• Declassified 1970 U.S. military document: "Forest Fire As A Military Weapon"
    Declassified 1970 U.S. military document: "Forest Fire As A Military Weapon" https://old.bitchute.com/video/6DCzOhqZPXD6/
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  • TIME Urges Leftists to Form 'Crying Groups' and Go 'Forest Bathing' to Cope with Inauguration Day
    via @realtpv
    TIME Urges Leftists to Form 'Crying Groups' and Go 'Forest Bathing' to Cope with Inauguration Day https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/time-urges-leftists-to-form-crying-groups-and-go-forest-bathing-to-cope-with-inauguration-day/ via @realtpv
    TIME Urges Leftists to Form 'Crying Groups' and Go 'Forest Bathing' to Cope with Inauguration Day
    TIME magazine has published an article offering advice to leftists who might not be able to cope on Inauguration Day Monday.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 154 Views 0 Reviews
  • In an interview with Global News on Saturday, Poilievre blasted Trudeau for leaving Canada with a weak economy while the incoming Trump administration promised a more economically competitive America globally. “Harper got those lifted in 90 days as Prime Minister Trudeau has had nine years and three presidents, and not only are the tariffs back in place, they’ve been doubled, killing forestry jobs right across British Columbia,” Poilievre said.
    In an interview with Global News on Saturday, Poilievre blasted Trudeau for leaving Canada with a weak economy while the incoming Trump administration promised a more economically competitive America globally. “Harper got those lifted in 90 days as Prime Minister Trudeau has had nine years and three presidents, and not only are the tariffs back in place, they’ve been doubled, killing forestry jobs right across British Columbia,” Poilievre said. https://tnc.news/2024/11/19/poilievre-blasts-trudeau-trade-deals-us/
    Poilievre blasts Trudeau, vowing to “fight fire with fire” on trade deals with the US
    Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said he would never have signed a US-Canada trade deal, which left the possibility of 10% tariffs open. He vowed that a future Conservative government would “fight fire with fire” when dealing with President Donald Trump on trade.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 181 Views 0 Reviews
  • Guilbeault blames climate change for Jasper fire, praises ‘forest management’

    Guilbeault blames climate change for Jasper fire, praises ‘forest management’ 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 https://www.westernstandard.news/alberta/guilbeault-blames-climate-change-for-jasper-fire-praises-forest-management/56448
    Guilbeault blames climate change for Jasper fire, praises ‘forest management’
    A job well done. That’s how Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault is describing Parks Canada’s efforts at forest management in the years leading up to last week’s fire that destroyed a third of the Jasper townsite.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 271 Views 0 Reviews
  • Just got this from a well versed associate and he is 100% spot on:

    "The difficulty of attempting a true dialog with a committed Postmodernist [I would say a liberal], no matter their discipline (medicine, law, science, psychology, history—you name it) is that “truth” really has no objective meaning. The mantra is, “Well that may be your truth, but it is not mine”. I am sure you have heard this actually articulated in conversations you have with colleagues. Everything is seen through an ideological lens. One of the great frustrations for those of us who have been engaged in countering “The Great COVID Disaster” and its sister, “The Great Ethical Collapse”, is the thought, if we just submitted enough DATA, of course they would listen. They didn’t, and they won’t. This has nothing to do with “data”. “Critical theory”, no matter where it is applied, is, ironically, the antithesis of “critical thinking”.

    For a Postmodernist, an individual, a scientific theory or a national policy has absolutely nothing to do with facts…only with “truth”, and truth is defined by ideology. Biden said as much on the stump in Iowa in 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15RjcRJ3Z70

    We have already arrived at a version of 1984. Inconvenient studies, no matter how scientifically valid, like those dealing with early treatment of COVID, are just cancelled, like their proponents, because they don’t fit the ideology. Web pages are “disappeared” if they are inconvenient for the political ideology of those in power or those who disagree with you.

