The mRNA in this cancer drug testing produces several proteins designed to stimulate an immune response against the cancer. The mRNA has all the limitations of COVID-19 vaccines including the inability to target specific tissue and there is no way to shut off production of its protein library which over time is likely to cause systemic toxicity.

    No. NO! NO! NO! NO mRNA! NONE, NADA, ZILCH! NO!NO!NO! The mRNA in this cancer drug testing produces several proteins designed to stimulate an immune response against the cancer. The mRNA has all the limitations of COVID-19 vaccines including the inability to target specific tissue and there is no way to shut off production of its protein library which over time is likely to cause systemic toxicity. https://www.patrioticviralnews.com/articles/uh-no-thanks-billionaire-larry-ellison-unveils-a-i-mrna-cancer-vaccine/
    Uh… No Thanks! Billionaire Larry Ellison Unveils A.I. mRNA Cancer Vaccine | Patriotic Viral News
    Oracle’s Chief Technology Officer and Founder Larry Ellison announced a disturbing new experimental mRNA “vaccine” which is giving people flashbacks to the deadly COVID injections. Ellison talked about an “exciting cancer vaccine” that he is working on with Open AI CEO Sam Altman and Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son. “Turns out, all of our cancers, cancer
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 172 Views 0 Anteprima
  • A video of Emily Duggan from British Columbia has gone viral online after she confronted Prime Minister Jusin Trudeau on Dec. 27 and told him to “get the f*ck out of BC,” and added, "you suck.”
    A video of Emily Duggan from British Columbia has gone viral online after she confronted Prime Minister Jusin Trudeau on Dec. 27 and told him to “get the f*ck out of BC,” and added, "you suck.” https://thepostmillennial.com/trudeau-told-to-get-the-f-ck-out-of-bc-during-his-christmas-ski-vacation
    Trudeau told to ‘get the f*ck out of BC’ during his Christmas ski vacation
    “This is a man who has approved sexually explicit materials to be available in schools across our nation.”
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 133 Views 0 Anteprima
  • " To facilitate early recognition, Kawaoka and his colleagues will look for mutations in viral proteins that allow avian influenza viruses to bind to human receptors or facilitate efficient replication in human cells.
    Avian viruses don’t generally infect human or other mammalian hosts. But every once in a while, a mutation occurs that allows avian viruses to adapt to human cells. That is generally when a pandemic occurs.
    ... intervention methods — such as social distancing, antiviral compound distribution, and vaccine development/production — could be implemented early. "
    UW-Madison receives $9.5 million Gates Foundation grant
    " To facilitate early recognition, Kawaoka and his colleagues will look for mutations in viral proteins that allow avian influenza viruses to bind to human receptors or facilitate efficient replication in human cells. Avian viruses don’t generally infect human or other mammalian hosts. But every once in a while, a mutation occurs that allows avian viruses to adapt to human cells. That is generally when a pandemic occurs. ... intervention methods — such as social distancing, antiviral compound distribution, and vaccine development/production — could be implemented early. " UW-Madison receives $9.5 million Gates Foundation grant 2009 https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ideas/media-center/press-releases/2009/11/uwmadison-receives-95-million-gates-foundation-grant
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 418 Views 0 Anteprima
  • Oliver Anthony, the surprise country music star who seemed to appear out of thin air last year with his viral hit song ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ has just put out a cover of the classic song ‘Country Roads’ which he says he has gotten tons of requests for. This was one of John Denver’s greatest hits. It’s the type of song that almost everyone knows the words to because of its popularity over the years. It’s also a perfect song for Anthony’s style.
    Sit back, take a listen and enjoy:
    Oliver Anthony, the surprise country music star who seemed to appear out of thin air last year with his viral hit song ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ has just put out a cover of the classic song ‘Country Roads’ which he says he has gotten tons of requests for. This was one of John Denver’s greatest hits. It’s the type of song that almost everyone knows the words to because of its popularity over the years. It’s also a perfect song for Anthony’s style. Sit back, take a listen and enjoy: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/11/oliver-anthony-just-released-cover-classic-hit-song/
    Oliver Anthony Just Released a Cover of the Classic Hit Song 'Country Roads' and We're SO Here for it (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance
    Oliver Anthony, the surprise country music star who seemed to appear out of thin air last year with his viral hit song ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ has just put out a cover of the classic song ‘Country Roads’ which he says he has gotten tons of requests for.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 295 Views 0 Anteprima
  • Joe Rogan recalls viral Rebel report as he warns of Sharia law in the West with JD Vance!
    Joe Rogan recalled a viral Rebel News report from 2019, where an Islamist in Toronto told David Menzies that Muslims would outbreed the country's local population before democratically ushering in Sharia law in Western nations.
    Joe Rogan recalls viral Rebel report as he warns of Sharia law in the West with JD Vance! Joe Rogan recalled a viral Rebel News report from 2019, where an Islamist in Toronto told David Menzies that Muslims would outbreed the country's local population before democratically ushering in Sharia law in Western nations. 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #JustSayNoMore 🇨🇦 https://www.rebelnews.com/joe_rogan_recalls_viral_rebel_report_as_he_warns_of_sharia_law_in_the_west_with_jd_vance
    Joe Rogan recalls viral Rebel report as he warns of Sharia law in the West with JD Vance
    Joe Rogan recalled a viral Rebel News report from 2019, where an Islamist in Toronto told David Menzies that Muslims would outbreed the country's local population before democratically ushering in Sharia law in Western nations.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 291 Views 0 Anteprima
  • Replicon Started in Tokyo October 08, 2024
    Meiji Executives and CEO among the first injected.
    Replicon Bottle 00001 was injected into 16 individuals at a media event put on by Meiji corporation on 10/8/24. Despite the best efforts of the vaccine truth community, we were unable to stop the Japanese government and Meiji Corporation from releasing Replicon.

