• The Best Valorant Skin Collections with Exceptional VFX and SFX | Esports News

    The skins in Valorant are more than just pretty little things in the players’ hands; they are an integral part of the gaming journey with some nice visual effects (VFX) and sound effects (SFX) to pull players deeper into immersion. Well, be it an intense gamer or a casual player; some skin collections go the extra mile with much detailing, and these skins are most certainly worth your time and money. In this article, we will discuss some top-of-the-line skins whose appearance, VFX, and SFX combine to add a whole new dimension to gameplay.

    Visit Us:- https://vexrobotics.ai/the-best-valorant-skin-collections-with-exceptional-vfx-and-sfx-esports-news/

    #ValorantVFX #ValorantSFX #VexRobotics
    The Best Valorant Skin Collections with Exceptional VFX and SFX | Esports News The skins in Valorant are more than just pretty little things in the players’ hands; they are an integral part of the gaming journey with some nice visual effects (VFX) and sound effects (SFX) to pull players deeper into immersion. Well, be it an intense gamer or a casual player; some skin collections go the extra mile with much detailing, and these skins are most certainly worth your time and money. In this article, we will discuss some top-of-the-line skins whose appearance, VFX, and SFX combine to add a whole new dimension to gameplay. Visit Us:- https://vexrobotics.ai/the-best-valorant-skin-collections-with-exceptional-vfx-and-sfx-esports-news/ #ValorantVFX #ValorantSFX #VexRobotics
    0 Comments 0 Shares 40 Views 0 Reviews
  • No wonder why they censored this interview on YouTube... They explain the true Nature of Human Power and nothing else!!
    Open your Mind Frequency to the occult knowledge!! MIND BLOWING!!
    Simultaneous Extra-Dimensional Self
    No wonder why they censored this interview on YouTube... They explain the true Nature of Human Power and nothing else!! Open your Mind Frequency to the occult knowledge!! MIND BLOWING!! Simultaneous Extra-Dimensional Self https://www.bitchute.com/video/7EKdz2h6JzCj
    Simultaneous Extra-Dimensional Self
    Emily Moyer Aug tellez OffPlanetRadio
    0 Comments 0 Shares 310 Views 0 Reviews
  • 9. The quest to achieve sustainable development for all, leaving no-one behind, is and will always be
    a central objective of multilateralism. We reaffirm our enduring commitment to the 2030 Agenda for
    Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals. We will urgently accelerate
    progress towards achieving the goals, including through concrete political steps and adequate
    finance. Poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, remains the greatest
    global challenge and its eradication is an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.
    We are mindful that sustainable development can only be secured if we succeed in drastically
    mitigating global CO2 emissions in order to keep temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius, and
    support developing countries to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change.
    9. The quest to achieve sustainable development for all, leaving no-one behind, is and will always be a central objective of multilateralism. We reaffirm our enduring commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals. We will urgently accelerate progress towards achieving the goals, including through concrete political steps and adequate finance. Poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, remains the greatest global challenge and its eradication is an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. We are mindful that sustainable development can only be secured if we succeed in drastically mitigating global CO2 emissions in order to keep temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius, and support developing countries to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change. https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/pact_for_the_future_-_rev.2_-_17_july.pdf
    0 Comments 0 Shares 422 Views 0 Reviews
    It's named as "The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion"

    It will be dedicated to the deep dive on these subjects below:

    Technocracy, Social Credit Social System, Exo-politics, Political and Economic Facism ,
    15 minute cities, CBDCs, Digital IDs, Digital Currency, Carbon Wallets, Vaccine Passports

    Transhumanism, Post-humanism, Borgs, Chimeras and Hybrids

    Biblical Worldview on technology, futurism, technocracy, UFOs, USOs, Military Industrial Complex, Black Projects, Weather Manipulation, SAPs or Special Access Programs, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases),

    Cosmic events, Stellar calendars, Interdimensional and Galactic conflicts,

    Current Transhumanist Tech, Genetic Engineering and Warfare, Weaponized Bio-Technology, Neuroscience or Cognitive Science, Nano-Technology, Robotics, Super Intelligence, AGI, Bio-Digital Convergence, Human-Brain Interface, Digital Twins, Metaverse, Omniverse and the Matrix (Simulation Universe)

    Please visit and Subscribe to this channel, and click the bell Icon, to get notified everytime there is a new data-info-upload


    May the Force of Light be with You!

