• The Trudeau Report Card
    The Trudeau Report Card 🇨🇦#MarkCarneyCantBeTrusted🇨🇦 🇨🇦#NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP🇨🇦 🇨🇦#SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud🇨🇦 🇨🇦#JustSayNoMore🇨🇦 https://open.substack.com/pub/thenationaltelegraph/p/the-trudeau-report-card
    The Trudeau Report Card
    10 years under the Trudeau Blackface Regime - 10 years of Trudeau’s disastrous reign—identity politics, corruption, economic decline, and foreign meddling. How did Canada fall this far? See the shocking list of his worst ‘accomplishments’!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 45 Views 0 Reviews
  • This guide dives deep into building best-in-class crypto wallets with debit card integration in 2025, empowering you to create the next generation of financial tools.

    Source: https://www.antiersolutions.com/blogs/building-best-crypto-wallets-with-debit-card-integration-in-2025/

    #CryptocurrencyWalletDevelopment #Blockchain #Technology #Banking #Fintech #CeyptoWallet
    This guide dives deep into building best-in-class crypto wallets with debit card integration in 2025, empowering you to create the next generation of financial tools. Source: https://www.antiersolutions.com/blogs/building-best-crypto-wallets-with-debit-card-integration-in-2025/ #CryptocurrencyWalletDevelopment #Blockchain #Technology #Banking #Fintech #CeyptoWallet
    Building Best Crypto Wallets with Debit Card Integration in 2025
    This guide dives deep into building best-in-class crypto wallets with debit card integration in 2025, empowering you to create the next generation of financial tools.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 321 Views 0 Reviews
  • Mastercard intends to do away with the 16-digit number on their credit and debit cards and replace them with on-device biometrics and tokenization as part of a plan to quash identity theft and fraud. In Australia the initial rollout of these new numberless cards will be via a partnership with AMP Bank, but other banks are expected to follow over the next 12 months. Mastercard recently committed to phasing out manual card entry and static passwords by 2030 in favor of tokenization and biometrics, and to replace traditional authentication methods with on-device biometrics for users to authenticate purchases without exposing personal data online.
    Mastercard intends to do away with the 16-digit number on their credit and debit cards and replace them with on-device biometrics and tokenization as part of a plan to quash identity theft and fraud. In Australia the initial rollout of these new numberless cards will be via a partnership with AMP Bank, but other banks are expected to follow over the next 12 months. Mastercard recently committed to phasing out manual card entry and static passwords by 2030 in favor of tokenization and biometrics, and to replace traditional authentication methods with on-device biometrics for users to authenticate purchases without exposing personal data online. https://www.biometricupdate.com/202502/biometrics-tokenization-to-replace-credit-card-numbers-by-2030
    Biometrics, tokenization to replace credit card numbers by 2030
    Mastercard intends to do away with the 16-digit number on their credit and debit cards and replace them with on-device biometrics and tokenization.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 197 Views 0 Reviews
  • Will Europeans take back the freedoms that are theirs?

    Growing public outrage over mass immigration, draconian climate policies, and the imposition of ideologies alien to national traditions has led to the rise of parties challenging the EU’s globalist consensus. In response, the European establishment has intensified its offensive: any movement that questions Brussels’ agenda is immediately labeled as “far right”, “fascist”, or even “Nazi”.

    Anyone opposing the EU’s policies is presented as a threat to democracy when, in reality, what is at stake is the ability of European peoples to decide their future—if such a possibility even exists today.

    The tactic is cheap but at least transparent: use the figure of Trump as a scarecrow to justify the centralization of power in Brussels and delegitimize political movements that challenge the EU’s ideological hegemony.

    ​What we are witnessing is, in essence, a perfect excuse to push forward a project of forced integration that many Europeans have neither voted for nor approved. The supposed fight against populism is nothing more than a strategy to consolidate a political elite that refuses to accept that European societies are changing and that more and more citizens reject the progressive dogma imposed by Brussels.

    . .

    Will Europeans take back the freedoms that are theirs? Growing public outrage over mass immigration, draconian climate policies, and the imposition of ideologies alien to national traditions has led to the rise of parties challenging the EU’s globalist consensus. In response, the European establishment has intensified its offensive: any movement that questions Brussels’ agenda is immediately labeled as “far right”, “fascist”, or even “Nazi”. Anyone opposing the EU’s policies is presented as a threat to democracy when, in reality, what is at stake is the ability of European peoples to decide their future—if such a possibility even exists today. The tactic is cheap but at least transparent: use the figure of Trump as a scarecrow to justify the centralization of power in Brussels and delegitimize political movements that challenge the EU’s ideological hegemony. ​What we are witnessing is, in essence, a perfect excuse to push forward a project of forced integration that many Europeans have neither voted for nor approved. The supposed fight against populism is nothing more than a strategy to consolidate a political elite that refuses to accept that European societies are changing and that more and more citizens reject the progressive dogma imposed by Brussels. . . https://europeanconservative.com/articles/commentary/eu-plays-trump-card-to-advance-its-globalist-agenda/
    EU Plays Trump Card To Advance Its Globalist Agenda
    What we are witnessing is a perfect excuse to push forward a project of forced integration that Europeans have neither voted for nor approved.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 258 Views 0 Reviews
  • Explore the various types of white label crypto cards integrated in crypto banking solutions. Customize your cards with advanced features to enhnace customer engagement.