    The following is what I posted in response to a question. I am reposting this as an article because of a consequence of Replicon spread that I had not thought of until now. That is if Replicons spread via exosomes, and not through viral recombination as I previously described1, they change into a new Exosome shell WITH EVERY NEW PERSON THEY INFECT. Viruses cannot do this.

    This means that antibodies to one person’s exosomes containing Replicons WILL NOT PROTECT you from another person’s exosomes containing Replicons.

    Replicon Started in Tokyo October 08, 2024 Meiji Executives and CEO among the first injected. Replicon Bottle 00001 was injected into 16 individuals at a media event put on by Meiji corporation on 10/8/24. Despite the best efforts of the vaccine truth community, we were unable to stop the Japanese government and Meiji Corporation from releasing Replicon. The following is what I posted in response to a question. I am reposting this as an article because of a consequence of Replicon spread that I had not thought of until now. That is if Replicons spread via exosomes, and not through viral recombination as I previously described1, they change into a new Exosome shell WITH EVERY NEW PERSON THEY INFECT. Viruses cannot do this. This means that antibodies to one person’s exosomes containing Replicons WILL NOT PROTECT you from another person’s exosomes containing Replicons. https://substack.com/@danielnagasemd/note/p-150035123?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=92nom https://substack.com/@danielnagasemd/note/p-150036218?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=92nom
    Replicon Started in Tokyo October 08, 2024
    Meiji Executives and CEO among the first injected.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 317 Views 0 Anteprima
  • Viral video captures more antisemitism in Toronto. Who is this hater and why does he despise Jews?
    via @RebelNewsOnline
    Viral video captures more antisemitism in Toronto. Who is this hater and why does he despise Jews? 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #JustSayNoMore 🇨🇦 https://www.rebelnews.com/viral_video_captures_more_antisemitism_in_toronto_who_is_this_hater_and_why_does_he_despise_jews via @RebelNewsOnline
    Viral video captures more antisemitism in Toronto. Who is this hater and why does he despise Jews?
    David Menzies tries to get to the bottom of an incident that saw a Toronto man going on an antisemitic rant in a video that went viral over the weekend.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 297 Views 0 Anteprima
  • Two days ago, I published a Substack piece titled “Here's When Silver Will Surge Like Gold” and followed it up with a related Twitter thread that quickly went viral. On Tuesday, China cut interest rates and unveiled an extensive stimulus package to boost its struggling economy. These announcements sparked a surge in commodities like gold, silver, and copper, bringing my bullish outlook on silver closer to fruition. I decided it was an opportune time for a quick update.
    Two days ago, I published a Substack piece titled “Here's When Silver Will Surge Like Gold” and followed it up with a related Twitter thread that quickly went viral. On Tuesday, China cut interest rates and unveiled an extensive stimulus package to boost its struggling economy. These announcements sparked a surge in commodities like gold, silver, and copper, bringing my bullish outlook on silver closer to fruition. I decided it was an opportune time for a quick update. https://www.zerohedge.com/precious-metals/silver-starting-break-out-heres-what-watch
    Silver Is Starting To Break Out. Here's What To Watch
    Silver spiked 4.56% on Tuesday, bringing it close to signaling the start of another leg in its bull market. Other indicators confirm this development.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 300 Views 0 Anteprima
  • https://sabjol.com/cartoon-animation-vs-whiteboard-animation/
    When to use Cartoon Animation and when to use Whiteboard Animation for promoting your business? In this blog, we will consider cartoon animation vs. whiteboard videos to find out which one suits best your business goals. Contact us if you want to advertise your business, increase your sales and your customer base.
    #videoadvertising #videoeditors #videoediting #reelsvideoã‚· #videoreelviral #videoreels2024 #videoreelstrending
    https://sabjol.com/cartoon-animation-vs-whiteboard-animation/ When to use Cartoon Animation and when to use Whiteboard Animation for promoting your business? In this blog, we will consider cartoon animation vs. whiteboard videos to find out which one suits best your business goals. Contact us if you want to advertise your business, increase your sales and your customer base. #videoadvertising #videoeditors #videoediting #reelsvideoã‚· #videoreelviral #videoreels2024 #videoreelstrending
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 995 Views 0 Anteprima
  • But of course -- they want to lessen free speech. They don't want people being able to get information out. Remember when they said HCQ and IVM wouldn't work for covid? Now they are admitting they do. Remember when they said masks stopped the spread of covid? When they said 6' apart was all it took to prevent viral spread? When they said Russia, Russia, Russia when President Trump took office? When they said the laptop was Russian propeganda? The FACT of the matter is, their so-called "fact checks"are usually wrong and that is by design -- that is to prevent people from knowing what is going on, what the actual facts are. Tony Blair is a POS, just as are all of the deep state globalist Presidents we have had in office. They want total control over you -- the Patriot Act (that has NEVER been rescinded) is not enough. Now they want to be able to arrest and imprison you for speech. Is is pitfork and shovel time yet?

    Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

    Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history, has joined the chorus of commentators demanding a new crackdown on social media.

    Speaking to LBC Radio this week, Blair said: “The world is going to have to come together and agree on some rules around social media platforms​".​ “It’s not just how people can provoke hostility and hatred but I think… the impact on young people particularly when they’ve got access to mobile phones very young and they are reading a whole lot of stuff and receiving a whole lot of stuff that I think is really messing with their minds in a big way. “I’m not sure what the answer is but I’m sure we need to find one.”

    Blair was not alone in calling for new restrictions on social media. Earlier this week, the left-wing Speaker of the House Sir Lindsay Hoyle also said that the government should consider new limits against online speech.​ “Misinformation is dangerous,” Hoyle said. “Social media is good but its also bad when people are using it in a way that could cause a riot, threat, intimidation, suggesting that we should attack somebody, it’s not acceptable​".​ “What we’ve got to do is factually correct what’s up there, if not I think the government has to think long and hard about what they are going to do about social media and what are they going to put through parliament as a bill​".

    “I believe it should be across, it doesn’t matter what country you are in, the fact is that misinformation is dangerous and no misinformation, or threats, or intimidation should be allowed to be carr​ied out on social media platforms.”​

    But of course -- they want to lessen free speech. They don't want people being able to get information out. Remember when they said HCQ and IVM wouldn't work for covid? Now they are admitting they do. Remember when they said masks stopped the spread of covid? When they said 6' apart was all it took to prevent viral spread? When they said Russia, Russia, Russia when President Trump took office? When they said the laptop was Russian propeganda? The FACT of the matter is, their so-called "fact checks"are usually wrong and that is by design -- that is to prevent people from knowing what is going on, what the actual facts are. Tony Blair is a POS, just as are all of the deep state globalist Presidents we have had in office. They want total control over you -- the Patriot Act (that has NEVER been rescinded) is not enough. Now they want to be able to arrest and imprison you for speech. Is is pitfork and shovel time yet? Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history, has joined the chorus of commentators demanding a new crackdown on social media. Speaking to LBC Radio this week, Blair said: “The world is going to have to come together and agree on some rules around social media platforms​".​ “It’s not just how people can provoke hostility and hatred but I think… the impact on young people particularly when they’ve got access to mobile phones very young and they are reading a whole lot of stuff and receiving a whole lot of stuff that I think is really messing with their minds in a big way. “I’m not sure what the answer is but I’m sure we need to find one.” Blair was not alone in calling for new restrictions on social media. Earlier this week, the left-wing Speaker of the House Sir Lindsay Hoyle also said that the government should consider new limits against online speech.​ “Misinformation is dangerous,” Hoyle said. “Social media is good but its also bad when people are using it in a way that could cause a riot, threat, intimidation, suggesting that we should attack somebody, it’s not acceptable​".​ “What we’ve got to do is factually correct what’s up there, if not I think the government has to think long and hard about what they are going to do about social media and what are they going to put through parliament as a bill​". “I believe it should be across, it doesn’t matter what country you are in, the fact is that misinformation is dangerous and no misinformation, or threats, or intimidation should be allowed to be carr​ied out on social media platforms.”​ https://endtimeheadlines.org/2024/09/tony-blair-calls-for-global-agreement-on-social-media-speech-restrictions/
    Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions
    Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history,
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 741 Views 0 Anteprima
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