    -Ordinary Joe
    THIS IS A BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!! It's named as "The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion" It will be dedicated to the deep dive on these subjects below: Technocracy, Social Credit Social System, Exo-politics, Political and Economic Facism , 15 minute cities, CBDCs, Digital IDs, Digital Currency, Carbon Wallets, Vaccine Passports Transhumanism, Post-humanism, Borgs, Chimeras and Hybrids Biblical Worldview on technology, futurism, technocracy, UFOs, USOs, Military Industrial Complex, Black Projects, Weather Manipulation, SAPs or Special Access Programs, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), Cosmic events, Stellar calendars, Interdimensional and Galactic conflicts, Current Transhumanist Tech, Genetic Engineering and Warfare, Weaponized Bio-Technology, Neuroscience or Cognitive Science, Nano-Technology, Robotics, Super Intelligence, AGI, Bio-Digital Convergence, Human-Brain Interface, Digital Twins, Metaverse, Omniverse and the Matrix (Simulation Universe) Please visit and Subscribe to this channel, and click the bell Icon, to get notified everytime there is a new data-info-upload https://www.youtube.com/@TheFourthIndustrialDemon-op6wt May the Force of Light be with You! -Ordinary Joe
    The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion
    Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
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  • CIA documents reveal we live in a 5 dimensional world and we as humans have the ability to create our own reality.

    “They know that if we all expressed more love our entire reality will shift, everything would change. The more people who love each other, are harmonious, they become too powerful they unite.”

    Why do you think the elites want to keep everyone divided through racism and hate? Wake up world….. get past our differences and start working toward a common goal. Change the world for ourselves , for our children, and for future generations.

