• Remember the saying, "Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see"?

    Well ... that's now changed. Now it's "Believe nothing you hear nor see."

    I've said this before and now it appears it's ready: holograms in the sky are going to be used against the world population. It may be an alleged alien invasion, or it could be the return of Jesus, but mark my words -- they WILL produce something so believable that the vast majority of the population will fall for it.

    As to the return of Jesus, those who know the Bible and it's prediction know that the world population will NOT see Jesus in the clouds as HE raptures believers before the Tribulation begins and the Beast shows itself so if this is what is used, do NOT believe it. Instead, read Revelation so you know what's coming . . .
    Remember the saying, "Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see"? Well ... that's now changed. Now it's "Believe nothing you hear nor see." I've said this before and now it appears it's ready: holograms in the sky are going to be used against the world population. It may be an alleged alien invasion, or it could be the return of Jesus, but mark my words -- they WILL produce something so believable that the vast majority of the population will fall for it. As to the return of Jesus, those who know the Bible and it's prediction know that the world population will NOT see Jesus in the clouds as HE raptures believers before the Tribulation begins and the Beast shows itself so if this is what is used, do NOT believe it. Instead, read Revelation so you know what's coming . . .
    0 Comments 0 Shares 458 Views 0 Reviews
  • Unearthing a Lost Piece of Biblical History
    In a groundbreaking intersection of technology and ancient history, scholars have uncovered a hidden chapter of the Bible within a 1,750-year-old Syriac manuscript preserved in the Vatican Library. Using ultraviolet (UV) light, researchers revealed traces of erased writing—a palimpsest—buried beneath layers of overwritten text. This painstaking process illuminated an earlier version of scripture, lost to time but now reintroduced to the world.
    Unearthing a Lost Piece of Biblical History In a groundbreaking intersection of technology and ancient history, scholars have uncovered a hidden chapter of the Bible within a 1,750-year-old Syriac manuscript preserved in the Vatican Library. Using ultraviolet (UV) light, researchers revealed traces of erased writing—a palimpsest—buried beneath layers of overwritten text. This painstaking process illuminated an earlier version of scripture, lost to time but now reintroduced to the world. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/new-chapter-bible-was-found-hidden-inside-1750-year-old-text
    A New Chapter Of The Bible Was Found Hidden Inside 1,750-Year-Old Text
    Preserved in an ancient Syriac manuscript, the chapter challenges long-held assumptions about biblical texts and their seemingly static nature...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 294 Views 0 Reviews
  • Meet the Real Adolf Hitler!!
    Hitler was a Rothschild!!
    Alois Hitler, father of Adolf, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber and Baron Rothschild.
    Salomon Mayer von Rothschild (1774-1855)
    Fuehrer Adolf Hitler was the Grandson of Freiherr Salomon Mayer von Rothschild, the head of the Viennese Rothschild Banking Dynasty
    Meet the Real Adolf Hitler!! Hitler was a Rothschild!! Alois Hitler, father of Adolf, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber and Baron Rothschild. https://www.reformation.org/adolf-hitler.html Salomon Mayer von Rothschild (1774-1855) Fuehrer Adolf Hitler was the Grandson of Freiherr Salomon Mayer von Rothschild, the head of the Viennese Rothschild Banking Dynasty 05/11/2012 https://destination-yisrael.biblesearchers.com/destination-yisrael/2012/05/-fuehrer-adolf-hitler-was-the-grandson-of-freiherr-salomon-mayer-von-rothschild-the-head-of-the-vien.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 329 Views 0 Reviews
  • Kamala Harris explaining the Bible went exactly as well as you'd expect https://notthebee.com/article/kamala-harris-explaining-the-bible-goes-exactly-as-well-as-youd-expect via @Not_the_Bee
    Kamala Harris explaining the Bible went exactly as well as you'd expect https://notthebee.com/article/kamala-harris-explaining-the-bible-goes-exactly-as-well-as-youd-expect via @Not_the_Bee
    Kamala Harris explaining the Bible went exactly as well as you'd expect
    There's nothing I love more than communists quoting the Bible to try and pander to people who dare to worship God, rather than equity.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 208 Views 0 Reviews
  • Globalists satanists that are trying to conquer the world right now, are very well versed in inverting all God's natural laws like trust, truth, forgiveness and getting us to switch our trust roles from the beneficiary to the trustee. Before we know who we are, if they can eliminate mankind (they are trying) from the earth by changing our DNA and all other methods, the Roman Vatican as the trustee can take all of our equity that God has granted to us as the Beneficiaries of His kingdom. But God has given us the gift of life through His son, pursue Him and you will inherit your birthright to all of God's equity that was granted to us, as He Jesus Christ is the debt that was paid for our iniquity. Pursue Him with all your soul and might and he will reveal the secrets of how to escape the darkness that is about to come.


