Thousands of farmers across the Midwest will lose their land to eminent domain to make way for this crazy pipeline.
Powerful forces are stepping up their drive for a CO2 pipeline that will destroy farmland!Richard, will you help me lead this battle? I can only do that with your support. Here are the details...The push is on! The idiotic plan to enforce a pipeline across some of America’s most valuable farmland for the purpose of “capturing” carbon emissions and driving it into the ground is gaining momentum.
As I reported earlier, the excuse for this bogus scheme is to stop Climate Change by getting rid of CO2. Of course, CO2 is very natural and plants need it.
Plus, there is no scientific evidence anywhere to be found to back up the claims of man-made Climate Change. It’s the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on human society.
The pipeline is set to go straight across thousands of acres of our nation’s most valuable farmland – taking it out of our vital food supply production. These forces plan to just take the farmland by force.
Now we find two new players in the plot.
First is Jess Vilsak – he is the son of Biden’s Secretary of Agriculture. That fact alone gives him major influence to push this pipeline forward. Obviously, the Biden cabal is behind this.
Second, it’s incredible to report that a new player in the game is North Dakota’s biggest oil driller – Continental Resources. They have pledged $250m million to help build the pipeline.
There is only one sound reason for an oil driller to invest in its own demise – they are planning for a future after the oil industry has been destroyed.
Finally, I want to give you a report from one of APC’s activists in Iowa who just attended a public meeting hosted by Summit Industries, one of the primary forces behind building the pipeline.
As she pummeled them with questions as to why they were doing this, they have few answers. They hemmed and they hawed. They had no real knowledge about Climate Change and or why the farm land will be destroyed.
They sheepishly indicated that they were following the rules set how by the Iowa Utility Board. That isn’t so – because the Utility Board Doe4sn’t make laws!
The only real answer they had to explain why they were doing this is that there was money provided in Biden’s horrible “Infrastructure” bill, recently passed by Congress.
So – Now we know. We are going to destroy the oil industry. Destroy valuable farmland and our food supply because… THERE IS FEDERAL TAX MONEY AVAILABLE!!!!
The American Policy Center is leading the fight to stop this outrage.
Just recently I interviewed former Iowa Congressman Steve King, along with our leading Iowa activist Tammy Kobaz, on my new Catching Fire News program to reveal all of the outrageous details of the CO2 pipeline.
If we can stop these CO2 pipelines is will be a major first step in stopping the Great Reset and reestablishing our nation’s protection of private property.
Most importantly – it will save us from starvation and tyranny!
Will you help me lead this battle? No other national organization is yet working on this effort. I can only do this with your financial support!
It’s URGENT! Please send your contribution for this fight today! I need you. Please help support our fight For Our Freedom!
Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center
Powerful forces are stepping up their drive for a CO2 pipeline that will destroy farmland!Richard, will you help me lead this battle? I can only do that with your support. Here are the details...The push is on! The idiotic plan to enforce a pipeline across some of America’s most valuable farmland for the purpose of “capturing” carbon emissions and driving it into the ground is gaining momentum.
As I reported earlier, the excuse for this bogus scheme is to stop Climate Change by getting rid of CO2. Of course, CO2 is very natural and plants need it.
Plus, there is no scientific evidence anywhere to be found to back up the claims of man-made Climate Change. It’s the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on human society.
The pipeline is set to go straight across thousands of acres of our nation’s most valuable farmland – taking it out of our vital food supply production. These forces plan to just take the farmland by force.
Now we find two new players in the plot.
First is Jess Vilsak – he is the son of Biden’s Secretary of Agriculture. That fact alone gives him major influence to push this pipeline forward. Obviously, the Biden cabal is behind this.
Second, it’s incredible to report that a new player in the game is North Dakota’s biggest oil driller – Continental Resources. They have pledged $250m million to help build the pipeline.
There is only one sound reason for an oil driller to invest in its own demise – they are planning for a future after the oil industry has been destroyed.
Finally, I want to give you a report from one of APC’s activists in Iowa who just attended a public meeting hosted by Summit Industries, one of the primary forces behind building the pipeline.