    We are closer to the Abyss than I think most people realize. Unless an objective definition of truth, based on facts, is re-established. We really have no future. If our society survives, we will enter a period of time like that of the “religious” persecution of Galileo or The Inquisition. Neither had anything to do with God. They were evil, not good. Based on power, not truth. So far the burning at the stake has only concerned one’s professional life, but if this spills over into political power……Antifa and the pro-Hamas hatred of Israel and Jews is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a roiling mass of evil in our society, just below the surface… Every once in a while, we get glimpses of it.

    Unfortunately, if you read the final book of the Bible or take Isaiah at his word that there will come a time when good is called evil and evil good, and if you believe it (I do), a terrible collapse will happen one day. All we can do is forestall it a bit. I think we can, and we should.
    Just got this from a well versed associate and he is 100% spot on: "The difficulty of attempting a true dialog with a committed Postmodernist [I would say a liberal], no matter their discipline (medicine, law, science, psychology, history—you name it) is that “truth” really has no objective meaning. The mantra is, “Well that may be your truth, but it is not mine”. I am sure you have heard this actually articulated in conversations you have with colleagues. Everything is seen through an ideological lens. One of the great frustrations for those of us who have been engaged in countering “The Great COVID Disaster” and its sister, “The Great Ethical Collapse”, is the thought, if we just submitted enough DATA, of course they would listen. They didn’t, and they won’t. This has nothing to do with “data”. “Critical theory”, no matter where it is applied, is, ironically, the antithesis of “critical thinking”. For a Postmodernist, an individual, a scientific theory or a national policy has absolutely nothing to do with facts…only with “truth”, and truth is defined by ideology. Biden said as much on the stump in Iowa in 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15RjcRJ3Z70 We have already arrived at a version of 1984. Inconvenient studies, no matter how scientifically valid, like those dealing with early treatment of COVID, are just cancelled, like their proponents, because they don’t fit the ideology. Web pages are “disappeared” if they are inconvenient for the political ideology of those in power or those who disagree with you. We are closer to the Abyss than I think most people realize. Unless an objective definition of truth, based on facts, is re-established. We really have no future. If our society survives, we will enter a period of time like that of the “religious” persecution of Galileo or The Inquisition. Neither had anything to do with God. They were evil, not good. Based on power, not truth. So far the burning at the stake has only concerned one’s professional life, but if this spills over into political power……Antifa and the pro-Hamas hatred of Israel and Jews is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a roiling mass of evil in our society, just below the surface… Every once in a while, we get glimpses of it. Unfortunately, if you read the final book of the Bible or take Isaiah at his word that there will come a time when good is called evil and evil good, and if you believe it (I do), a terrible collapse will happen one day. All we can do is forestall it a bit. I think we can, and we should.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 996 Views 0 Reviews
  • At the same time, in our vast swaths of upland forests, the UN organization Transitions is slowly accreting that land. For who? We don’t really know. Transitions is everywhere, in the US, in Canada, in every country in Europe. It is where you live. It is one of the many prongs of Agenda 2030. Everywhere, it invades local governments and acts to suppress economic activity. Transitions also trades carbon credits. For who? Who do you think?
    At the same time, in our vast swaths of upland forests, the UN organization Transitions is slowly accreting that land. For who? We don’t really know. Transitions is everywhere, in the US, in Canada, in every country in Europe. It is where you live. It is one of the many prongs of Agenda 2030. Everywhere, it invades local governments and acts to suppress economic activity. Transitions also trades carbon credits. For who? Who do you think? https://www.activistpost.com/2024/06/climate-change-is-a-100-trillion-wealth-transfer-from-the-poor-to-the-rich.html
    ‘Climate Change’ Is A $100 Trillion Wealth Transfer From The Poor To The Rich - Activist Post
    This is how they operate. Find the most successful in any sector or sub-sector, attack and destroy.
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  • Poilievre calls out Trudeau's 'wacko and unhinged claim' that carbon taxes will stop forest fires.
    "How high would his tax have to go for forest fires to stop?"
    Poilievre calls out Trudeau's 'wacko and unhinged claim' that carbon taxes will stop forest fires. "How high would his tax have to go for forest fires to stop?" 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 https://thepostmillennial.com/poilievre-calls-out-trudeaus-wacko-and-unhinged-claim-that-carbon-taxes-will-stop-forest-fires
    0 Comments 0 Shares 346 Views 0 Reviews
  • FILE: #CoupDEtatMondial #NWO #WHO_UN #UnitedCorporations #OneHealth2030Agenda
    Share out Large
    Nous arrivons bientôt à une bifurcation historique de nos sociétés. Cela aura lieu entre le 27 mai et le 1er juin prochain à Genève. C'est un coup d'état mondial, je pèse mes mots, préparé de longue date qui affectera les 194 états signataires de l'OMS qui seront appelés à voter sur le Traité pandémique mondial et qui devront ensuite appliquer les Règlements sanitaires internationaux RSI (IHR) dans les 12 mois subséquents.