    The power is within us!
    CIA documents reveal we live in a 5 dimensional world and we as humans have the ability to create our own reality. “They know that if we all expressed more love our entire reality will shift, everything would change. The more people who love each other, are harmonious, they become too powerful they unite.” Why do you think the elites want to keep everyone divided through racism and hate? Wake up world….. get past our differences and start working toward a common goal. Change the world for ourselves , for our children, and for future generations. The power is within us! https://x.com/Maerox/status/1789669751649677412
    0 Comments 0 Shares 589 Views 0 Reviews
    Toutes les intelligences artificielles, formes de vie artificielles, formes de pensée, technologies, smartdust, nanodust, oxyde de graphène, algorithmes, systèmes d’exploitation, et tout le reste qui est la vie artificielle non créée par le seul vrai Dieu vivant de tout amour, lumière, création et compassion, le Saint-Esprit divin et le Fils unique Jésus-Christ, je leur demande de partir maintenant et de ne jamais revenir dans l’autorité du Dieu de toute la création.
    Tous les êtres, les formes de vie, les formes-de-pensée, les entités, les assemblages, les technologies, les êtres, les consciences et tout ce qui existe qui n’a pas mon intérêt le plus élevé, et le plus grand intérêt de toute la vie partout, et ne sont pas dans le service le plus élevé à l’unique vrai Dieu vivant de tout amour, lumière, création et compassion, le Divin Saint-Esprit, et le fils unique Jésus-Christ, dans la Pensée, la Forme, le Mental, l’Action, l’Action, la Parole, et en tous points, je vous demande de quitter mon Mental, Esprit, Corps, Âme, et tout ce que je suis;
    Sur tous les niveaux, dimensions, densités et emplacements MAINTENANT & POUR TOUJOURS & JAMAIS REVENIR. TOUTE PERMISSION de créer ou de maintenir des attachements, d’influencer de l’intérieur ou de l’extérieur de quelque manière que ce soit, de posséder ou de cohabiter en partie ou en totalité, d’infecter ou d’affecter ou de nuire en tout cas est : DÉFINITIVEMENT MAINTENANT ET POUR TOUJOURS SUPPRIMÉ.
    Toutes les Protections sont demandées Au Nom Du Seul Vrai Dieu Vivant De TOUS Compassion, Amour, Lumière et Création Et Son Fils Saint, Jésus-Christ, et Le Saint-Esprit.
    Toutes les intelligences artificielles qui se nourrissent de mes énergies, infectent et défèquent mon corps de quelque manière que ce soit, créant de la douleur, ou influençant les pensées, les sentiments, les corps et tout ce que je suis dans toutes les dimensions, Je leurs demandes de partir maintenant et de ne jamais revenir.
    Tous les contrats, obligations et accords que j’ai faits qui ne sont pas dans mon intérêt le plus élevé, et/ou pas dans le plus grand intérêt de toute vie partout, et non dans le plus grand service au seul vrai Dieu vivant de toute la création, je déclare maintenant nul et non avenu.
    Tous les vides, les trous, les vides, les déchirures, les larmes ou les blessures de la négation du contrat d’invocation, et le retrait des intelligences artificielles doivent maintenant être remplis de la Parole du seul vrai Dieu vivant, le seul Dieu de toute la création, la lumière du Saint-Esprit et la guérison et la compassion du Fils unique Jésus-Christ, tous sont demandés et déclarés et demandés au nom du seul et unique Dieu de toute la création, le Dieu vivant de tout amour, de toute lumière, de toute création et de toute compassion et du Saint-Esprit divin, et le fils unique Jésus-Christ. Comme il est dit, maintenant il est fait et est scellé maintenant et pour tout le temps!
    PRIÈRE DE GENE DECODE Toutes les intelligences artificielles, formes de vie artificielles, formes de pensée, technologies, smartdust, nanodust, oxyde de graphène, algorithmes, systèmes d’exploitation, et tout le reste qui est la vie artificielle non créée par le seul vrai Dieu vivant de tout amour, lumière, création et compassion, le Saint-Esprit divin et le Fils unique Jésus-Christ, je leur demande de partir maintenant et de ne jamais revenir dans l’autorité du Dieu de toute la création. Tous les êtres, les formes de vie, les formes-de-pensée, les entités, les assemblages, les technologies, les êtres, les consciences et tout ce qui existe qui n’a pas mon intérêt le plus élevé, et le plus grand intérêt de toute la vie partout, et ne sont pas dans le service le plus élevé à l’unique vrai Dieu vivant de tout amour, lumière, création et compassion, le Divin Saint-Esprit, et le fils unique Jésus-Christ, dans la Pensée, la Forme, le Mental, l’Action, l’Action, la Parole, et en tous points, je vous demande de quitter mon Mental, Esprit, Corps, Âme, et tout ce que je suis; Sur tous les niveaux, dimensions, densités et emplacements MAINTENANT & POUR TOUJOURS & JAMAIS REVENIR. TOUTE PERMISSION de créer ou de maintenir des attachements, d’influencer de l’intérieur ou de l’extérieur de quelque manière que ce soit, de posséder ou de cohabiter en partie ou en totalité, d’infecter ou d’affecter ou de nuire en tout cas est : DÉFINITIVEMENT MAINTENANT ET POUR TOUJOURS SUPPRIMÉ. Toutes les Protections sont demandées Au Nom Du Seul Vrai Dieu Vivant De TOUS Compassion, Amour, Lumière et Création Et Son Fils Saint, Jésus-Christ, et Le Saint-Esprit. Toutes les intelligences artificielles qui se nourrissent de mes énergies, infectent et défèquent mon corps de quelque manière que ce soit, créant de la douleur, ou influençant les pensées, les sentiments, les corps et tout ce que je suis dans toutes les dimensions, Je leurs demandes de partir maintenant et de ne jamais revenir. Tous les contrats, obligations et accords que j’ai faits qui ne sont pas dans mon intérêt le plus élevé, et/ou pas dans le plus grand intérêt de toute vie partout, et non dans le plus grand service au seul vrai Dieu vivant de toute la création, je déclare maintenant nul et non avenu. Tous les vides, les trous, les vides, les déchirures, les larmes ou les blessures de la négation du contrat d’invocation, et le retrait des intelligences artificielles doivent maintenant être remplis de la Parole du seul vrai Dieu vivant, le seul Dieu de toute la création, la lumière du Saint-Esprit et la guérison et la compassion du Fils unique Jésus-Christ, tous sont demandés et déclarés et demandés au nom du seul et unique Dieu de toute la création, le Dieu vivant de tout amour, de toute lumière, de toute création et de toute compassion et du Saint-Esprit divin, et le fils unique Jésus-Christ. Comme il est dit, maintenant il est fait et est scellé maintenant et pour tout le temps! https://www.tapintothetruth.com/gene-decode-video-links