    Source: https://www.antiersolutions.com/blogs/optimizing-crypto-banking-ux-white-label-crypto-cards-for-100x-transactional-efficiency/
    Explore the various types of white label crypto cards integrated in crypto banking solutions. Customize your cards with advanced features to enhnace customer engagement. Source: https://www.antiersolutions.com/blogs/optimizing-crypto-banking-ux-white-label-crypto-cards-for-100x-transactional-efficiency/
    Optimizing Crypto Banking UX: White-Label Crypto Cards for 100x Transactional Efficiency
    Explore the various types of white label crypto cards integrated in crypto banking solutions. Customize your cards with advanced features to enhnace customer engagement.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 120 Views 0 Reviews
  • “As the Liberal leadership race begins, I note an outstanding issue for small business owners with one of the leading potential candidates,” wrote Dan Kelly, president of the CFIB in a post to X on Tuesday. “Unless something has changed in the last few days, Mr. Carney serves on the board of @stripe – a multinational firm that processes credit card transactions. Currently, Stripe stands in open defiance of Government of Canada rules requiring card processors to pass on recent Visa/Mastercard savings to small businesses.”
    “As the Liberal leadership race begins, I note an outstanding issue for small business owners with one of the leading potential candidates,” wrote Dan Kelly, president of the CFIB in a post to X on Tuesday. “Unless something has changed in the last few days, Mr. Carney serves on the board of @stripe – a multinational firm that processes credit card transactions. Currently, Stripe stands in open defiance of Government of Canada rules requiring card processors to pass on recent Visa/Mastercard savings to small businesses.” https://tnc.news/2025/01/18/carney-stripe-ire-small-business1/
    Carney’s involvement with Stripe triggers the ire of small businesses
    A small business advocacy group has called out Liberal leadership candidate Mark Carney for his involvement with a payment processor known for allegedly predatory practices.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 327 Views 0 Reviews
  • Sugary drinks are a major contributor to chronic health issues. A new study from Tufts University in Boston suggests that approximately one in 10 new cases of Type 2 diabetes and one in 30 new cases of cardiovascular disease are linked to sugary drinks. They found that from 1990 to 2020, sugary drinks caused 5 percent of all Type 2 diabetes deaths and 2 percent of all cardiovascular disease (CVD) deaths.
    Sugary drinks are a major contributor to chronic health issues. A new study from Tufts University in Boston suggests that approximately one in 10 new cases of Type 2 diabetes and one in 30 new cases of cardiovascular disease are linked to sugary drinks. They found that from 1990 to 2020, sugary drinks caused 5 percent of all Type 2 diabetes deaths and 2 percent of all cardiovascular disease (CVD) deaths. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/sugary-drinks-linked-millions-new-diabetes-and-heart-disease-cases
    Sugary Drinks Linked To Millions Of New Diabetes And Heart Disease Cases
    Developing nations bear the brunt of the sugary-drink health crisis...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 229 Views 0 Reviews
  • VOUS SOUVENEZ-VOUS QUAND les médias ont ri et avez-vous ridiculisé les gens pour avoir parlé de l'ivermectine ? Vous dites que c'est UNIQUEMENT pour les chevaux et les vaches ? Mais ILS savaient que c'était fait pour les gens, depuis 1987 ? SOUVENEZ-VOUS, les médias l'appelaient « Médecine du cheval ». Je me demande pourquoi ils ne vous l'ont pas dit…
    1 – il prévient les dommages causés par les médicaments créés à l'aide de la technologie de l'ARNm, bloque le entrée de Spike Protein dans les cellules et, si la personne a été vaccinée, elle peut se soigner elle-même pour les dommages déjà causés par l’ivermectine
    2 – Elle n’a que des effets bénéfiques et aucun effet nocif dans le traitement du virus C. En fait, avant même d’entrer la cellule, il a déjà détruit le virus dans le sang
    3 – il a une action anti-inflammatoire très puissante contre et a un impact puissant sur les blessures traumatiques et orthopédiques, il renforce les muscles et n’a pas d’effets secondaires comme les corticostéroïdes
    4 – il traite les maladies auto-immunes maladies telles que : polyarthrite rhumatoïde, spondylarthrite ankylosante, fibromyalgie, psoriasis, maladie de Crohn, rhinite allergique
    5 – il améliore les niveaux d'immunité chez les patients atteints de cancer et traite l'herpès simplex et l'herpès zoster, en plus réduit la fréquence des sinusites et diverticulites
    6 – il protège le cœur en cas de surcharge cardiaque Dans une embolie par exemple, il prévient l'hypoxie cardiaque car il stimule la production d'énergie de base afin que le tissu ne soit pas détruit et améliore ainsi la fonction cardiaque
