It very much appears that Iran now has nuclear capabilities. The Tribulation certainly seems to be about to commence . . .
The October 5 Seismic event in Iran had no pre-tremors, just a huge shock with decaying echoes, exactly like an underground explosion, not like an earthquake.
The possibility that Iran carried out a nuclear test is being discussed at high levels in Tehran amid Israeli threats to bomb the Islamic Republic's nuclear infrastructure
The October 5 Seismic event in Iran had no pre-tremors, just a huge shock with decaying echoes, exactly like an underground explosion, not like an earthquake.
The possibility that Iran carried out a nuclear test is being discussed at high levels in Tehran amid Israeli threats to bomb the Islamic Republic's nuclear infrastructure
It very much appears that Iran now has nuclear capabilities. The Tribulation certainly seems to be about to commence . . .
The October 5 Seismic event in Iran had no pre-tremors, just a huge shock with decaying echoes, exactly like an underground explosion, not like an earthquake.
The possibility that Iran carried out a nuclear test is being discussed at high levels in Tehran amid Israeli threats to bomb the Islamic Republic's nuclear infrastructure
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