• 2. FILE: #Demiurge #NewAge #LightWorker #MindManipulation #spirituality
    Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2
    By Cameron Day, on November 21st, 2013
    🧵 2. FILE: #Demiurge #NewAge #LightWorker #MindManipulation #spirituality (RETRIEVED WBM) Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2 By Cameron Day, on November 21st, 2013 https://web.archive.org/web/20170913102710/http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/11/21/tell-the-lords-of-karma-that-you-are-sovereign-no-longer-a-lightworker-part-2/
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  • 1. FILE: #Demiurge #NewAge #LightWorker #MindManipulation #Spirituality
    Why I Am No Longer a Light Worker (Part 1)
    By Cameron Day, on August 23rd, 2013
    "Written by Cameron Day from ascensionhelp.com, exposing the beings of false Light that have deceived spiritual followers, including the Ascended Masters and Galactic Federation of Light. How to break free from their influence and bring an end to their control of humanity."
    🧵 1. FILE: #Demiurge #NewAge #LightWorker #MindManipulation #Spirituality (RETRIEVED WBM) Why I Am No Longer a Light Worker (Part 1) By Cameron Day, on August 23rd, 2013 "Written by Cameron Day from ascensionhelp.com, exposing the beings of false Light that have deceived spiritual followers, including the Ascended Masters and Galactic Federation of Light. How to break free from their influence and bring an end to their control of humanity." https://web.archive.org/web/20170917084922/http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/08/23/why-i-am-no-longer-a-light-worker/
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  • http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/writings/news.php?q=1669935870



    NOTE: Patrick told me to repost this article which was written several years ago. The question and answer is timeless and fits today as it did when the letter was written . It was Patrick's desire to get the Truth out as presented in the Phoenix Journals. He never diverted from that Mission. Both of us hope his message will awaken someone, for God is very pleased when even ONE person finds the Truth. ......Anne

    I have receiveda hand written letter from a gentleman, which I now quote.

    Dear Patrick Bellringer,

    What is the LIE? Many times I see that in the Journals . Hatonn says that we are people of the LIE. Can you state in clear terms what is the LIE, that he is talking about?

    Maybe you could say something on Bellringer’s Corner. Sorry about the messy letter. I had a stroke January 20, 2014, and it took most of my numbers and spelling and reading. It is coming back, but not too soon for me.

    [End quoting]

    To answer the question, “What is the Lie” is a very big order. Where do I start? Many writers have written about the Lie, and many prophets have spoken of the Lie. More than 247 Phoenix Journals were originally written to explain the Lie.

    The statement, “People of the Lie” is an all encompassing statement. “People” refers to the people of this last 3D civilization on our planet, Earth Shan, and “the Lie” includes millions of lies told to the “people” over many centuries. It all began with Lucifer, the highest Archangel in the Realms of Light. He was not content to be like Creator God Aton of Light, he wanted to be him.

    Lucifer’s ego and freewill choices were his downfall. His negative energy he created clashed with the positive energy of Heaven, causing him such tension and pain he chose to leave and return to the third dimension, taking a third of his angel followers with him.

    Lucifer and his negative followers roamed the Cosmos, destroying the happiness on planet after planet, until Creator God Aton said, “Enough!” Lucifer was ordered to choose one planet for his placement, which would become his “jail planet”. So, Lucifer and his angels of Darkness chose our planet, the beautiful blue water planet, the supply planet for this section of the Cosmos, for their home. Thus, Lucifer was re-named Satan, and our planet became known as Shan, the planet of tears.

    Lucifer/Satan and his followers brought chaos and destruction and Dark Energies to Shan. Creator God Aton called them “The Serpent People”, and from them “The Lie” was born. From then on nearly everything told the people was a lie. Aton sent prophet after prophet, and Truthbringer after Truthbringer to bring the Truth to the people of Shan, but in their ignorance and deception, the people scorned the Truth and killed the messengers.

    One of these Truthbringers came to Shan as Buddha, and returned later as Esu Immanuel, and again as the Pale Prophet to the American Indians. Esu Immanuel had great impact on this civilization. This enraged Lucifer/Satan, who worked hard with his minions to destroy both Esu Immanuel and his message of Truth.

    The Truth was distorted and filled with lies by Satan’s followers to fool the people. Saul/Paul changed Esu’s name to Jesus Christ and wrote fiction of Esu’s life and message of Truth. The Serpent People compiled writings into a cannon or Bible of their “Truth”. The stories of the Old Testament were of the Israelites or Serpent People and their God Jehovah Satan, all done to fool the people.

    The followers of the fake Jesus Christ called themselves, “Christians”, and Christianity was born. These Christians believe the Bible to be Truth, and became “People of the Lie!” Two thousand years passed on Shan, and lies and Darkness (Dark Energies) covered the Earth. Esu Immanuel returned to Shan in 1954 aboard the command ship for the Pleiadian Star Fleet, The Phoenix, as he said he would, to bring Truth one last time to set the record straight.