    7 – il est antiparasitaire, antinéoplasique (anticancéreux), il supprime la prolifération et les métastases des cellules cancéreuses, préserve les cellules saines et améliore l'efficacité de traitement de chimiothérapie
    8 - il tue les cellules cancéreuses résistantes à la chimiothérapie, vainquant la résistance aux multiples chimiothérapies que développent les tumeurs, et combiné à la chimiothérapie et/ou à des agents anticancéreux, il permet d'augmenter l'efficacité de ces traitements
    9 - il est antimicrobien (bactéries et virus) et augmente l’immunité
    10 – il atteint le système nerveux central et régénère les nerfs
    11 – il aide à réguler le glucose, le métabolisme de l’insuline, les taux de cholestérol et réduit la graisse du foie en stéatose
    12 - il peut être utilisé comme agent prophylactique et a été associé à une réduction significative des taux d'infection, d'hospitalisation et de mortalité dus au C-19.
    En vente libre avant février 2020 et encore disponible en Amérique du Sud et au Mexique. Posez vous des questions...
    VOUS SOUVENEZ-VOUS QUAND les médias ont ri et avez-vous ridiculisé les gens pour avoir parlé de l'ivermectine ? Vous dites que c'est UNIQUEMENT pour les chevaux et les vaches ? Mais ILS savaient que c'était fait pour les gens, depuis 1987 ? SOUVENEZ-VOUS, les médias l'appelaient « Médecine du cheval ». Je me demande pourquoi ils ne vous l'ont pas dit… 1 – il prévient les dommages causés par les médicaments créés à l'aide de la technologie de l'ARNm, bloque le entrée de Spike Protein dans les cellules et, si la personne a été vaccinée, elle peut se soigner elle-même pour les dommages déjà causés par l’ivermectine 2 – Elle n’a que des effets bénéfiques et aucun effet nocif dans le traitement du virus C. En fait, avant même d’entrer la cellule, il a déjà détruit le virus dans le sang 3 – il a une action anti-inflammatoire très puissante contre et a un impact puissant sur les blessures traumatiques et orthopédiques, il renforce les muscles et n’a pas d’effets secondaires comme les corticostéroïdes 4 – il traite les maladies auto-immunes maladies telles que : polyarthrite rhumatoïde, spondylarthrite ankylosante, fibromyalgie, psoriasis, maladie de Crohn, rhinite allergique 5 – il améliore les niveaux d'immunité chez les patients atteints de cancer et traite l'herpès simplex et l'herpès zoster, en plus réduit la fréquence des sinusites et diverticulites 6 – il protège le cœur en cas de surcharge cardiaque Dans une embolie par exemple, il prévient l'hypoxie cardiaque car il stimule la production d'énergie de base afin que le tissu ne soit pas détruit et améliore ainsi la fonction cardiaque 7 – il est antiparasitaire, antinéoplasique (anticancéreux), il supprime la prolifération et les métastases des cellules cancéreuses, préserve les cellules saines et améliore l'efficacité de traitement de chimiothérapie 8 - il tue les cellules cancéreuses résistantes à la chimiothérapie, vainquant la résistance aux multiples chimiothérapies que développent les tumeurs, et combiné à la chimiothérapie et/ou à des agents anticancéreux, il permet d'augmenter l'efficacité de ces traitements 9 - il est antimicrobien (bactéries et virus) et augmente l’immunité 10 – il atteint le système nerveux central et régénère les nerfs 11 – il aide à réguler le glucose, le métabolisme de l’insuline, les taux de cholestérol et réduit la graisse du foie en stéatose 12 - il peut être utilisé comme agent prophylactique et a été associé à une réduction significative des taux d'infection, d'hospitalisation et de mortalité dus au C-19. En vente libre avant février 2020 et encore disponible en Amérique du Sud et au Mexique. Posez vous des questions... https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid069xGztKWvKHH5TVMu4FyBgbtm1dm9ktMBsinUM5tiR6r4oaEXYudwdag3fs6F5Xjl&id=100074282648065
    0 Comments 0 Shares 414 Views 0 Reviews
  • Triple Citizen Liberal MP Plays "Victim Card" Politics In Canada!
    “At least 56 foreign-born members, 22 with dual or triple citizenship, hold seats in House of Commons, and Senate.”
    Triple Citizen Liberal MP Plays "Victim Card" Politics In Canada! “At least 56 foreign-born members, 22 with dual or triple citizenship, hold seats in House of Commons, and Senate.” 🇨🇦#NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP🇨🇦 🇨🇦#SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud🇨🇦 🇨🇦#resigntrudeau🇨🇦 🇨🇦#JustSayNoMore🇨🇦 https://open.substack.com/pub/bradsalzberg/p/triple-citizen-liberal-mp-plays-victim
    Triple Citizen Liberal MP Plays "Victim Card" Politics In Canada
    “At least 56 foreign-born members, 22 with dual or triple citizenship, hold seats in House of Commons, and Senate.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 238 Views 0 Reviews
    HENRY FORD'S 1941 HEMP CARD: STRONGER THAN STEAL, LIGHTER THAN FIBERGLASS! 💖 https://odysee.com/@DarknessToLight.111:b/Co6bJUDOzyoL:1
    0 Comments 0 Shares 180 Views 0 Reviews
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