• The idea of a ‘League of Nations’ that was floated after World War I was but one embodiment of this movement. Today’s United Nations (UN) was built on the League of Nations concept. The UN was created primarily to end war—by ending nations. The logic is that if there are no nations, then there can be no wars between nations. This was clearly stated in the United Nations’ ‘World Constitution’ with these words: ‘The age of nations must end. The governments of the nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they will surrender their arms.’
    The idea of a ‘League of Nations’ that was floated after World War I was but one embodiment of this movement. Today’s United Nations (UN) was built on the League of Nations concept. The UN was created primarily to end war—by ending nations. The logic is that if there are no nations, then there can be no wars between nations. This was clearly stated in the United Nations’ ‘World Constitution’ with these words: ‘The age of nations must end. The governments of the nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they will surrender their arms.’ https://www.activistpost.com/technocracy-fear-mongers-and-the-conspiracy/
    Technocracy, Fear-Mongers, and the Conspiracy
    Bert Olivier Brownstone Institute The term, ‘conspiracy theory’ became part of common parlance during the ‘Covid era,’ but although all of us know what it refers to – and who are supposed to be the ‘conspiracy theorists’ in question, namely those people who saw through the ‘pandemic’ scam and everything it entailed – the precise […]
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  • Legal challenge of COVID travel mandate proceeds in court!
    After years of litigation, plaintiffs Karl Harrison and Shaun Rickard are challenging the constitutionality of the federal travel mandate. All other challenges in the past were ruled as moot.

    Legal challenge of COVID travel mandate proceeds in court! After years of litigation, plaintiffs Karl Harrison and Shaun Rickard are challenging the constitutionality of the federal travel mandate. All other challenges in the past were ruled as moot. 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #JustSayNoMore 🇨🇦 https://www.rebelnews.com/_legal_challenge_of_covid_travel_mandate_proceeds_in_court
    Legal challenge of COVID travel mandate proceeds in court
    After years of litigation, plaintiffs Karl Harrison and Shaun Rickard are challenging the constitutionality of the federal travel mandate. All other challenges in the past were ruled as moot.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 177 Views 0 Reviews
  • #DEW #smartcity #15minutescity #losangeles #usa #corporation #MGI
    McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)
    JUNE 2018
    #DEW #smartcity #15minutescity #losangeles #usa #corporation #MGI McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) FULL REPORT SMART CITIES: DIGITAL SOLUTIONS FOR A MORE LIVABLE FUTURE JUNE 2018 https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Industries/Public%20and%20Social%20Sector/Our%20Insights/Smart%20cities%20Digital%20solutions%20for%20a%20more%20livable%20future/MGI-Smart-Cities-Full-Report.pdf
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  • You better know what is going on everywhere in any school that your children are in. You also better know how to work the consent papers you sign when going in for surgery or hospital admittance for you OR your child . . .

    Numerous mainstream media outlets are deliberately lying to American parents about the law regarding COVID-19 vaccines.​ In August, Vermont’s Supreme Court that ruled a 6-year-old boy administered a COVID-19 vaccine against his parents’ specific instructions that he not be jabbed has no state tort remedies, and that the family’s sole recourse is a federal claim requiring proof of serious bodily harm or death to proceed.​

    All other traditional causes of action for violating these parents’ rights, and fundamental constitutional informed consent protections for patients, are extinguished completely.

    You better know what is going on everywhere in any school that your children are in. You also better know how to work the consent papers you sign when going in for surgery or hospital admittance for you OR your child . . . Numerous mainstream media outlets are deliberately lying to American parents about the law regarding COVID-19 vaccines.​ In August, Vermont’s Supreme Court that ruled a 6-year-old boy administered a COVID-19 vaccine against his parents’ specific instructions that he not be jabbed has no state tort remedies, and that the family’s sole recourse is a federal claim requiring proof of serious bodily harm or death to proceed.​ All other traditional causes of action for violating these parents’ rights, and fundamental constitutional informed consent protections for patients, are extinguished completely. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vermont-supreme-court-schools-covid-vaccines-no-parental-consent/
    Vermont Supreme Court Ruling Allows Schools to Administer COVID Vaccines Without Parents’ Consent
    Despite mainstream media reports to the contrary, a ruling in August 2024 by the Vermont Supreme Court effectively gives schools a free pass to administer COVID-19 vaccines to children even if parents request their children not receive the vaccine.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 190 Views 0 Reviews
  • Rachel Fortun enquête Antartique, base nazie, rituels, CIA, false flag, 11 sept...4 mai 2017