    A few Lightworkers were called to Tehachapi, California to the Valley of Radiance, a short wave radio system was provided to receive messages from Esu Immanuel Sananda and Hatonn and the Ascended Masters aboard The Phoenix, and the Phoenix Journals were created. Through Fourwinds10.com the truth of these Journals has gone out to the four corners of Shan in these “Last Days”, just as Esu Immanuel said would happen.
    http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/writings/news.php?q=1669935870 TO FOURWINDS READERS FROM PATRICK H. BELLRINGER - PEOPLE OF THE LIE - DECEMBER 9, 2022 PATRICK H. BELLRINGER - 12-9-22 NOTE: Patrick told me to repost this article which was written several years ago. The question and answer is timeless and fits today as it did when the letter was written . It was Patrick's desire to get the Truth out as presented in the Phoenix Journals. He never diverted from that Mission. Both of us hope his message will awaken someone, for God is very pleased when even ONE person finds the Truth. ......Anne I have receiveda hand written letter from a gentleman, which I now quote. Dear Patrick Bellringer, What is the LIE? Many times I see that in the Journals . Hatonn says that we are people of the LIE. Can you state in clear terms what is the LIE, that he is talking about? Maybe you could say something on Bellringer’s Corner. Sorry about the messy letter. I had a stroke January 20, 2014, and it took most of my numbers and spelling and reading. It is coming back, but not too soon for me. [End quoting] To answer the question, “What is the Lie” is a very big order. Where do I start? Many writers have written about the Lie, and many prophets have spoken of the Lie. More than 247 Phoenix Journals were originally written to explain the Lie. The statement, “People of the Lie” is an all encompassing statement. “People” refers to the people of this last 3D civilization on our planet, Earth Shan, and “the Lie” includes millions of lies told to the “people” over many centuries. It all began with Lucifer, the highest Archangel in the Realms of Light. He was not content to be like Creator God Aton of Light, he wanted to be him. Lucifer’s ego and freewill choices were his downfall. His negative energy he created clashed with the positive energy of Heaven, causing him such tension and pain he chose to leave and return to the third dimension, taking a third of his angel followers with him. Lucifer and his negative followers roamed the Cosmos, destroying the happiness on planet after planet, until Creator God Aton said, “Enough!” Lucifer was ordered to choose one planet for his placement, which would become his “jail planet”. So, Lucifer and his angels of Darkness chose our planet, the beautiful blue water planet, the supply planet for this section of the Cosmos, for their home. Thus, Lucifer was re-named Satan, and our planet became known as Shan, the planet of tears. Lucifer/Satan and his followers brought chaos and destruction and Dark Energies to Shan. Creator God Aton called them “The Serpent People”, and from them “The Lie” was born. From then on nearly everything told the people was a lie. Aton sent prophet after prophet, and Truthbringer after Truthbringer to bring the Truth to the people of Shan, but in their ignorance and deception, the people scorned the Truth and killed the messengers. One of these Truthbringers came to Shan as Buddha, and returned later as Esu Immanuel, and again as the Pale Prophet to the American Indians. Esu Immanuel had great impact on this civilization. This enraged Lucifer/Satan, who worked hard with his minions to destroy both Esu Immanuel and his message of Truth. The Truth was distorted and filled with lies by Satan’s followers to fool the people. Saul/Paul changed Esu’s name to Jesus Christ and wrote fiction of Esu’s life and message of Truth. The Serpent People compiled writings into a cannon or Bible of their “Truth”. The stories of the Old Testament were of the Israelites or Serpent People and their God Jehovah Satan, all done to fool the people. The followers of the fake Jesus Christ called themselves, “Christians”, and Christianity was born. These Christians believe the Bible to be Truth, and became “People of the Lie!” Two thousand years passed on Shan, and lies and Darkness (Dark Energies) covered the Earth. Esu Immanuel returned to Shan in 1954 aboard the command ship for the Pleiadian Star Fleet, The Phoenix, as he said he would, to bring Truth one last time to set the record straight. A few Lightworkers were called to Tehachapi, California to the Valley of Radiance, a short wave radio system was provided to receive messages from Esu Immanuel Sananda and Hatonn and the Ascended Masters aboard The Phoenix, and the Phoenix Journals were created. Through Fourwinds10.com the truth of these Journals has gone out to the four corners of Shan in these “Last Days”, just as Esu Immanuel said would happen.
    [NEW] UPDATE PART 13b: TO FOURWINDS READERS FROM PATRICK H. BELLRINGER~~~PEOPLE OF THE LIE [with Comment by Anne Bellringer]~~~DECEMBER 9, 2022 >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds
    https://www.gofundme.com/f/memorial-fund-for-emil-c-muhlh12-9-22[NEW] UPDATE PART 13b: TO FOURWINDS READERS FROM PATRICK H. BELLRINGER~~~TO ALL LIGHTWORKERS~~~DECEMBER 9, 2022PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: I ...read more
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  • http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/spiritual/specific_channelings/sananda/news.php?q=1668632399
    SANANDA - 12-9-22


    Today’s message is about the turning of Mother Earth. She has been holding off time after time. The Lightworkers are wondering why she hasn’t turned over, as she promised to do so several times. Allays, she was adamant about turning on her axis but reneged at the last minute.

