• James Corbett appears on the SLOBODNI podcast on Z1 TV in Croatia to discuss the Future of Food,
    James Corbett appears on the SLOBODNI podcast on Z1 TV in Croatia to discuss the Future of Food, https://www.activistpost.com/2024/09/james-corbett-dissects-the-food-crisis-on-the-slobodni-podcast.html
    James Corbett Dissects the Food Crisis on the SLOBODNI Podcast - Activist Post
    James Corbett discusses the future of food and some key solutions for the crisis in this one-hour interview.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 178 Views 0 Reviews
  • https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-croatian-parliament-presentation?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
    0 Comments 0 Shares 368 Views 0 Reviews
  • https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-croatian-parliament-presentation?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
    0 Comments 1 Shares 443 Views 0 Reviews
  • International COVID Summit III: Day One links to the summary by Dr. Robert Malone of the first day of the third International COVID Summit. On May 15, Dr. Malone emailed Videos: The International Covid Summit III in the European Parliament, Brussels. The full videos are linked to further below with the speaker lists and time stamped presentation titles. The International Covid Summit team is made up of Medical Specialists and Lawyers from the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, India, Italy, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, UK, and USA.
    International COVID Summit III: Day One links to the summary by Dr. Robert Malone of the first day of the third International COVID Summit. On May 15, Dr. Malone emailed Videos: The International Covid Summit III in the European Parliament, Brussels. The full videos are linked to further below with the speaker lists and time stamped presentation titles. The International Covid Summit team is made up of Medical Specialists and Lawyers from the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, India, Italy, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, UK, and USA. https://www.activistpost.com/2023/05/international-covid-summit-iii-summary-videos.html
    International COVID Summit III: Summary Videos - Activist Post
    For those that missed all or part of the 8 hours of testimony, here are videos of the morning and afternoon sessions...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4K Views 0 Reviews
  • We are organizing an International COVID Summit in the European Parliament in Brussels on May 3, 2023. This event is aimed to comprehensively and objectively look at important details surrounding COVID-19 and the pandemic. The International Covid Summit team is made up of medical specialists and lawyers from the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, India, Italy, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, UK, and USA.
    We are organizing an International COVID Summit in the European Parliament in Brussels on May 3, 2023. This event is aimed to comprehensively and objectively look at important details surrounding COVID-19 and the pandemic. The International Covid Summit team is made up of medical specialists and lawyers from the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, India, Italy, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, UK, and USA. https://www.activistpost.com/2023/05/international-covid-summit-iii-may-3.html
    International COVID Summit III: May 3 - Activist Post
    Overall, this will be three-day event from May 2-4. May 3rd will be a full day of testimony in the European Parliament.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4K Views 0 Reviews
  • “Information has appeared in the media that Croats want and expect Croatian paper euro banknotes. Not only are there no Croatian euro banknotes, which is a minor problem, but we are not aware that we have given up our currency without any resistance and that we are handing over our monetary sovereignty to someone else. The Croatians are experiencing quite a nasty surprise: After joining the EU at the beginning of the year, the country has now also introduced the euro – as a result, prices are going up steeply. Many Croatians are venting their anger on social media.
    “Information has appeared in the media that Croats want and expect Croatian paper euro banknotes. Not only are there no Croatian euro banknotes, which is a minor problem, but we are not aware that we have given up our currency without any resistance and that we are handing over our monetary sovereignty to someone else. The Croatians are experiencing quite a nasty surprise: After joining the EU at the beginning of the year, the country has now also introduced the euro – as a result, prices are going up steeply. Many Croatians are venting their anger on social media. https://freewestmedia.com/2023/01/08/the-introduction-of-the-euro-causes-prices-to-skyrocket-in-croatia/
    The introduction of the euro causes prices to skyrocket in Croatia
    The Croatians are experiencing quite a nasty surprise: After joining the EU at the beginning of the year, the country has now also introduced the euro – as a result, prices are going up steeply. Many Croatians are venting their anger on social media.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 951 Views 0 Reviews
  • Here's a little factual tidbit for you about NATO, the Ukraine and Russia. Sadly, we've been getting propaganda instead of actual history. Learn:

    * The US State Dept. records show that the US assured the Soviet Union upon the reunification of East and West Germany that "there would be no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east."

    * Bill Clinton & the US Gov't chose to interpret that as applying ONLY INSIDE RE-UNIFIED GERMANY. That is what set into motion the massive eastward expansion of NATO right to the border of Russia.