    Ces accords seront juridiquement contraignants. L'OMS aura le pouvoir de déclarer des Pandémies à sa seule discrétion. Elle aura tout pouvoir pour dicter aux états les mesures à prendre, les confinements à faire, les vaccins à injecter, les discours à tenir et les propos à censurer, à judiciariser, les populations à interner ou à déplacer. Je le répète ses diktats seront contraignants, ce ne seront pas des suggestions.

    L'OMS s'érige en détentrice unique de la science et toute critique sera de la désinformation, sujette à censure et passible de sanctions.

    Comme l'OMS est une émanation de l'ONU et qu'elle opère sous les principes de l'idéologie du One Health, la santé a été élargie pour inclure la santé animale (sauvage et domestique), la santé de l'environnement (air, eau, terre, forestier, agricole) et la santé humaine (incluant transport, travail, industrie, hygiène de vie), le tout ne faisant qu'un.
    One Health https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Health

    Aucun mécanisme de consultation n'est prévu, aucun contre pouvoir n'est au programme, aucune durée n'est inscrite, le respect des droits humains et de la dignité des personnes à été biffé du document actuel.

    Gardons aussi à l'esprit que personne à l’ONU ni à l'OMS n'est élu. Ils sont tous nommés sans transparence et sans consultation citoyenne. Nous n'y avons aucune représentation ni droit de parole ni de procédure d'appel des décisions. Il n'y a pas de bouton d'arrêt. Ils utilisent le droit pour suspendre l'État de droit. Une astucieuse perversion.

    Il est remarquable que ce sujet et totalement absent des médias traditionnels, que nos politiciens n'en discutent même pas, ne nous en parlent pas, que nous n'avons pas été consultés en tant que peuple souverain et qu'il n'y a aucun plan pour nous impliquer dans le processus.

    La 77ème Assemblée annuelle de l'OMS signera le début d'une ère où ne subsistera que l'exuvie de nos républiques constitutionnelles vidées de leur substance, simples courroies de transmission des ordres venus de haut, tenants d'un pouvoir légitimé par des élections arrangées, bras armé contre les manants en cas de protestations.

    Je relaie ce texte à mon député fédéral, M. Joël Lightbound
    pour lui signifier ma ferme opposition à ce projet et exiger que la question soit soulevée et discutée en profondeur à Ottawa.