    I have talked to the moon several times. Finally, I decided to give her a vision of what she would look like when she graduated to 5th dimension, She was amazed, as her future showed a growling earth like a sun. She saw gorgeous trees. mountains and all kinds of flowers, trees and shrubs. The mountains were tremendously tall and a sight to see. Those that peopled her were taking great care of all animals and everything created. There was no evil war of killing but everyone lived in Love and Harmony.

    After that vision, at the requests\ of my Lightworkers, I gave her a vision of her future if she did not turn on her axis. A horrible smell like a sewer wafted through the polluted atmosphere that almost took her breath away. In addition, that Mother Earth saw the degradation and utmost evil she never imagined. Earth looked bedraggled, worn out and utterly at death’s door.

    I said “Is this what you want to be in the near future? Is this your demanding goal?”

    By this time, Earth was crying and said. ”Oh, no! Am I at that doorway?” I replied, “I am sorry to tell you that you are at the very edge of that vision. You are to make a choice of which vision you want. Every time you make a date to turn over and renege at doing what you promised, = you have been going toward that scenario.

    I do think my analogy got through to Mother Earth. She saw with certainty that if she did not turn to shine like a sun, her future would be most evil and run by Satan’s minions.

    Mother Earth cried out in agony and said, “I have set a date and by the will of God Aton, who created me, I shall go forth and shine like a sun”.

    I replied. “All upon your surface now are taken care of by the Lighted Realms. Not even a blade of grass has been left behind. You have your freewill to choose either way. Remember every time you have not done what you promised, you slide further “down the rabbit hole. I am delighted that you are turning to the Light. Bless you Dear Mother Earth!” Mother Earth’s agony and fear immediately dissipated.

    May all of you, who read this message, please say a prayer for Mother Earth, that she make the right choice of graduating to a higher dimension and will not be afraid of doing so, Mother Ear is satisfied that she wishes to graduate and the Lightworkers are to be lifted off. She waits a few more days.

    My blessings to all!


    http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/spiritual/specific_channelings/sananda/news.php?q=1668632399 SANANDA - 12-9-22 MESSAGE FROM - IMMANUEL 'JESUS' SANANDA - MOTHER EARTH - DECEMBER 9, 2022 SANANDA: I AM THE ONE YOU CALLED ‘JESUS’ IMMANUEL. MY CREATOR CALLS ME SANANDA. I AM THE ONE WHOM YOU AWAIT. I AM THAT I AM, I AM SANANDA. Today’s message is about the turning of Mother Earth. She has been holding off time after time. The Lightworkers are wondering why she hasn’t turned over, as she promised to do so several times. Allays, she was adamant about turning on her axis but reneged at the last minute. I have talked to the moon several times. Finally, I decided to give her a vision of what she would look like when she graduated to 5th dimension, She was amazed, as her future showed a growling earth like a sun. She saw gorgeous trees. mountains and all kinds of flowers, trees and shrubs. The mountains were tremendously tall and a sight to see. Those that peopled her were taking great care of all animals and everything created. There was no evil war of killing but everyone lived in Love and Harmony. After that vision, at the requests\ of my Lightworkers, I gave her a vision of her future if she did not turn on her axis. A horrible smell like a sewer wafted through the polluted atmosphere that almost took her breath away. In addition, that Mother Earth saw the degradation and utmost evil she never imagined. Earth looked bedraggled, worn out and utterly at death’s door. I said “Is this what you want to be in the near future? Is this your demanding goal?” By this time, Earth was crying and said. ”Oh, no! Am I at that doorway?” I replied, “I am sorry to tell you that you are at the very edge of that vision. You are to make a choice of which vision you want. Every time you make a date to turn over and renege at doing what you promised, = you have been going toward that scenario. I do think my analogy got through to Mother Earth. She saw with certainty that if she did not turn to shine like a sun, her future would be most evil and run by Satan’s minions. Mother Earth cried out in agony and said, “I have set a date and by the will of God Aton, who created me, I shall go forth and shine like a sun”. I replied. “All upon your surface now are taken care of by the Lighted Realms. Not even a blade of grass has been left behind. You have your freewill to choose either way. Remember every time you have not done what you promised, you slide further “down the rabbit hole. I am delighted that you are turning to the Light. Bless you Dear Mother Earth!” Mother Earth’s agony and fear immediately dissipated. May all of you, who read this message, please say a prayer for Mother Earth, that she make the right choice of graduating to a higher dimension and will not be afraid of doing so, Mother Ear is satisfied that she wishes to graduate and the Lightworkers are to be lifted off. She waits a few more days. My blessings to all! SALU ESU I8JMMANUEL ‘JESUS’ SANANDA
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  • http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/spiritual/specific_channelings/creator_source/hatonn_-_aton/news.php?q=1669230470


