On Wednesday, French judicial authorities indicted Telegram CEO Pavel Durov on six preliminary charges relating to illicit activity on the messaging app. The case against Durov has sparked a global backlash since charging the head of a tech platform for the activity of its users has chilling implications for free speech. One of the preliminary charges is for “managing an online platform to allow illicit transactions by an organized group,” which could lead to up to ten years in prison and a 500,000 euro fine. Durov is also accused of not cooperating with investigations into illegal activity on Telegram.
On Wednesday, French judicial authorities indicted Telegram CEO Pavel Durov on six preliminary charges relating to illicit activity on the messaging app. The case against Durov has sparked a global backlash since charging the head of a tech platform for the activity of its users has chilling implications for free speech. One of the preliminary charges is for “managing an online platform to allow illicit transactions by an organized group,” which could lead to up to ten years in prison and a 500,000 euro fine. Durov is also accused of not cooperating with investigations into illegal activity on Telegram.
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