    Je vous suggère de faire la même chose de votre côté, afin qu'ils sachent que nous les voyons agir, que nous comptons sur eux pour nous représenter au lieu de représenter leur parti politique et qu'il est grand temps que ce sujet crucial soit discuté publiquement en complète transparence.
    COUP D'ETAT MONDIAL - World Health Organisation - UNITED CORPORATIONS aka United Nations
    FILE: #CoupDEtatMondial #NWO #WHO_UN #UnitedCorporations #OneHealth2030Agenda 🚨🚨🚨Share out Large🚨🚨🚨 Nous arrivons bientôt à une bifurcation historique de nos sociétés. Cela aura lieu entre le 27 mai et le 1er juin prochain à Genève. C'est un coup d'état mondial, je pèse mes mots, préparé de longue date qui affectera les 194 états signataires de l'OMS qui seront appelés à voter sur le Traité pandémique mondial et qui devront ensuite appliquer les Règlements sanitaires internationaux RSI (IHR) dans les 12 mois subséquents. Ces accords seront juridiquement contraignants. L'OMS aura le pouvoir de déclarer des Pandémies à sa seule discrétion. Elle aura tout pouvoir pour dicter aux états les mesures à prendre, les confinements à faire, les vaccins à injecter, les discours à tenir et les propos à censurer, à judiciariser, les populations à interner ou à déplacer. Je le répète ses diktats seront contraignants, ce ne seront pas des suggestions. L'OMS s'érige en détentrice unique de la science et toute critique sera de la désinformation, sujette à censure et passible de sanctions. Comme l'OMS est une émanation de l'ONU et qu'elle opère sous les principes de l'idéologie du One Health, la santé a été élargie pour inclure la santé animale (sauvage et domestique), la santé de l'environnement (air, eau, terre, forestier, agricole) et la santé humaine (incluant transport, travail, industrie, hygiène de vie), le tout ne faisant qu'un. One Health https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Health Aucun mécanisme de consultation n'est prévu, aucun contre pouvoir n'est au programme, aucune durée n'est inscrite, le respect des droits humains et de la dignité des personnes à été biffé du document actuel. Gardons aussi à l'esprit que personne à l’ONU ni à l'OMS n'est élu. Ils sont tous nommés sans transparence et sans consultation citoyenne. Nous n'y avons aucune représentation ni droit de parole ni de procédure d'appel des décisions. Il n'y a pas de bouton d'arrêt. Ils utilisent le droit pour suspendre l'État de droit. Une astucieuse perversion. Il est remarquable que ce sujet et totalement absent des médias traditionnels, que nos politiciens n'en discutent même pas, ne nous en parlent pas, que nous n'avons pas été consultés en tant que peuple souverain et qu'il n'y a aucun plan pour nous impliquer dans le processus. La 77ème Assemblée annuelle de l'OMS signera le début d'une ère où ne subsistera que l'exuvie de nos républiques constitutionnelles vidées de leur substance, simples courroies de transmission des ordres venus de haut, tenants d'un pouvoir légitimé par des élections arrangées, bras armé contre les manants en cas de protestations. Je relaie ce texte à mon député fédéral, M. Joël Lightbound @JoelLightbound pour lui signifier ma ferme opposition à ce projet et exiger que la question soit soulevée et discutée en profondeur à Ottawa. Je vous suggère de faire la même chose de votre côté, afin qu'ils sachent que nous les voyons agir, que nous comptons sur eux pour nous représenter au lieu de représenter leur parti politique et qu'il est grand temps que ce sujet crucial soit discuté publiquement en complète transparence. Merci. COUP D'ETAT MONDIAL - World Health Organisation - UNITED CORPORATIONS aka United Nations https://x.com/LobservateurLi2/status/1759980354478231693?s=20
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  • 38-year-old Brian Paré told the Chibougamau courthouse that he was guilty of the 13 counts of arson against him and one count of arson with disregard for human life.
    38-year-old Brian Paré told the Chibougamau courthouse that he was guilty of the 13 counts of arson against him and one count of arson with disregard for human life. 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 https://thecountersignal.com/quebec-man-pleads-guilty-to-starting-14-forest-fires/
    Quebec man pleads guilty to starting 14 forest fires - The Counter Signal
    A Quebec man has pleaded guilty to numerous charges against him in relation to starting 14 forest fires last summer.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views 0 Reviews
  • A Quebec man has admitted to setting a series of forest fires that ravaged the province and forced hundreds of people to flee their homes last year. Brian Paré, 38, had posted numerous conspiracy theories online suggesting the government had deliberately ignited the blazes. At the same time, the Trudeau Liberals blamed climate change.
    A Quebec man has admitted to setting a series of forest fires that ravaged the province and forced hundreds of people to flee their homes last year. Brian Paré, 38, had posted numerous conspiracy theories online suggesting the government had deliberately ignited the blazes. At the same time, the Trudeau Liberals blamed climate change. https://thepostmillennial.com/quebec-man-pleads-guilty-to-setting-14-forest-fires-trudeau-claimed-it-was-climate-change
    Quebec man pleads guilty to setting 14 forest fires—Trudeau claimed it was climate change
    Brian Paré, 38, had posted numerous conspiracy theories online suggesting the government had deliberately ignited the blazes.
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