    I AM ATON.Perhaps you might wish to look up that label for it might prove to be quite important to you. I shall see to it that these instructions are carried forth, so I suggest there be no toying with this as some game of sorts to be discounted at your next little seminar gathering of the flying saucer clubs and crystal worshipers. Your time of playing at star readings, Ouija boards and Taro, to seek your fortunes, is over.
    Earth is going to plod right through evolution, transition, tribulation, new "birthing" and new "berthing" just as written. You need no psychic reader to tell you how it will be. You can hide your head in your sand bucket; it will change nothing.
    There are detailed and magnificent plans in operation to cause the transition to be quite survivable and workable for those of you who so choose to work with us and not in the enemy camp. The Evil Forces shall be met and stopped but it will be a most unpleasant confrontation.
    The Master Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda is returned and awaits the appointed time. If you want information, I suggest heartily that you contact America West Publishers for any and all information. We will be printing it in numerous volumes as fast as our scribes can receive.
    I dedicate this work to all who have taken a stand for truth. I also dedicate it to our beloved Sister Thedra who has labored day and night as a hand scribe to beloved Sananda for over forty years.
    And of course, my infinite love and appreciation to Dharma, who works hours each and every day in our service. This is but a tiny portion of her works. I so honor my small circle who are in the building of physical foundations and yet also see to it that these words are carried forth in truth and dispersment. Also to those who give such unselfish support in so many other ways without which help we could not proceed. Blessings be yours, little ones, as ye are cherished beyond thy ability to comprehend. I so look forward to the day I can give you public credit for your service and yet allow for your security. Know that your names are written on the tablets of the Book of Life. There shall, however, come the day when you shall have thy works made known unto thy fellow men.
    I request this book be brought to the public with all haste for the physical protection of some of thy brothers rests heavily upon its promptness.
    http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/spiritual/specific_channelings/creator_source/hatonn_-_aton/news.php?q=1669230470 MESSAGE FROM GYEORGOS CERES HATONN COMMANDER IN CHIEF - MESSAGE TO ALL SOULS AND LIGHTWORKERS - THESE LAST HOUR HATONN 11-30-22 MESSAGE TO ALL SOULS AND LIGHTWORKERS - NOW I SHALL TELL YOU WHO I AM IN MY HIGHER POWER - NOVEMBER 30, 2022 I AM ATON.Perhaps you might wish to look up that label for it might prove to be quite important to you. I shall see to it that these instructions are carried forth, so I suggest there be no toying with this as some game of sorts to be discounted at your next little seminar gathering of the flying saucer clubs and crystal worshipers. Your time of playing at star readings, Ouija boards and Taro, to seek your fortunes, is over. Earth is going to plod right through evolution, transition, tribulation, new "birthing" and new "berthing" just as written. You need no psychic reader to tell you how it will be. You can hide your head in your sand bucket; it will change nothing. There are detailed and magnificent plans in operation to cause the transition to be quite survivable and workable for those of you who so choose to work with us and not in the enemy camp. The Evil Forces shall be met and stopped but it will be a most unpleasant confrontation. The Master Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda is returned and awaits the appointed time. If you want information, I suggest heartily that you contact America West Publishers for any and all information. We will be printing it in numerous volumes as fast as our scribes can receive. I dedicate this work to all who have taken a stand for truth. I also dedicate it to our beloved Sister Thedra who has labored day and night as a hand scribe to beloved Sananda for over forty years. And of course, my infinite love and appreciation to Dharma, who works hours each and every day in our service. This is but a tiny portion of her works. I so honor my small circle who are in the building of physical foundations and yet also see to it that these words are carried forth in truth and dispersment. Also to those who give such unselfish support in so many other ways without which help we could not proceed. Blessings be yours, little ones, as ye are cherished beyond thy ability to comprehend. I so look forward to the day I can give you public credit for your service and yet allow for your security. Know that your names are written on the tablets of the Book of Life. There shall, however, come the day when you shall have thy works made known unto thy fellow men. I request this book be brought to the public with all haste for the physical protection of some of thy brothers rests heavily upon its promptness. I PLACE MY SEAL UPON THESE WRITINGS OF TRUTH. YOU ONES MUST AWAKEN NOW FOR YOU HAVE SLEPT TOO LONG AND YOUR WORLD IS CRUMBLING DOWN AROUND THY FEET. YOU ARE IN THE FINAL COUNTDOWN. I AM ATON
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  • http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/writings/news.php?q=1667685484


    I sense that many good people, readers of Fourwinds, are discouraged, worried, fearful, or even feeling hopeless about your world and your country. The problems are many, and solutions never seem to come.

    The Zionists appear to be closing in more with each new day. The Dark energies are the ones controlling the U.S. Government. Their evil plan is to control the Cosmos, and they think that they have won. However, the Lightworkers have made a tremendous difference in their plans, and have thwarted so many of them that they are starving for the evil food which they cannot find. However, evil NEVER stops until they are forced from their last home on Earth by her graduation.