    * In December of the next year, the Soviet Union dissolved itself on Christmas Day. Since the Soviet Union then no longer existed, there was FACTUALLY no reason for NATO to continue to exist. NATO was created to protect Western Europe from Soviet Communism. That ended Christmas Day, 1991 and NATO should have dissolved with it.

    * Nine years later, under Clinton, our 'assurances' against NATO expansion when right out the window, i.e. WE LIED. In 1999, NATO admitted former Soviet States Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Then in 2004, under Pres. George W. Bush, he undermined his own father's Presidential assurances and NATO admitted former Soviet states Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. (How's that for honorable?)

    * At the time, there was not much Russia could do about it. They were still repairing the damage of 70+ years of Communist rule AND still paying off DEBTS of the former Soviet Union. (I'll bet you didn't know that Russia honored all the old Soviet debts, did you?)

    * In 2009, NATO expanded yet again by adding Albania and Croatia.

    * In 2014, we (yes, WE, the US) overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich. (We financed and facilitated violent riots in the streets of Ukraine to do this.) Once the overthrow was complete, the US and EU financed the election of pro-western puppets in Ukraine so we could eventually bring Ukraine into NATO and put US missile defense inside Ukraine.

    * Russia made it clear at that point that Ukraine joining NATO was a 'red line' for them that they simply would not tolerate.

    * NATO (the US and EU) ignored Russia. NATO expanded again in 2017 by adding Montenegro and North Macedonia. They also formally began considering Ukraine and Georgia as NATO additions. Russia protested but was ignored.

    * In Dec. 2021, Russia put forth a Treaty proposal to obtain iron clad, legally enforceable security guarantees again NATO bringing in Ukraine. NATO laughed and threw the proposal away. Four days later Russia delivered the same Treaty Proposal via Diplomatic Courier to the White House, to #10 Downing Street in London and to the Presidents/Prime Ministers of all NATO countries. They stated "If Russia cannot obtain iron clad, legally enforceable security guarantees, it will obtain them by military or military-technical means."

    * The US and NATO responded 3 weeks later by, again, rejecting the treaty and essentially laughing over it. A month later Russia did exactly what they said they would do -- began a Special Military Operation to de-militarize and de-Nazify Ukraine.

    * We act stunned that Russia did what they said they would. We started helping Ukraine. And our meddling has not gotten us to the point where we are literally ONE MISTAKE AWAY from an actual nuclear war.

    * All of this occurred because we did not honor our assurances and we are attempting to surround Russia with NATO troops, bases and missiles.

    So, WHO is really the 'bad guy' here? HINT: It's not Russia . . .
    Here's a little factual tidbit for you about NATO, the Ukraine and Russia. Sadly, we've been getting propaganda instead of actual history. Learn: * The US State Dept. records show that the US assured the Soviet Union upon the reunification of East and West Germany that "there would be no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east." * Bill Clinton & the US Gov't chose to interpret that as applying ONLY INSIDE RE-UNIFIED GERMANY. That is what set into motion the massive eastward expansion of NATO right to the border of Russia. * In December of the next year, the Soviet Union dissolved itself on Christmas Day. Since the Soviet Union then no longer existed, there was FACTUALLY no reason for NATO to continue to exist. NATO was created to protect Western Europe from Soviet Communism. That ended Christmas Day, 1991 and NATO should have dissolved with it. * Nine years later, under Clinton, our 'assurances' against NATO expansion when right out the window, i.e. WE LIED. In 1999, NATO admitted former Soviet States Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Then in 2004, under Pres. George W. Bush, he undermined his own father's Presidential assurances and NATO admitted former Soviet states Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. (How's that for honorable?) * At the time, there was not much Russia could do about it. They were still repairing the damage of 70+ years of Communist rule AND still paying off DEBTS of the former Soviet Union. (I'll bet you didn't know that Russia honored all the old Soviet debts, did you?) * In 2009, NATO expanded yet again by adding Albania and Croatia. * In 2014, we (yes, WE, the US) overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich. (We financed and facilitated violent riots in the streets of Ukraine to do this.) Once the overthrow was complete, the US and EU financed the election of pro-western puppets in Ukraine so we could eventually bring Ukraine into NATO and put US missile defense inside Ukraine. * Russia made it clear at that point that Ukraine joining NATO was a 'red line' for them that they simply would not tolerate. * NATO (the US and EU) ignored Russia. NATO expanded again in 2017 by adding Montenegro and North Macedonia. They also formally began considering Ukraine and Georgia as NATO additions. Russia protested but was ignored. * In Dec. 2021, Russia put forth a Treaty proposal to obtain iron clad, legally enforceable security guarantees again NATO bringing in Ukraine. NATO laughed and threw the proposal away. Four days later Russia delivered the same Treaty Proposal via Diplomatic Courier to the White House, to #10 Downing Street in London and to the Presidents/Prime Ministers of all NATO countries. They stated "If Russia cannot obtain iron clad, legally enforceable security guarantees, it will obtain them by military or military-technical means." * The US and NATO responded 3 weeks later by, again, rejecting the treaty and essentially laughing over it. A month later Russia did exactly what they said they would do -- began a Special Military Operation to de-militarize and de-Nazify Ukraine. * We act stunned that Russia did what they said they would. We started helping Ukraine. And our meddling has not gotten us to the point where we are literally ONE MISTAKE AWAY from an actual nuclear war. * All of this occurred because we did not honor our assurances and we are attempting to surround Russia with NATO troops, bases and missiles. So, WHO is really the 'bad guy' here? HINT: It's not Russia . . .
    1 Comments 3 Shares 5K Views 0 Reviews
  • Deaths / million as of September 2022 and use of HCQ there.
    NOTE: The useage of HCQ is current usage -- some of that was different in the past.

