• Kamala Kamillion: “I washed my collard greens in a bathtub” [The Pete Santilli Show #4211-8AM]

    TUESDAY SEPT. 03, 2024
    EPISODE #4211 8AM

    SPECIAL GUESTS: @ScottPresler
    • Scott Presler - Founder & Executive Director of Early Vote Action

    Kamala Kamillion: “I washed my collard greens in a bathtub” [The Pete Santilli Show #4211-8AM] THE PETE SANTILLI SHOW TUESDAY SEPT. 03, 2024 EPISODE #4211 8AM SPECIAL GUESTS: @ScottPresler • Scott Presler - Founder & Executive Director of Early Vote Action https://rumble.com/v5dk8kt-kamala-kamillion-i-washed-my-collard-greens-in-a-bathtub-the-pete-santilli-.html
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  • What is just as shocking was the voter revulsion to Germany's ruling coalition: the three parties in Scholz’s ruling alliance — the Social Democrats, the Greens and the Free Democrats — between them got less than 15% in each of the two states, while the FDP missed the 5% threshold for getting into either regional parliament and the Greens fell short in Thuringia. The only mainstream party to do relatively well was the conservative CDU, which is projected to win in Saxony - by the narrowest of margin vs the ADP - and finish second in Thuringia.
    What is just as shocking was the voter revulsion to Germany's ruling coalition: the three parties in Scholz’s ruling alliance — the Social Democrats, the Greens and the Free Democrats — between them got less than 15% in each of the two states, while the FDP missed the 5% threshold for getting into either regional parliament and the Greens fell short in Thuringia. The only mainstream party to do relatively well was the conservative CDU, which is projected to win in Saxony - by the narrowest of margin vs the ADP - and finish second in Thuringia. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/german-ruling-coalition-crushed-regional-elections-afd-scores-first-victory-german-right
    German Ruling Coalition Crushed In Regional Elections As AfD Scores First Victory For German Right-Wing Party Since WWII
    In a “historic” performance, and “a requiem” for the coalition in Berlin, Thuringia voters elected a populist, anti-immigrant, anti-establishment party in a German state ballot for the first time since World War II.
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  • “I want to recite the words from Benjamin Franklin, who said that ‘those who would sacrifice essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety,’” Greenspon said, noting that Canada has sacrificed the liberty of other groups in history and ultimately apologized for violating “Constitutionally entrenched and protected fundamental freedoms.”
    “I want to recite the words from Benjamin Franklin, who said that ‘those who would sacrifice essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety,’” Greenspon said, noting that Canada has sacrificed the liberty of other groups in history and ultimately apologized for violating “Constitutionally entrenched and protected fundamental freedoms.” https://thepostmillennial.com/criminalization-of-freedom-trucker-organizers-tamara-lich-and-chris-barber-would-violate-fundamental-freedoms-defense-attorney-in-closing-arguments
    Criminalization of Freedom Trucker organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber would violate ‘fundamental freedoms’: defense attorney in closing arguments
    In a passionate conclusion to his summation at the trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, defense counsel Lawrence Greenspon said “it would be wrong to criminalize [their] behavior in these unique circumstances.”
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  • Walgreens Sends Out Grooming Texts To Customers Inviting Them To Offer Up Their Children To A Moderna Funded Study For A NEW Covid Vaccine: K. Paul Stoller, MD Asks: At What Point Do We Accept the Overwhelming Evidence Of Covid As Mass Occult Event?

    Children Are 4,423% MORE Likely To Die If Injected With These Serums

    Walgreens Sends Out Grooming Texts To Customers Inviting Them To Offer Up Their Children To A Moderna Funded Study For A NEW Covid Vaccine: K. Paul Stoller, MD Asks: At What Point Do We Accept the Overwhelming Evidence Of Covid As Mass Occult Event? Children Are 4,423% MORE Likely To Die If Injected With These Serums https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/walgreens-sends-out-grooming-texts
    0 Comments 0 Shares 466 Views 0 Reviews
  • It wasn't necessarily your doctor who was the 'bad guy' during covid (although I still fault doctors who just did what they were told vs. thinking and investigating for themselves) -- it WAS YOUR GOVERNMENT!

    U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

    Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the U.S. government’s scheme to suppress ivermectin and push COVID-19 shots using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic.

    It wasn't necessarily your doctor who was the 'bad guy' during covid (although I still fault doctors who just did what they were told vs. thinking and investigating for themselves) -- it WAS YOUR GOVERNMENT! U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the U.S. government’s scheme to suppress ivermectin and push COVID-19 shots using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pharmacies-paid-reject-ivermectin-push-covid-shots/
    U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots
    Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the U.S. government’s scheme to suppress ivermectin and push COVID-19 shots using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic.
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  • Farmers may want to think about harvesting their crops a little earlier. Consuming “microgreens,” which are harvested before reaching full maturity, is more beneficial to health than eating mature vegetables, a new study explains. The study, conducted by researchers working with the American Chemical Society (ACS), aimed to determine the validity of claims that microgreens, which can be easily cultivated at home, are superfoods. They also sought to compare their nutritional value with their mature counterparts.
    Farmers may want to think about harvesting their crops a little earlier. Consuming “microgreens,” which are harvested before reaching full maturity, is more beneficial to health than eating mature vegetables, a new study explains. The study, conducted by researchers working with the American Chemical Society (ACS), aimed to determine the validity of claims that microgreens, which can be easily cultivated at home, are superfoods. They also sought to compare their nutritional value with their mature counterparts. https://www.activistpost.com/2023/08/microgreens-or-mature-veggies-surprising-study-reveals-which-is-better-for-your-health.html
    Microgreens or Mature Veggies? Surprising Study Reveals Which is Better for Your Health - Activist Post
    Microgreens had significantly higher amounts of compounds beneficial to gut health.
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  • Here's a fun article for today, on 150 flowers you can eat! The writer shares links to other foraging classes. For those who are new here, I have my own on-demand foraging workshop you can take for less than the cost of take-out pizza, just $20. It takes you from understandings you need to have, to basic gear to have with you, reasons you might consider foraging as a lifestyle, and an introduction to 26 different plants that we ourselves forage for, that may grow where you live too. I also discuss uses for these plants, nutritionally and medicinally. So if you'd like the link to purchase this workshop, let me know.