    Many other of the U.S. Government clones surrounded the cloned Biden, and he is controlled and only doing what his Masters demand. Of course, there are claims that he is being misled by disinformation, or mind controlled, or even poisoned by the Deep State to do their bidding. This is true, for the real Biden is on the Astral Plane and sorry for what his controlled clone is doing.

    I can tell you right now that most people on Earth at this time are clones. Back in 1989 and the 1990’a Hatonn said that 69% of the people were clones, and are without a soul. When a clone marries a clone they reproduce another clone. Got the ....
    http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/writings/news.php?q=1667685484 TO FOURWINDS READERS FROM PATRICK H. BELLRINGER - TO ALL LIGHTWORKERS AND ALL SOULS - NOVEMBER 28, 2022 . NEVER GIVE UP!!! I sense that many good people, readers of Fourwinds, are discouraged, worried, fearful, or even feeling hopeless about your world and your country. The problems are many, and solutions never seem to come. The Zionists appear to be closing in more with each new day. The Dark energies are the ones controlling the U.S. Government. Their evil plan is to control the Cosmos, and they think that they have won. However, the Lightworkers have made a tremendous difference in their plans, and have thwarted so many of them that they are starving for the evil food which they cannot find. However, evil NEVER stops until they are forced from their last home on Earth by her graduation. Many other of the U.S. Government clones surrounded the cloned Biden, and he is controlled and only doing what his Masters demand. Of course, there are claims that he is being misled by disinformation, or mind controlled, or even poisoned by the Deep State to do their bidding. This is true, for the real Biden is on the Astral Plane and sorry for what his controlled clone is doing. I can tell you right now that most people on Earth at this time are clones. Back in 1989 and the 1990’a Hatonn said that 69% of the people were clones, and are without a soul. When a clone marries a clone they reproduce another clone. Got the ....
    https://www.gofundme.com/f/memorial-fund-for-emil-c-muhlhausen11-28-22NEVER GIVE UP!!!PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: I AM THAT I AM. I AM PATRICK H BELLRINGER OF THE LIGHTED REALMS. I sense that many good peo...read more
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  • http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/nesara_updates/news.php?q=1665067258


    I greet all souls today and I tell you how much all are greatly loved by the Lighted Realms. Oh, that all souls would wake up to the great LIE under which they live! I speak of those asleep. I do not mean physical sleep, but how they are living and thinking, and are completely unaware of the great Lie they are living without realization of such

    What is the great lie? It is thinking and believing that living on Earth is the only life each person has ever had, not realizing that each person volunteered to come to Earth for great soul growth and to help Mother Earth graduate to a higher dimension.

    Many ones have followed the false guide and told it is the exact Word of God, but it is filled with twisted Truth, lies, and some truth so that people cannot tell the difference between Truth and Lie. I refer to the Bible!

    God has sent his best people to tell of the real Truth and given the great guide to proper living. These are the Phoenix Journals. Many ones are so tied to the Bible they are closed to change and call the Journals of Satan or the Devil. They are told that they shall be raptured up to the clouds to be with “Jesus” which is not even his name.

    It is not until many pass on that they realize they must stand alone. and judge themselves how well they have lived the 18 (not10) Laws of God and Creation. It is not until then that they realized they have followed Satan’s War Book, the Bible, and lived in the LIE, thinking it is Truth. They realize that they rejected the Truth give to them and threw it in the trash can.

    These ones realized that they have great lessons to learn and must forgive themselves and ask God to forgive them and not be angry and distraught, for that will keep them on the lower Astral Plane until they work through forgiveness of what they did living a physical life on Earth with no regard they are a soul have a physical experience jfor soul growth.

    Let me tell you that the Lower Astral Plans are like hell.

    What can one do to help those on the Astral Plane, especially the lower Plane? You can pray for their soul and that they forgive themselves.

    If anyone had a glimpse of the Astral Plane at this time, they would find it silent and all reading the Journals with avid attention. Many thousands have graduated at this time and I am the one to keep track of each soul. There are an untold stack of files to organized. My older sister who recently passed is a great help for she was an organizer, and her help is most appreciated.

    I am most grateful for Sananda’s Flock helping in every way they can with Mother Earth, the Moon and the entire Cosmos. They shall very soon be taken home to the Lighted Realms. for we are at the ending hours of this civilization. All of Heaven rejoices for their help, so I encourage Sananda’s Flock to not give up but to let them know that their work is about finished.

    My words to the Lightworkers: stay focused, centered. balanced and calm.

