Many people question the wisdom of having a risky “smart grid” being imposed upon them and then ask, “Why? Why would people in authority ignore the tremendous risks associated with this technology?” To fully answer this question, it first helps to gain a better awareness of how the “smart grid” fits into the larger picture of a troublesome transformation that is occurring within our society. Although the signs of this transformation are evident, its careful orchestration is being carried out “under the radar” by people who should properly be characterized as “Technocrats.”
Many people question the wisdom of having a risky “smart grid” being imposed upon them and then ask, “Why? Why would people in authority ignore the tremendous risks associated with this technology?” To fully answer this question, it first helps to gain a better awareness of how the “smart grid” fits into the larger picture of a troublesome transformation that is occurring within our society. Although the signs of this transformation are evident, its careful orchestration is being carried out “under the radar” by people who should properly be characterized as “Technocrats.”
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