    We were recently asked if Nasturtiums were edible, and they are! So enjoy this link today:

    Here's a fun article for today, on 150 flowers you can eat! The writer shares links to other foraging classes. For those who are new here, I have my own on-demand foraging workshop you can take for less than the cost of take-out pizza, just $20. It takes you from understandings you need to have, to basic gear to have with you, reasons you might consider foraging as a lifestyle, and an introduction to 26 different plants that we ourselves forage for, that may grow where you live too. I also discuss uses for these plants, nutritionally and medicinally. So if you'd like the link to purchase this workshop, let me know. We were recently asked if Nasturtiums were edible, and they are! So enjoy this link today: https://www.healthygreensavvy.com/flowers-you-can-eat/
    150 Flowers You Can Eat {Delicious Edible Flowers to Try this Season}
    Did you know that many common flowers are not only edible but delicious? Here's what to know about which flowers in your garden could become beautiful and tasty additions to your next meal! #flowersyoucaneat #edibleflowers
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  • Went foraging in the front yard this morning. Tons of Dandelion flowers!!! Got 7 trays of dandelion leaf and flower, and 2 trays of mustard weed. Brought out the weedwacker after that, and discovered we have prickly lettuce growing after all! I didn't see those tiny plants among the others till after I wacked down the grass that's decided to grow there this year! We also have a few very tiny broadleaf plantain plants growing, so I grabbed a few of their baby leaves to tell them we want them, and a few of the prickly lettuce leaves to give the same message.

    It appears we have more horsetail growing, as well as what might be very young Red Chokecherry bushes growing in two places! My daughter is trying to grow cuttings, and of the 4 she'd taken from a mature bush, only two appear to be alive and that's AFTER using rooting powder! So she'll be happy to hear the news! We also have a burdock plant growing inside our little courtyard, and some catnip growing there as well.

    Not a bad spread of greens.

    Here is our herb dryer, brought out for the season just in time for a storm to roll in, so I have it's tarp umbrella set up and drew it over after taking this photo. With so many trays of dandelion, one tray couldn't fit the dryer. It is now in the shelter due to the impending storm clouds I can see from my window.
    Went foraging in the front yard this morning. Tons of Dandelion flowers!!! Got 7 trays of dandelion leaf and flower, and 2 trays of mustard weed. Brought out the weedwacker after that, and discovered we have prickly lettuce growing after all! I didn't see those tiny plants among the others till after I wacked down the grass that's decided to grow there this year! We also have a few very tiny broadleaf plantain plants growing, so I grabbed a few of their baby leaves to tell them we want them, and a few of the prickly lettuce leaves to give the same message. It appears we have more horsetail growing, as well as what might be very young Red Chokecherry bushes growing in two places! My daughter is trying to grow cuttings, and of the 4 she'd taken from a mature bush, only two appear to be alive and that's AFTER using rooting powder! So she'll be happy to hear the news! We also have a burdock plant growing inside our little courtyard, and some catnip growing there as well. Not a bad spread of greens. Here is our herb dryer, brought out for the season just in time for a storm to roll in, so I have it's tarp umbrella set up and drew it over after taking this photo. With so many trays of dandelion, one tray couldn't fit the dryer. It is now in the shelter due to the impending storm clouds I can see from my window.
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  • Our Passover table today. The greens ringing the lamb roast ended up only being 1/3rd of what we gathered. To my surprise my grown son, who doesn't normally eat any other salad outside of caesar salad, put some greens on his plate and a dollop of applesauce mortar! Huge win in my books on the food front!
    Our Passover table today. The greens ringing the lamb roast ended up only being 1/3rd of what we gathered. To my surprise my grown son, who doesn't normally eat any other salad outside of caesar salad, put some greens on his plate and a dollop of applesauce mortar! Huge win in my books on the food front!
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  • Plants are finally starting to grow around the area! We are still getting nights below 0 Celsius, but desert parsley (shown), yarrow, kinnickinnik, and Arrowleaf Balsamroot are finally starting to show signs of life! Just two weeks till we put our Passover table together!!! I thought I might have spotted a broadleaf plantain plant growing too, we'll have to see. My daughter says she's seeing signs of dandelion and ground ivy growing around her workplace. So maybe we'll have a very early wild salad of the season's first bitter greens, for Passover!
    Plants are finally starting to grow around the area! We are still getting nights below 0 Celsius, but desert parsley (shown), yarrow, kinnickinnik, and Arrowleaf Balsamroot are finally starting to show signs of life! Just two weeks till we put our Passover table together!!! I thought I might have spotted a broadleaf plantain plant growing too, we'll have to see. My daughter says she's seeing signs of dandelion and ground ivy growing around her workplace. So maybe we'll have a very early wild salad of the season's first bitter greens, for Passover!
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