    May all chalices be filled with Liquid Love, Light, Wisdom an Knowledge.
    http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/nesara_updates/news.php?q=1665067258 MESSAGE TO ALL LIGHTWORKERS AND SOULS - MESSAGE TO ALL SOULS - OCTOBER 29,2022 PATRICK H, BELLRINGER - I AM THAT I AM. I AM PATICK BELLRINGER OF THE LIGHTED REALMS. I greet all souls today and I tell you how much all are greatly loved by the Lighted Realms. Oh, that all souls would wake up to the great LIE under which they live! I speak of those asleep. I do not mean physical sleep, but how they are living and thinking, and are completely unaware of the great Lie they are living without realization of such What is the great lie? It is thinking and believing that living on Earth is the only life each person has ever had, not realizing that each person volunteered to come to Earth for great soul growth and to help Mother Earth graduate to a higher dimension. Many ones have followed the false guide and told it is the exact Word of God, but it is filled with twisted Truth, lies, and some truth so that people cannot tell the difference between Truth and Lie. I refer to the Bible! God has sent his best people to tell of the real Truth and given the great guide to proper living. These are the Phoenix Journals. Many ones are so tied to the Bible they are closed to change and call the Journals of Satan or the Devil. They are told that they shall be raptured up to the clouds to be with “Jesus” which is not even his name. It is not until many pass on that they realize they must stand alone. and judge themselves how well they have lived the 18 (not10) Laws of God and Creation. It is not until then that they realized they have followed Satan’s War Book, the Bible, and lived in the LIE, thinking it is Truth. They realize that they rejected the Truth give to them and threw it in the trash can. These ones realized that they have great lessons to learn and must forgive themselves and ask God to forgive them and not be angry and distraught, for that will keep them on the lower Astral Plane until they work through forgiveness of what they did living a physical life on Earth with no regard they are a soul have a physical experience jfor soul growth. Let me tell you that the Lower Astral Plans are like hell. What can one do to help those on the Astral Plane, especially the lower Plane? You can pray for their soul and that they forgive themselves. If anyone had a glimpse of the Astral Plane at this time, they would find it silent and all reading the Journals with avid attention. Many thousands have graduated at this time and I am the one to keep track of each soul. There are an untold stack of files to organized. My older sister who recently passed is a great help for she was an organizer, and her help is most appreciated. I am most grateful for Sananda’s Flock helping in every way they can with Mother Earth, the Moon and the entire Cosmos. They shall very soon be taken home to the Lighted Realms. for we are at the ending hours of this civilization. All of Heaven rejoices for their help, so I encourage Sananda’s Flock to not give up but to let them know that their work is about finished. My words to the Lightworkers: stay focused, centered. balanced and calm. May all chalices be filled with Liquid Love, Light, Wisdom an Knowledge.
    GOFUNDME: https://www.gofundme.com/f/memorial-fund-for-emil-c-muhlhausen10-29-22[NEW] TO FOURWINDS READERS FROM PATRICK H. BELLRINGER~~~MESSAGE TO ALL LIGHTWORKERS AND SOULS~~~MESSAGE TO ALL SOULS~~~O...read more
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  • http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/spiritual/specific_channelings/sananda/news.php?q=1608820027 10-8-22
    ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Greetings to all of you enlightened ones. I amTHE MIGHTY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL of the Heavenly Realms. It is only a few times I have asked to speak and give a message to all of you. At this time I have asked Anne to write this message. She is very humble as she has never done this before, nor have I ever asked anyone on your orb to pen a message from me. In fact, the many gurus that have said they channeled in my name are false, as these ones are not my chelas nor am I the one whom they channeled. They are hearing messages from the 4tth dimension entities and say it is from me.

    At this time I speak to Anne to tell her that I am a great warrior of Light. By my own volition I came to assist Hatonn and his crew to clean up and take care of those evil entities that have attacked the Command Ship, many other starships and my dear enlightened one, J. With my mighty sword of Justice I have cleaned up this debris and scattered the remains to the void.

    By my righteous sword I stand guard over Sananda's Flock, the starships and especially those of Sananda's flock, who are highly enlightened, as these ones are attacked with vengeance the most.

    Yes, the evil ones care not for those, who are still in slumber and have not awakened to the Truth. They care about those enlightened ones, especially the ones at the top of the flock that need "taking out".

    Anne has and is going through an infection bug that has made life miserable for her the last two weeks. In spite of all she has kept Fourwinds running. She is getting better, thanks to we of the Lighted Realms.

    You all are wondering about the situation at hand with Mr. Trump. He is in safe keeping at this time, but for the sake of protection I will not reveal where he is, except he is in control of all and the plan that was made many years ago is coming into fruition at this very moment. That, my friends is to bring back America as a Republic.

    He was the one picked by the military years ago to be the one to carry out this mission, and he was trained very well for that impossible job.

    You ones must not believe the lying MSM nor any of the shenanigans going on with the Demoncrats in Congress. Although they are gleeful of being "totally in charge" it is only a facade of authority in which they believe. The wheels of justice turn slowly but they turn surely.

    The waiting is almost over. Patrick has always said that balance must be brought before Mother Earth turns over to a 5D planet. At this point in time it is like a race to the finish line between becoming a Republic or Mother Earth dumping everything.

