It took some finagling on the back end of my website, but by the end of January 2024, I had a way to roughly track post views again, two ways to be exact. So we'll take a look at two different perspectives of how many people visited my site for various topics of interest over the past 11 months. It always fascinates me what content rises to the top over the course of a year. It was good to see attention paid to some of the warnings I've tried to get out there, with what they want to do around bird flu, the henipa mitigation article still holds weight and I was pleased to see that article visited the evening of January 1st.
When one of the platforms I'm on threatened to charge for media storage, I began posting foraging articles to my blog, and those have been getting a decent number of views over the course of 2024. These articles give a glimpse into what we forage for and occasionally why we forage for it as well as forays into preparing what we forage.
I now have people asking for advanced foraging workshops, which are in the very early planning phases. Feedback on that list would be very helpful at this stage.
The remainder of the list was various subjects related to using food as medicine for various issues facing the general public. Some of those issues are string puller caused, others are big pharma caused ( I might be repeating myself there), but the powerhouses of nutrition and medicine that God has placed within our grasp is incredible to uncover, particularly as ongoing modern-day research continues to verify and explain why various herbs were used for the same reasons in centuries past.
To those of you who have been sharing my blog articles and newsletters, I want to say a BIG thank you! My numbers are very small compared to the numbers you're taught to expect when marketing your services online. But this is encouraging nonetheless.
If there are topics or services you hope to see me cover or offer in the coming year, do drop me a line and share, either where you see this article on social media or directly to my inbox at
Click here to read the full article with links to the top 20 articles for 2024 in both lists:
When one of the platforms I'm on threatened to charge for media storage, I began posting foraging articles to my blog, and those have been getting a decent number of views over the course of 2024. These articles give a glimpse into what we forage for and occasionally why we forage for it as well as forays into preparing what we forage.
I now have people asking for advanced foraging workshops, which are in the very early planning phases. Feedback on that list would be very helpful at this stage.
The remainder of the list was various subjects related to using food as medicine for various issues facing the general public. Some of those issues are string puller caused, others are big pharma caused ( I might be repeating myself there), but the powerhouses of nutrition and medicine that God has placed within our grasp is incredible to uncover, particularly as ongoing modern-day research continues to verify and explain why various herbs were used for the same reasons in centuries past.
To those of you who have been sharing my blog articles and newsletters, I want to say a BIG thank you! My numbers are very small compared to the numbers you're taught to expect when marketing your services online. But this is encouraging nonetheless.
If there are topics or services you hope to see me cover or offer in the coming year, do drop me a line and share, either where you see this article on social media or directly to my inbox at
Click here to read the full article with links to the top 20 articles for 2024 in both lists:
It took some finagling on the back end of my website, but by the end of January 2024, I had a way to roughly track post views again, two ways to be exact. So we'll take a look at two different perspectives of how many people visited my site for various topics of interest over the past 11 months. It always fascinates me what content rises to the top over the course of a year. It was good to see attention paid to some of the warnings I've tried to get out there, with what they want to do around bird flu, the henipa mitigation article still holds weight and I was pleased to see that article visited the evening of January 1st.
When one of the platforms I'm on threatened to charge for media storage, I began posting foraging articles to my blog, and those have been getting a decent number of views over the course of 2024. These articles give a glimpse into what we forage for and occasionally why we forage for it as well as forays into preparing what we forage.
I now have people asking for advanced foraging workshops, which are in the very early planning phases. Feedback on that list would be very helpful at this stage.
The remainder of the list was various subjects related to using food as medicine for various issues facing the general public. Some of those issues are string puller caused, others are big pharma caused ( I might be repeating myself there), but the powerhouses of nutrition and medicine that God has placed within our grasp is incredible to uncover, particularly as ongoing modern-day research continues to verify and explain why various herbs were used for the same reasons in centuries past.
To those of you who have been sharing my blog articles and newsletters, I want to say a BIG thank you! My numbers are very small compared to the numbers you're taught to expect when marketing your services online. But this is encouraging nonetheless.
If there are topics or services you hope to see me cover or offer in the coming year, do drop me a line and share, either where you see this article on social media or directly to my inbox at
Click here to read the full article with links to the top 20 articles for 2024 in both lists:
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