    Rachel Fortun enquête Antartique, base nazie, rituels, CIA, false flag, 11 sept...4 mai 2017 https://odysee.com/@RachelFortun:2/rachel-fortun-enquete-antartique-base:c?r=2mrWdwbi2F1W5UccaznYCaAEBw7hWduX
    0 Comments 0 Shares 68 Views 0 Reviews
  • Voici de l'information au sujet de "l'oeil" au dessus de la pyramide depuis longtemps imprimé sur le dollar américain!
    Pour les Esprits ouvert seulement!
    Rachel Fortun séance enquête DISCOURS FACE A LA PYRAMIDE du 7 mai et INVESTITURE DU 14 mai 2017
    Voici de l'information au sujet de "l'oeil" au dessus de la pyramide depuis longtemps imprimé sur le dollar américain! Pour les Esprits ouvert seulement! Rachel Fortun séance enquête DISCOURS FACE A LA PYRAMIDE du 7 mai et INVESTITURE DU 14 mai 2017 https://youtu.be/20CrjYP3ngE?si=ukFkFGuUkqCnCbhy
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  • Since central banks became a ‘thing’ back in the early 20th century, we have seen a massive decline in the national finances of most countries around the world. Of course, predating this was the formation of the Bank of England and its role in the financing of the British empire, but of more significance to our current situation is the rise of America, the formation of the Federal Reserve, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the World Bank Group (post Bretton Woods Conference) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
    Since central banks became a ‘thing’ back in the early 20th century, we have seen a massive decline in the national finances of most countries around the world. Of course, predating this was the formation of the Bank of England and its role in the financing of the British empire, but of more significance to our current situation is the rise of America, the formation of the Federal Reserve, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the World Bank Group (post Bretton Woods Conference) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/ever-decreasing-circles-why-worldwide-banking-ponzi-scheme-must-be-reset
    Ever Decreasing Circles - Why The Worldwide Banking Ponzi-Scheme Must Be Reset
    If we do not come up with a viable alternative plan, and very soon, we will be faced with a choice of the Great Reset or an unpredictable and chaotic implosion...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 170 Views 0 Reviews
  • And the public masses still under deep hypnosis (their giving their consent unconsciously to their plan by assisting the entertainment shows...)
    2024 Paris Closing Ceremony - Warning Mass Ritual Magic Ahead!
    And the public masses still under deep hypnosis (their giving their consent unconsciously to their plan by assisting the entertainment shows...) 2024 Paris Closing Ceremony - Warning Mass Ritual Magic Ahead! https://odysee.com/@shakingmyheadproductions:2/2024-Paris-Closing-Ceremony-Warning-Mass-Ritual-Magic-Ahead!:5?r=2mrWdwbi2F1W5UccaznYCaAEBw7hWduX
    0 Comments 0 Shares 147 Views 0 Reviews

    0 Comments 0 Shares 32 Views 0 Reviews
  • "This amazing autobiographical account of Brice Taylor’s personal experience, reveals the hidden purpose behind the ritual abuse and mind control that is being reported around the world! It shares her recollections of being conditioned through childhood in order to be used by Bob Hope and Henry Kissinger, as a mind-controlled slave into adulthood… and used as a presidential sex toy and personal “mind file” computer by high ranking individuals around the world to further the agenda of the New World Order. This book will help you navigate your way through the treacherous times we now face in the 21st Century. Don’t be left in the dark. "
    Thanks For The Memories
    The Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s Mind-Controlled Slave by Brice Taylor
    "This amazing autobiographical account of Brice Taylor’s personal experience, reveals the hidden purpose behind the ritual abuse and mind control that is being reported around the world! It shares her recollections of being conditioned through childhood in order to be used by Bob Hope and Henry Kissinger, as a mind-controlled slave into adulthood… and used as a presidential sex toy and personal “mind file” computer by high ranking individuals around the world to further the agenda of the New World Order. This book will help you navigate your way through the treacherous times we now face in the 21st Century. Don’t be left in the dark. " Thanks For The Memories The Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s Mind-Controlled Slave by Brice Taylor https://avalonlibrary.net/ebooks/Brice%20Taylor%20-%20Thanks%20for%20the%20Memories.pdf
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