India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the implementation of DPI for agriculture in the Union Budget 2024-25. The approved Digital Agriculture Mission will receive a total public funding of US$335.36 million, which includes $230.95 million from the central (federal) government. Through the AgriStack initiative, each farmer will receive a unique digital identifier, similar to the Aadhaar system. The digital identifier will be connected to various personal and farming-related information, including land records, livestock ownership, crops grown, and benefits received.
India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the implementation of DPI for agriculture in the Union Budget 2024-25. The approved Digital Agriculture Mission will receive a total public funding of US$335.36 million, which includes $230.95 million from the central (federal) government. Through the AgriStack initiative, each farmer will receive a unique digital identifier, similar to the Aadhaar system. The digital identifier will be connected to various personal and farming-related information, including land records, livestock ownership, crops grown, and benefits received.
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