    All I can say at this time is that you ones,including Mr. Trump, are given one day at a time. You have only one 24 hour day to to the best you can to accomplished your mission. Earth Shan is a planet of freewill. Take these last days to do the best you can.

    Mr. Trump is doing the same each day that he has in front of him. The same is for you to live the Laws of God the best that you can each day.

    Do not be concerned or worry about the present events. Continue your prayers for Mr. Trump and all working with him, and keep yourself on the Red Road of Truth.

    I stand with my mighty sword of protection over all events here and especially the Lightworkers, even though there are some, who never think of me in that way.

    I am the loud voice in the wilderness. Stay the course to the last minute. Walk beside me and Sananda, and we shall arrive victoriously in spite of all the attacks from the DDB's.
    http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/spiritual/specific_channelings/sananda/news.php?q=1608820027 10-8-22 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Greetings to all of you enlightened ones. I amTHE MIGHTY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL of the Heavenly Realms. It is only a few times I have asked to speak and give a message to all of you. At this time I have asked Anne to write this message. She is very humble as she has never done this before, nor have I ever asked anyone on your orb to pen a message from me. In fact, the many gurus that have said they channeled in my name are false, as these ones are not my chelas nor am I the one whom they channeled. They are hearing messages from the 4tth dimension entities and say it is from me. At this time I speak to Anne to tell her that I am a great warrior of Light. By my own volition I came to assist Hatonn and his crew to clean up and take care of those evil entities that have attacked the Command Ship, many other starships and my dear enlightened one, J. With my mighty sword of Justice I have cleaned up this debris and scattered the remains to the void. By my righteous sword I stand guard over Sananda's Flock, the starships and especially those of Sananda's flock, who are highly enlightened, as these ones are attacked with vengeance the most. Yes, the evil ones care not for those, who are still in slumber and have not awakened to the Truth. They care about those enlightened ones, especially the ones at the top of the flock that need "taking out". Anne has and is going through an infection bug that has made life miserable for her the last two weeks. In spite of all she has kept Fourwinds running. She is getting better, thanks to we of the Lighted Realms. You all are wondering about the situation at hand with Mr. Trump. He is in safe keeping at this time, but for the sake of protection I will not reveal where he is, except he is in control of all and the plan that was made many years ago is coming into fruition at this very moment. That, my friends is to bring back America as a Republic. He was the one picked by the military years ago to be the one to carry out this mission, and he was trained very well for that impossible job. You ones must not believe the lying MSM nor any of the shenanigans going on with the Demoncrats in Congress. Although they are gleeful of being "totally in charge" it is only a facade of authority in which they believe. The wheels of justice turn slowly but they turn surely. The waiting is almost over. Patrick has always said that balance must be brought before Mother Earth turns over to a 5D planet. At this point in time it is like a race to the finish line between becoming a Republic or Mother Earth dumping everything. All I can say at this time is that you ones,including Mr. Trump, are given one day at a time. You have only one 24 hour day to to the best you can to accomplished your mission. Earth Shan is a planet of freewill. Take these last days to do the best you can. Mr. Trump is doing the same each day that he has in front of him. The same is for you to live the Laws of God the best that you can each day. Do not be concerned or worry about the present events. Continue your prayers for Mr. Trump and all working with him, and keep yourself on the Red Road of Truth. I stand with my mighty sword of protection over all events here and especially the Lightworkers, even though there are some, who never think of me in that way. I am the loud voice in the wilderness. Stay the course to the last minute. Walk beside me and Sananda, and we shall arrive victoriously in spite of all the attacks from the DDB's. I WIN. GOD WINS. YOU WIN! AHO! ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.
    - MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds
    10-10-22 MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAELARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Greetings to all of you enlightened ones. I amTHE MIGHTY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL of the Heavenly Realms. It is only a few times I have asked to spea...read more
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  • What Are The Phoenix Journals?

    to download from the site PDF OCR FILES - Phoenix Source Distributors

    to download from fourwinds10 site - http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/

    Many People have asked us what the Phoenix Journals are.

    They contain the true history (his-story) of mankind on this planet as well as detailed information about the most asked about and wondered about subjects (i.e., Spirituality, E.T.'s, our origin, our purpose here on this planet, etc.). Commander Hatonn, and the other Higher Spiritual Teachers who have authored these Journals, weave spiritual lessons and insights throughout the unveiling of lies which have been deceptively forced upon us, throuhout time, by the Elite anti-Christ controllers. These Journals are the "Dead Sea Scrolls" of our time. Their importance for the growth of mankind cannot be overstated. They are the textbooks of understanding which God promised us we would have, to guide us through the "End Times".

    Mission Statement

    The Four Winds and The Phoenix Archives websites are committed to giving Truth to the people of our world and to revealing the lies under which we of Planet Earth have been living for thousands of years.