    Amo 3:7
    Certainly the Lord GOD does nothing Unless He reveals His secret plan To His servants the prophets.

    Luke 21:36
    But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”


    I just wrote this today, Enjoy!
    Globalists satanists that are trying to conquer the world right now, are very well versed in inverting all God's natural laws like trust, truth, forgiveness and getting us to switch our trust roles from the beneficiary to the trustee. Before we know who we are, if they can eliminate mankind (they are trying) from the earth by changing our DNA and all other methods, the Roman Vatican as the trustee can take all of our equity that God has granted to us as the Beneficiaries of His kingdom. But God has given us the gift of life through His son, pursue Him and you will inherit your birthright to all of God's equity that was granted to us, as He Jesus Christ is the debt that was paid for our iniquity. Pursue Him with all your soul and might and he will reveal the secrets of how to escape the darkness that is about to come. https://www.jimandjanean.com/home/2022/9/7/receiving-the-secret-things-of-god Amo 3:7 Certainly the Lord GOD does nothing Unless He reveals His secret plan To His servants the prophets. Luke 21:36 But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Escaping-Evil https://www.gotquestions.org/does-God-use-evil.html I just wrote this today, Enjoy! 🙌🙏♥️
    0 Comments 0 Shares 767 Views 0 Reviews
  • To understand the banking cartel that has us all trapped and enslaved, including Bible Scriptures, listen to this.

    To understand the banking cartel that has us all trapped and enslaved, including Bible Scriptures, listen to this. https://youtu.be/KlG_r6Cc9uM?si=6gJnHDnSlaZOTfA6
    0 Comments 0 Shares 322 Views 0 Reviews
  • Just got this from a well versed associate and he is 100% spot on:

    "The difficulty of attempting a true dialog with a committed Postmodernist [I would say a liberal], no matter their discipline (medicine, law, science, psychology, history—you name it) is that “truth” really has no objective meaning. The mantra is, “Well that may be your truth, but it is not mine”. I am sure you have heard this actually articulated in conversations you have with colleagues. Everything is seen through an ideological lens. One of the great frustrations for those of us who have been engaged in countering “The Great COVID Disaster” and its sister, “The Great Ethical Collapse”, is the thought, if we just submitted enough DATA, of course they would listen. They didn’t, and they won’t. This has nothing to do with “data”. “Critical theory”, no matter where it is applied, is, ironically, the antithesis of “critical thinking”.

    For a Postmodernist, an individual, a scientific theory or a national policy has absolutely nothing to do with facts…only with “truth”, and truth is defined by ideology. Biden said as much on the stump in Iowa in 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15RjcRJ3Z70

    We have already arrived at a version of 1984. Inconvenient studies, no matter how scientifically valid, like those dealing with early treatment of COVID, are just cancelled, like their proponents, because they don’t fit the ideology. Web pages are “disappeared” if they are inconvenient for the political ideology of those in power or those who disagree with you.

    We are closer to the Abyss than I think most people realize. Unless an objective definition of truth, based on facts, is re-established. We really have no future. If our society survives, we will enter a period of time like that of the “religious” persecution of Galileo or The Inquisition. Neither had anything to do with God. They were evil, not good. Based on power, not truth. So far the burning at the stake has only concerned one’s professional life, but if this spills over into political power……Antifa and the pro-Hamas hatred of Israel and Jews is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a roiling mass of evil in our society, just below the surface… Every once in a while, we get glimpses of it.

