedom and like what we are doing, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us at info@yellow.forum.0 Comments 0 Shares 68 Views 0 Reviews
https://citizengo.org/en-ca/lf/13667-Stop-Pushing-Euthanasia---Affirm-Life-in-Healthcare?utm_medium=shared&utm_campaign=EN_CA-2024-07-19-Local-LF-GTO-13667-Healthcare_NOT_Deathcare.03_AA_Relaunch_1&utm_source=tw&_ref=125597315CitizenGOCitizengo is a community of active citizens that seeks to promote the participation of society in politics.0 Comments 0 Shares 173 Views 0 Reviews
https://secure.fairvote.ca/en/action/declaration-of-voters-rights-on-proportional-representation-d-claration-des-droits-desSECURE.FAIRVOTE.CADeclaration of Voters' Rights on Proportional Representation / Déclaration des droits des électeurs en matière de représentation proportionnelleWe the undersigned Canadian citizens demand the following basic democratic rights: to cast an equal and effective vote and to be represented fairly in our federal and provincial legislatures, regardless of one’s political beliefs or place of residence; to be governed by fairly elected legislatures in which the share of seats held by each political party closely reflects the popular vote; to be subject to laws legitimately approved by a majority of elected legislators representing a majority of voters.0 Comments 0 Shares 167 Views 0 Reviews
Your Last Chance to Stop the UN’s Pandemic Treaty - The 3 Million Petitionhttps://citizengo.org/en-ca/ot/13139-Your-Last-Chance-to-Stop-the-UN-s-Pandemic-Treaty---The---Million-Petition?utm_medium=shared&utm_campaign=EN_CA-2024-05-21-Global-OT-GTO-13139-Pandemic_Treaty_7-Pandemic_Treaty_7.01_AA_Launch&utm_source=tw&_ref=117893056 Your Last Chance to Stop the UN’s Pandemic Treaty - The 3 Million PetitionCitizenGOCitizengo is a community of active citizens that seeks to promote the participation of society in politics.0 Comments 0 Shares 213 Views 0 Reviews -
The Great Counter Reset and The Great Counter Narrative against the tyrants, technocrats and social engineers must be conveyed and passed on as organic message to all Ordinary Jane and joe Freedom Fighters and protect your families with the truth as kryptonite knowledge against the advances of the luciferian elites!
This clip was interrupted, the FULL EPISODE may be found here: https://rumble.com/v46eltf-thursday-jan-11th-2024.htmlThe Great Counter Reset and The Great Counter Narrative against the tyrants, technocrats and social engineers must be conveyed and passed on as organic message to all Ordinary Jane and joe Freedom Fighters and protect your families with the truth as kryptonite knowledge against the advances of the luciferian elites! This clip was interrupted, the FULL EPISODE may be found here: https://rumble.com/v46eltf-thursday-jan-11th-2024.html -
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