    This website has been established by a family of Truthbringers who are willing to risk all for the sake of freely giving Truth to anyone seeking Truth on this planet. They are assisting to fulfill the promise that Esu Immanuel made 2000 years ago, when he said that at the end of the age, Truth would be presented one more time to the “four corners of the earth”—thus the “FourWinds” and "Phoenix Archives" websites. Our objectives are:

    1. To reveal the evil secret Plan 2000 for total world control by our present evil world leaders.

    2. To reveal to the world’s people that Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000. God Aton and His Forces of Light will not do it for us but will work with us, as we responsibly confront evil in our day and change the “ending of the play.”

    3. To reveal the evil world leaders’ cover-up of off-world humans (our ancestors) who are here in starships in Earth’s atmosphere at this time, and who have come with good intent to help us prevent the evil Plan 2000 from being accomplished, and to help us establish the New Age of Enlightenment.

    4. To reveal the Truth presently being given to our civilization:

    a. How to change the age-old prophecies, e.g. how to change the ending of this civilization without the prophesied final destruction occurring.

    b. How to prepare for our future survival, if necessary, against coming Earth changes.

    c. How to heal ourselves from any disease or ailment by using our power within, in combination with those things provided by Creator God for our healing.

    d. How to have total and permanent protection for ourselves and our families against all darkside energies, entities and technology.

    e. How to change what is and create our way, through the power of our God-Spirit within. This includes bringing balance and harmony again to our "Mother Earth and ushering in the New Age of Peace and Enlightenment.

    f. How to assist our Planet Earth in her transition into fifth dimension by 2012.

    g. How to make our own transition into fifth dimension and the Age of Enlightenment without experiencing physical death and returning to another 3D lifestream.

    5. To assist Truthseekers, Lightworkers, and Truthbringers alike in their search for and presentation of Truth.

    6. To spread the Truth from Creator God Aton of Light to the “Four Corners of the Planet Earth” via the “Fourwinds” website (http://www.fourwinds10.com) and the Phoenix Archives website (http://www.phoenixarchives.com).
    What Are The Phoenix Journals? http://phoenixarchives.com/html/information.html#journals to download from the site PDF OCR FILES - Phoenix Source Distributors http://phoenixsourcedistributors.com/html/phoenix_journals_-manual_ocr-.html http://phoenixsourcedistributors.com/html/phoenix_journals.html to download from fourwinds10 site - http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/ Many People have asked us what the Phoenix Journals are. They contain the true history (his-story) of mankind on this planet as well as detailed information about the most asked about and wondered about subjects (i.e., Spirituality, E.T.'s, our origin, our purpose here on this planet, etc.). Commander Hatonn, and the other Higher Spiritual Teachers who have authored these Journals, weave spiritual lessons and insights throughout the unveiling of lies which have been deceptively forced upon us, throuhout time, by the Elite anti-Christ controllers. These Journals are the "Dead Sea Scrolls" of our time. Their importance for the growth of mankind cannot be overstated. They are the textbooks of understanding which God promised us we would have, to guide us through the "End Times". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mission Statement The Four Winds and The Phoenix Archives websites are committed to giving Truth to the people of our world and to revealing the lies under which we of Planet Earth have been living for thousands of years. This website has been established by a family of Truthbringers who are willing to risk all for the sake of freely giving Truth to anyone seeking Truth on this planet. They are assisting to fulfill the promise that Esu Immanuel made 2000 years ago, when he said that at the end of the age, Truth would be presented one more time to the “four corners of the earth”—thus the “FourWinds” and "Phoenix Archives" websites. Our objectives are: 1. To reveal the evil secret Plan 2000 for total world control by our present evil world leaders. 2. To reveal to the world’s people that Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000. God Aton and His Forces of Light will not do it for us but will work with us, as we responsibly confront evil in our day and change the “ending of the play.” 3. To reveal the evil world leaders’ cover-up of off-world humans (our ancestors) who are here in starships in Earth’s atmosphere at this time, and who have come with good intent to help us prevent the evil Plan 2000 from being accomplished, and to help us establish the New Age of Enlightenment. 4. To reveal the Truth presently being given to our civilization: a. How to change the age-old prophecies, e.g. how to change the ending of this civilization without the prophesied final destruction occurring. b. How to prepare for our future survival, if necessary, against coming Earth changes. c. How to heal ourselves from any disease or ailment by using our power within, in combination with those things provided by Creator God for our healing. d. How to have total and permanent protection for ourselves and our families against all darkside energies, entities and technology. e. How to change what is and create our way, through the power of our God-Spirit within. This includes bringing balance and harmony again to our "Mother Earth and ushering in the New Age of Peace and Enlightenment. f. How to assist our Planet Earth in her transition into fifth dimension by 2012. g. How to make our own transition into fifth dimension and the Age of Enlightenment without experiencing physical death and returning to another 3D lifestream. 5. To assist Truthseekers, Lightworkers, and Truthbringers alike in their search for and presentation of Truth. 6. To spread the Truth from Creator God Aton of Light to the “Four Corners of the Planet Earth” via the “Fourwinds” website (http://www.fourwinds10.com) and the Phoenix Archives website (http://www.phoenixarchives.com).
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