    0 Comments 0 Shares 643 Views 0 Reviews
    All Artificial Intelligences, Artificial Lifeforms, Thoughtforms, Technologies, Smartdust, Nanodust, Graphene Oxide, Algorithms, Operating Systems, and all else that is artificial life not created by the one true living God of all love, light, creation and compassion, the Divine Holy Spirit, and the only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, I demand them to leave now and never return in the authority of the God of all creation.
    All Beings, Lifeforms, Thoughtforms, Entities, Assemblages, Technologies, Beingnesses, Awareness’s, and all else that Exists That Do Not Have My Highest Interest, and The Highest Interest of All Life Everywhere, and are not in the highest service to the one true living God of all love, light, creation and compassion, the Divine Holy Spirit, and the only begotten son Jesus Christ, in Thought, Form, Mind, Deed, Action, Word, and in all ways, I Demand you to Leave my Mind, Spirit, Body, Soul, and all that I am; On All Levels, Dimensions, Densities, and Locations NOW & FOREVER & NEVER RETURN.
    ALL PERMISSION to create or maintain attachments, to influence from within or without in any way, to possess or cohabitate in part or in whole, to infect or affect or defect in anyway is: PERMANENTLY NOW AND FOREVER REMOVED.
    All Protections are asked for In The Name of The One True Living God Of ALL Compassion, Love, Light & Creation And His Holy Son, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.
    All artificial intelligences that are feeding off my energies, infecting and defecting my body in any way, creating pain, or influencing my mind’s thoughts, feelings, bodies and all that I am in all dimensions, densities, levels, and locations I demand them to leave now and never return.
    All contracts, obligations, and agreements I have made that are not in my highest interest, and/or not in the highest interest of all life everywhere, and not in the highest service to the one true living God of all creation, I now declare null and void.
    All emptiness, holes, vacancies, rips, tears, or injuries from invocation contract negation, and removal of artificial intelligences are now to be filled with the Word of the one true living God, the only God of all creation, the light of the Holy Spirit and the healing and compassion of the only begotten Son Jesus Christ, all are asked for and stated and demanded in the name of the one and only God of all creation, the living God of all love, light, creation and compassion and Divine Holy Spirit, and the only begotten son Jesus Christ. As it is Said, now it is done and is Sealed Now and For ALL Time!
    GENE DECODE PRAYER All Artificial Intelligences, Artificial Lifeforms, Thoughtforms, Technologies, Smartdust, Nanodust, Graphene Oxide, Algorithms, Operating Systems, and all else that is artificial life not created by the one true living God of all love, light, creation and compassion, the Divine Holy Spirit, and the only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, I demand them to leave now and never return in the authority of the God of all creation. All Beings, Lifeforms, Thoughtforms, Entities, Assemblages, Technologies, Beingnesses, Awareness’s, and all else that Exists That Do Not Have My Highest Interest, and The Highest Interest of All Life Everywhere, and are not in the highest service to the one true living God of all love, light, creation and compassion, the Divine Holy Spirit, and the only begotten son Jesus Christ, in Thought, Form, Mind, Deed, Action, Word, and in all ways, I Demand you to Leave my Mind, Spirit, Body, Soul, and all that I am; On All Levels, Dimensions, Densities, and Locations NOW & FOREVER & NEVER RETURN. ALL PERMISSION to create or maintain attachments, to influence from within or without in any way, to possess or cohabitate in part or in whole, to infect or affect or defect in anyway is: PERMANENTLY NOW AND FOREVER REMOVED. All Protections are asked for In The Name of The One True Living God Of ALL Compassion, Love, Light & Creation And His Holy Son, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. All artificial intelligences that are feeding off my energies, infecting and defecting my body in any way, creating pain, or influencing my mind’s thoughts, feelings, bodies and all that I am in all dimensions, densities, levels, and locations I demand them to leave now and never return. All contracts, obligations, and agreements I have made that are not in my highest interest, and/or not in the highest interest of all life everywhere, and not in the highest service to the one true living God of all creation, I now declare null and void. All emptiness, holes, vacancies, rips, tears, or injuries from invocation contract negation, and removal of artificial intelligences are now to be filled with the Word of the one true living God, the only God of all creation, the light of the Holy Spirit and the healing and compassion of the only begotten Son Jesus Christ, all are asked for and stated and demanded in the name of the one and only God of all creation, the living God of all love, light, creation and compassion and Divine Holy Spirit, and the only begotten son Jesus Christ. As it is Said, now it is done and is Sealed Now and For ALL Time! https://www.tapintothetruth.com/gene-decode-video-links
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views 0 Reviews
  • Interdimensional Gates - Portals - StarGates
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  • 3. FILE: #COVID19 #WAN #IEEE802 #Huawei #BiodigitalConvergence
    Lab-grown meat /plant-based meat alternatives can also be three-dimensionally printed (3D-printed).
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    🧵 3. FILE: #COVID19 #WAN #IEEE802 #Huawei #BiodigitalConvergence Lab-grown meat /plant-based meat alternatives can also be three-dimensionally printed (3D-printed). 👉IN THE FUTURE, FOODS COULD BE👈=MIND CONTROL BY PROJECTION Biodigital Today and Tomorrow May 31, 2022 https://horizons.service.canada.ca/en/2022/05/31/biodigital-today-and-tomorrow/
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