    Unfortunately, if you read the final book of the Bible or take Isaiah at his word that there will come a time when good is called evil and evil good, and if you believe it (I do), a terrible collapse will happen one day. All we can do is forestall it a bit. I think we can, and we should.
    Just got this from a well versed associate and he is 100% spot on: "The difficulty of attempting a true dialog with a committed Postmodernist [I would say a liberal], no matter their discipline (medicine, law, science, psychology, history—you name it) is that “truth” really has no objective meaning. The mantra is, “Well that may be your truth, but it is not mine”. I am sure you have heard this actually articulated in conversations you have with colleagues. Everything is seen through an ideological lens. One of the great frustrations for those of us who have been engaged in countering “The Great COVID Disaster” and its sister, “The Great Ethical Collapse”, is the thought, if we just submitted enough DATA, of course they would listen. They didn’t, and they won’t. This has nothing to do with “data”. “Critical theory”, no matter where it is applied, is, ironically, the antithesis of “critical thinking”. For a Postmodernist, an individual, a scientific theory or a national policy has absolutely nothing to do with facts…only with “truth”, and truth is defined by ideology. Biden said as much on the stump in Iowa in 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15RjcRJ3Z70 We have already arrived at a version of 1984. Inconvenient studies, no matter how scientifically valid, like those dealing with early treatment of COVID, are just cancelled, like their proponents, because they don’t fit the ideology. Web pages are “disappeared” if they are inconvenient for the political ideology of those in power or those who disagree with you. We are closer to the Abyss than I think most people realize. Unless an objective definition of truth, based on facts, is re-established. We really have no future. If our society survives, we will enter a period of time like that of the “religious” persecution of Galileo or The Inquisition. Neither had anything to do with God. They were evil, not good. Based on power, not truth. So far the burning at the stake has only concerned one’s professional life, but if this spills over into political power……Antifa and the pro-Hamas hatred of Israel and Jews is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a roiling mass of evil in our society, just below the surface… Every once in a while, we get glimpses of it. Unfortunately, if you read the final book of the Bible or take Isaiah at his word that there will come a time when good is called evil and evil good, and if you believe it (I do), a terrible collapse will happen one day. All we can do is forestall it a bit. I think we can, and we should.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 935 Views 0 Reviews
  • Réfléchissez à ceci:
    Ils ont écrit dans la bible qu'au dernier repas, Jésus aurait dit:
    « Prenez, ceci est mon corps. »
    Question: Qui sont ceux qui mangent des corps humains?
    Réponse: les cannibals - magie noire
    On continu:
    *Puis, ayant pris une coupe et ayant rendu grâce, il la leur donna, et ils en burent tous. Et il leur dit
    « Ceci est mon sang"
    Question: Qui sont ceux qui boivent le sang des corps humains?
    Réponse: les cannibals - magie noire
    On continu:
    " le sang de l’Alliance, versé pour la multitude."
    Question: Le sang de quelle Alliance, versé pour la multitude?
    Réponse: l'Alliance de toute les sociétés secrète créé par le Vatican, le Vatican(NAZI) étant l'Empire Romain, l'Empire Romain est sous le règne de satan.
    La suite:
    Question: Quel est le terme d'origine de "amen"?
    Réponse: le mot Amen ne devrait pas être ajouté à la fin d’une prière, car il s’agit du nom d’un dieu égyptien, qui signifie « le caché ».
    Cette divinité de l’Égypte est mentionnée dans Nahum 3:8 comme peuplée de No. Et dans Jérémie 46:25 en tant que mutitude de No. Dans la Concordance des Forts, en hébreu #527 , comme amown, populeux et multitude. Et #528 Amown un dieu égyptien, à l’origine le dieu local de Thèbes, plus tard chef du panthéon égyptien.
    https://discover.hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/Amen (anglais)
    La cerise sur le sundae:
    " je vous le dis : je ne boirai plus du fruit de la vigne, jusqu’au jour où je le boirai, nouveau, dans le royaume de Dieu. »
    Questions: Étant donné que Jésus était un Humain Saint, Fils de La Source Divine, comment vous expliquez qu'il boirait de l'alcool venant d'un fruit?
    Comment vous expliquez qu'Il suggèrerait d'utiliser les paraboles de "prenez mon corps", "ceci est mon sang", le "sang de l'Alliance" et pourquoi Jésus dirait "amen" après une prière lorsque ce terme vient d'une religion païenne et non de son Père Éternel, Dieu de Toute Création Organique, La Source Universelle ?
    Avez-vous les réponses?
    Réfléchissez à ceci: Ils ont écrit dans la bible qu'au dernier repas, Jésus aurait dit: « Prenez, ceci est mon corps. » 👉 Question: Qui sont ceux qui mangent des corps humains? Réponse: les cannibals - magie noire On continu: *Puis, ayant pris une coupe et ayant rendu grâce, il la leur donna, et ils en burent tous. Et il leur dit 😘 « Ceci est mon sang" 👉 Question: Qui sont ceux qui boivent le sang des corps humains? Réponse: les cannibals - magie noire On continu: " le sang de l’Alliance, versé pour la multitude." 👉Question: Le sang de quelle Alliance, versé pour la multitude? Réponse: l'Alliance de toute les sociétés secrète créé par le Vatican, le Vatican(NAZI) étant l'Empire Romain, l'Empire Romain est sous le règne de satan. La suite: "Amen" 👉 Question: Quel est le terme d'origine de "amen"? Réponse: le mot Amen ne devrait pas être ajouté à la fin d’une prière, car il s’agit du nom d’un dieu égyptien, qui signifie « le caché ». Cette divinité de l’Égypte est mentionnée dans Nahum 3:8 comme peuplée de No. Et dans Jérémie 46:25 en tant que mutitude de No. Dans la Concordance des Forts, en hébreu #527 , comme amown, populeux et multitude. Et #528 Amown un dieu égyptien, à l’origine le dieu local de Thèbes, plus tard chef du panthéon égyptien. https://discover.hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/Amen (anglais) La cerise sur le sundae: " je vous le dis : je ne boirai plus du fruit de la vigne, jusqu’au jour où je le boirai, nouveau, dans le royaume de Dieu. » 👉Questions: Étant donné que Jésus était un Humain Saint, Fils de La Source Divine, comment vous expliquez qu'il boirait de l'alcool venant d'un fruit? Comment vous expliquez qu'Il suggèrerait d'utiliser les paraboles de "prenez mon corps", "ceci est mon sang", le "sang de l'Alliance" et pourquoi Jésus dirait "amen" après une prière lorsque ce terme vient d'une religion païenne et non de son Père Éternel, Dieu de Toute Création Organique, La Source Universelle ? Avez-vous les réponses?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 792 Views 0 Reviews
  • More proof that the KJV of the Bible is nothing but lies and fake
    More proof that the KJV of the Bible is nothing but lies and fake https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr6bAYab/

