You won't find this message at my new fledgling platform: I have my group: Natural Health God's Way there. Currently, there are no ads, period, and no premium membership options either. Anyone who chooses to support the site does so because they want to, not because it will make them better than everyone else on the site. If we do put an ad system in, it will be members-only, and if it trips ad blockers, that's not a problem. IXTHUS Catacombs wasn't built to be a source of income, it was built to be a parallel place to meet and help people figure out how to live away from "the system". Any income it generates, will not be due to forcing users to remove ad blockers or building in premium services. We're all on equal footing over there! If this red banner persists here, I'll be removing my group and page, and encouraging followers to join me at IXTHUS Catacombs.
You won't find this message at my new fledgling platform: I have my group: Natural Health God's Way there. Currently, there are no ads, period, and no premium membership options either. Anyone who chooses to support the site does so because they want to, not because it will make them better than everyone else on the site. If we do put an ad system in, it will be members-only, and if it trips ad blockers, that's not a problem. IXTHUS Catacombs wasn't built to be a source of income, it was built to be a parallel place to meet and help people figure out how to live away from "the system". Any income it generates, will not be due to forcing users to remove ad blockers or building in premium services. We're all on equal footing over there! If this red banner persists here, I'll be removing my group and page, and encouraging followers to join me at IXTHUS Catacombs.
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