As she pummeled them with questions as to why they were doing this, they have few answers. They hemmed and they hawed. They had no real knowledge about Climate Change and or why the farm land will be destroyed.
They sheepishly indicated that they were following the rules set how by the Iowa Utility Board. That isn’t so – because the Utility Board Doe4sn’t make laws!
The only real answer they had to explain why they were doing this is that there was money provided in Biden’s horrible “Infrastructure” bill, recently passed by Congress.
So – Now we know. We are going to destroy the oil industry. Destroy valuable farmland and our food supply because… THERE IS FEDERAL TAX MONEY AVAILABLE!!!!
The American Policy Center is leading the fight to stop this outrage.
Just recently I interviewed former Iowa Congressman Steve King, along with our leading Iowa activist Tammy Kobaz, on my new Catching Fire News program to reveal all of the outrageous details of the CO2 pipeline.
If we can stop these CO2 pipelines is will be a major first step in stopping the Great Reset and reestablishing our nation’s protection of private property.
Most importantly – it will save us from starvation and tyranny!
Will you help me lead this battle? No other national organization is yet working on this effort. I can only do this with your financial support!
It’s URGENT! Please send your contribution for this fight today! I need you. Please help support our fight For Our Freedom!
Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center
Thousands of farmers across the Midwest will lose their land to eminent domain to make way for this crazy pipeline.
Powerful forces are stepping up their drive for a CO2 pipeline that will destroy farmland!Richard, will you help me lead this battle? I can only do that with your support. Here are the details...The push is on! The idiotic plan to enforce a pipeline across some of America’s most valuable farmland for the purpose of “capturing” carbon emissions and driving it into the ground is gaining momentum.
As I reported earlier, the excuse for this bogus scheme is to stop Climate Change by getting rid of CO2. Of course, CO2 is very natural and plants need it.
Plus, there is no scientific evidence anywhere to be found to back up the claims of man-made Climate Change. It’s the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on human society.
The pipeline is set to go straight across thousands of acres of our nation’s most valuable farmland – taking it out of our vital food supply production. These forces plan to just take the farmland by force.
Now we find two new players in the plot.
First is Jess Vilsak – he is the son of Biden’s Secretary of Agriculture. That fact alone gives him major influence to push this pipeline forward. Obviously, the Biden cabal is behind this.
Second, it’s incredible to report that a new player in the game is North Dakota’s biggest oil driller – Continental Resources. They have pledged $250m million to help build the pipeline.
There is only one sound reason for an oil driller to invest in its own demise – they are planning for a future after the oil industry has been destroyed.
Finally, I want to give you a report from one of APC’s activists in Iowa who just attended a public meeting hosted by Summit Industries, one of the primary forces behind building the pipeline.
As she pummeled them with questions as to why they were doing this, they have few answers. They hemmed and they hawed. They had no real knowledge about Climate Change and or why the farm land will be destroyed.
They sheepishly indicated that they were following the rules set how by the Iowa Utility Board. That isn’t so – because the Utility Board Doe4sn’t make laws!
The only real answer they had to explain why they were doing this is that there was money provided in Biden’s horrible “Infrastructure” bill, recently passed by Congress.
So – Now we know. We are going to destroy the oil industry. Destroy valuable farmland and our food supply because… THERE IS FEDERAL TAX MONEY AVAILABLE!!!!
The American Policy Center is leading the fight to stop this outrage.
Just recently I interviewed former Iowa Congressman Steve King, along with our leading Iowa activist Tammy Kobaz, on my new Catching Fire News program to reveal all of the outrageous details of the CO2 pipeline.
If we can stop these CO2 pipelines is will be a major first step in stopping the Great Reset and reestablishing our nation’s protection of private property.
Most importantly – it will save us from starvation and tyranny!
Will you help me lead this battle? No other national organization is yet working on this effort. I can only do this with your financial support!
It’s URGENT! Please send your contribution for this fight today! I need you. Please help support our fight For Our Freedom!
Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center