    Use of HCQ in World Countries:
    L = Limited Use
    S = Mixed Usage
    W = Widely Used
    U = Unknown

    U .. Afghanistan ......... .191
    L .. Albania ............. 1248
    W .. Algeria ............. ..15
    U .. Angola .............. ..55
    S .. Argentina ........... 2814
    U .. Armenia ............. 2909
    L .. Australia ........... .532
    U .. Austria ............. 2130
    U .. Azerbaijan .......... .949
    W .. Bahrain ............. .828
    W .. Bangladesh .......... .174
    U .. Barbados ............ 1888
    W .. Belarus ............. .754
    L .. Belgium ............. 2780
    U .. Belize .............. 1646
    W .. Benin ............... ..13
    S .. Bolivia ............. 1847
    L .. Bosina/Herzegovina .. 4961
    U .. Botswana ............ 1132
    S .. Brazil .............. 3168
    U .. Brunei .............. .504
    U .. Bulgaria ............ 5501
    W .. Burkina Faso ........ ..17
    U .. Cambodia ............ .177
    W .. Cameroon ............ ..69
    L .. Canada .............. 1139
    L .. Cape Verde .......... ..17
    W .. Chad ................ ..11
    U .. Channel Islands ..... 1117
    L .. Chile ............... 3105
    W .. China ............... ...4
    W .. Columbia ............ 2719
    W .. Congo ............... ..66
    W .. Costa Rica .......... 1701
    U .. Croatia ............. 4123
    W .. Cuba ................ .754
    U .. Cyprus .............. .952
    W .. Czech Republic ...... 3796
    L .. Denmark ............. 1186
    W .. Djibouti ............ .185
    W .. Dominican Republic .. .396
    W .. Ethiopia ............ ..63
    L .. Ecuador ............. 1967
    W .. Egypt ............... .231
    S .. El Salvador ......... .644
    U .. Estonia ............. 1996
    U .. Eswatini ............ 1199
    U .. Finland ............. 1003
    L .. France .............. 2314
    U .. French Guiana ....... 1294
    U .. French Polynesia .... 2282
    U .. Fuji ................ .964
    W .. Gabon ............... .131
    W .. Georgia ............. 4251
    S .. Germany ............. 1745
    W .. Ghana ............... ..45
    W .. Greece .............. 3156
    U .. Guadeloupe .......... 2463
    L .. Guatemala ........... 1046
    W .. Guinea .............. ..32
    U .. Guyana .............. 1608
    W .. Haiti ............... ..72
    W .. Honduras ............ 1071
    U .. Hong Kong ........... 1270
    S .. Hungary ............. 4922