    Yeshua (ישוע code2GOD 386) is the name assigned to the Messiah and the Son of GOD by YHWH, meaning "salvation." It is distinct from Yehoshua (יהושע), the name of the prophet, which means "YHWH will save." How did we get to "Jesus" if the original name given by GOD is Yeshua (ישוע, salvation)? 300 bc: The name Greek name "Iēsous" is a mix-up mistake of Yeshua (ישוע, salvation) and Yehoshua (יהושע, YHWH will save). 1611 ac: King James made up the name “Jesus,” similar to how he fabricated terms like “unicorn.” If you love and respect Yeshua, use the meaningful name assigned to him by GOD and his parents—the name he was born with and died with. Yeshua (ישוע) is code2GOD 386, packed with divine meaning, unlike the fabricated name "Jesus," which lacks meaning or code2GOD. HOY.zone/YESHUA We are the Original Bible Foundation. The world's most credible original Bible, code2GOD and GOD source. #GOD #Jesus #Yeshua #OriginalBible truth facts #Juravin

    ♬ original sound - Original Bible Foundation - Original Bible Foundation
    0 Comments 0 Shares 464 Views 0 Reviews
  • King James Bible in court, why you might ask??
    King James Bible in court, why you might ask?? https://www.facebook.com/share/v/ATJg1qFKBWmL5YnS/?mibextid=7F9bzA
    JE Lee - Very few people know this information. Deep and...
    Very few people know this information. Deep and very profound meaning in this video. 🙏Please Watch🙏 Qausi-Christian-Bible-Grammitical-Deception Perversion of language. Quasi Bible-Romley...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 312 Views 0 Reviews
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