    Deaths / million as of September 2022 and use of HCQ there. NOTE: The useage of HCQ is current usage -- some of that was different in the past. Use of HCQ in World Countries: L = Limited Use S = Mixed Usage W = Widely Used U = Unknown USE .. COUNTRY .. DEATHS/MILLION -------------------------------- U .. Afghanistan ......... .191 L .. Albania ............. 1248 W .. Algeria ............. ..15 U .. Angola .............. ..55 S .. Argentina ........... 2814 U .. Armenia ............. 2909 L .. Australia ........... .532 U .. Austria ............. 2130 U .. Azerbaijan .......... .949 W .. Bahrain ............. .828 W .. Bangladesh .......... .174 U .. Barbados ............ 1888 W .. Belarus ............. .754 L .. Belgium ............. 2780 U .. Belize .............. 1646 W .. Benin ............... ..13 S .. Bolivia ............. 1847 L .. Bosina/Herzegovina .. 4961 U .. Botswana ............ 1132 S .. Brazil .............. 3168 U .. Brunei .............. .504 U .. Bulgaria ............ 5501 W .. Burkina Faso ........ ..17 U .. Cambodia ............ .177 W .. Cameroon ............ ..69 L .. Canada .............. 1139 L .. Cape Verde .......... ..17 W .. Chad ................ ..11 U .. Channel Islands ..... 1117 L .. Chile ............... 3105 W .. China ............... ...4 W .. Columbia ............ 2719 W .. Congo ............... ..66 W .. Costa Rica .......... 1701 U .. Croatia ............. 4123 W .. Cuba ................ .754 U .. Cyprus .............. .952 W .. Czech Republic ...... 3796 L .. Denmark ............. 1186 W .. Djibouti ............ .185 W .. Dominican Republic .. .396 W .. Ethiopia ............ ..63 L .. Ecuador ............. 1967 W .. Egypt ............... .231 S .. El Salvador ......... .644 U .. Estonia ............. 1996 U .. Eswatini ............ 1199 U .. Finland ............. 1003 L .. France .............. 2314 U .. French Guiana ....... 1294 U .. French Polynesia .... 2282 U .. Fuji ................ .964 W .. Gabon ............... .131 W .. Georgia ............. 4251 S .. Germany ............. 1745 W .. Ghana ............... ..45 W .. Greece .............. 3156 U .. Guadeloupe .......... 2463 L .. Guatemala ........... 1046 W .. Guinea .............. ..32 U .. Guyana .............. 1608 W .. Haiti ............... ..72 W .. Honduras ............ 1071 U .. Hong Kong ........... 1270 S .. Hungary ............. 4922 <continued>
    1 Comments 1 Shares 4K Views 0 Reviews
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    Add #TAPESTRI to your source of income. Earn at least $0.16+ every day without a bank with #TAPESTRI. You just need a smart phone and internet connection. Earn while you sleep and even when you are sick. https://refer.tapestri.io/a/zarachyah CODE: 615f69a77d42a #Australia #Austria #Belgium #Brazil #Bulgaria #Canada #Croatia #Cyprus #CzechRepublic #Denmark #Estonia #Finland #France #Germany #Gibraltar #Greece #HongKong #Hungary #India #Ireland #Italy #Japan #Latvia #Liechtenstein #Lithuania #Luxembourg #Malaysia #Malta #Mexico #Netherlands #NewZealand #Norway #Poland #Portugal #Romania #Singapore #Slovakia #Slovenia #Spain #Sweden #Switzerland #UnitedArabEmirates #UnitedKingdom #UnitedStates
    0 Comments 0 Shares 14K Views 0 Reviews
  • Croatian MEP has publicly proposed the EU to impose sanctions against the US and Saudi Arabia.

    “The incredible lie and hypocrisy that sanctions against oil and gas from Russia will help stop the fighting in Ukraine. If we were the ones really fighting for peace, then we should immediately impose sanctions against Saudi Arabia, which has been fomenting war in Yemen for several years. It would also be necessary to impose an embargo on oil and gas from the United States, which took part in more wars than any other European country,” said Mislav Kolakusic
    🇭🇷 Croatian MEP has publicly proposed the EU to impose sanctions against the US and Saudi Arabia. “The incredible lie and hypocrisy that sanctions against oil and gas from Russia will help stop the fighting in Ukraine. If we were the ones really fighting for peace, then we should immediately impose sanctions against Saudi Arabia, which has been fomenting war in Yemen for several years. It would also be necessary to impose an embargo on oil and gas from the United States, which took part in more wars than any other European country,” said Mislav Kolakusic
    0 Comments 0 Shares 937 Views 2 0 Reviews
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