• If on the other hand, we happen to live in an open system, creative, anti-entropic universe and express a species characteristic of transcending our “limits to growth” by making new discoveries and translating those discoveries into new scientific and technological progress, then not only should Freeland, Carney, and other Green New Dealers be removed from all positions of high office, but nations should join the multipolar alliance which puts value on increasing humanity’s potential rather than killing off our species under a 21st century blood letting.
    If on the other hand, we happen to live in an open system, creative, anti-entropic universe and express a species characteristic of transcending our “limits to growth” by making new discoveries and translating those discoveries into new scientific and technological progress, then not only should Freeland, Carney, and other Green New Dealers be removed from all positions of high office, but nations should join the multipolar alliance which puts value on increasing humanity’s potential rather than killing off our species under a 21st century blood letting. https://www.activistpost.com/2024/09/eco-warrior-mark-carney-set-up-to-replace-trudeau-and-usher-in-great-reset.html
    Eco-Warrior Mark Carney: Set Up To Replace Trudeau And Usher In Great Reset - Activist Post
    Here's what this means, and the danger of Carney’s position as the replacement for the widely-hated Justin Trudeau in the coming months.
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 269 Views 0 Vista previa
  • I wrote this this morning myself because I have been praying and fasting for self control now for 5 days.

    Trust = (1, Father 2, Son 3, Holy Spirit) = God = Creator = Universe = Love, Since Christ defeated death there is no breach of trust for our souls (beneficiaries) who put our trust in Him, we are forgiven of our sin, there is no death penalty of eternal Hell.

    In the first trust agreement, God is the grantor of his son Jesus Christ as equity property of the trust. When God trusts his son to do what he is to do and Jesus Christ trusts his Father to do what he is to do, this agreement activates and binds the holy spirit power to by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, executing eternal life in the heavens, defeating sin and death (breach of trust). Then the vail is opened to eternal life in the heavens for all who trust in this truth. Our souls are the Beneficiaries our minds are the trustees.

    Because of sin and time our body's flesh dies. Time only exists while our flesh and body are here on earth.

    While on this earth, we are to use our God given critical thinking skills to reason out the truth from lies, then trust in His truth. When you trust in Jesus Christ you live for eternity with him in heaven.

    Sin = Breach of Trust, penalty is death but Trust in Jesus Christ joinders your soul to eternally in heaven with Him, because of our sin (Breach of Trust) He paid the penalty for our sin, and brought us back into heaven because he forgave us. God = Trust
    This is also why they (Judges) have the rule of 3 in the courts, when you rebut a Judge's wrongful claims 3 times they change their order or back down. Because you are rebutting their breach of trust using the rule of 3.

    Interestingly the satanic masonic system uses 33 level as a symbol into their satanic secret control society. I wonder what 333 would mean to them?

    This is the whole reason these satanic globalists (secret societies) try to remove our independent critical thinking, because this is how we find the truth from the lies, we reason out to find our salvation.

    Satanic globalists do not want to do this, therefore because of their ego and pride they do not want others to be able to do it either.

    They are trying everything to change our DNA so we are not able to independently reason out truth to reach heaven or communicate with God, which is another breach of God's trust by satan and the Globalists' secret societies. Trust is the highest natural law, one of the foundations of creation.

    Author: Peter William
    I wrote this this morning myself because I have been praying and fasting for self control now for 5 days. 👇 Trust = (1, Father 2, Son 3, Holy Spirit) = God = Creator = Universe = Love, Since Christ defeated death there is no breach of trust for our souls (beneficiaries) who put our trust in Him, we are forgiven of our sin, there is no death penalty of eternal Hell. In the first trust agreement, God is the grantor of his son Jesus Christ as equity property of the trust. When God trusts his son to do what he is to do and Jesus Christ trusts his Father to do what he is to do, this agreement activates and binds the holy spirit power to by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, executing eternal life in the heavens, defeating sin and death (breach of trust). Then the vail is opened to eternal life in the heavens for all who trust in this truth. Our souls are the Beneficiaries our minds are the trustees. Because of sin and time our body's flesh dies. Time only exists while our flesh and body are here on earth. While on this earth, we are to use our God given critical thinking skills to reason out the truth from lies, then trust in His truth. When you trust in Jesus Christ you live for eternity with him in heaven. Sin = Breach of Trust, penalty is death but Trust in Jesus Christ joinders your soul to eternally in heaven with Him, because of our sin (Breach of Trust) He paid the penalty for our sin, and brought us back into heaven because he forgave us. God = Trust This is also why they (Judges) have the rule of 3 in the courts, when you rebut a Judge's wrongful claims 3 times they change their order or back down. Because you are rebutting their breach of trust using the rule of 3. Interestingly the satanic masonic system uses 33 level as a symbol into their satanic secret control society. I wonder what 333 would mean to them? This is the whole reason these satanic globalists (secret societies) try to remove our independent critical thinking, because this is how we find the truth from the lies, we reason out to find our salvation. Satanic globalists do not want to do this, therefore because of their ego and pride they do not want others to be able to do it either. They are trying everything to change our DNA so we are not able to independently reason out truth to reach heaven or communicate with God, which is another breach of God's trust by satan and the Globalists' secret societies. Trust is the highest natural law, one of the foundations of creation. 🙏🙌♥️ Author: Peter William
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  • Réfléchissez à ceci:
    Ils ont écrit dans la bible qu'au dernier repas, Jésus aurait dit:
    « Prenez, ceci est mon corps. »
    Question: Qui sont ceux qui mangent des corps humains?
    Réponse: les cannibals - magie noire
    On continu:
    *Puis, ayant pris une coupe et ayant rendu grâce, il la leur donna, et ils en burent tous. Et il leur dit
    « Ceci est mon sang"
    Question: Qui sont ceux qui boivent le sang des corps humains?
    Réponse: les cannibals - magie noire
    On continu:
    " le sang de l’Alliance, versé pour la multitude."
    Question: Le sang de quelle Alliance, versé pour la multitude?
    Réponse: l'Alliance de toute les sociétés secrète créé par le Vatican, le Vatican(NAZI) étant l'Empire Romain, l'Empire Romain est sous le règne de satan.
    La suite:
    Question: Quel est le terme d'origine de "amen"?
    Réponse: le mot Amen ne devrait pas être ajouté à la fin d’une prière, car il s’agit du nom d’un dieu égyptien, qui signifie « le caché ».
    Cette divinité de l’Égypte est mentionnée dans Nahum 3:8 comme peuplée de No. Et dans Jérémie 46:25 en tant que mutitude de No. Dans la Concordance des Forts, en hébreu #527 , comme amown, populeux et multitude. Et #528 Amown un dieu égyptien, à l’origine le dieu local de Thèbes, plus tard chef du panthéon égyptien.
    https://discover.hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/Amen (anglais)
    La cerise sur le sundae:
    " je vous le dis : je ne boirai plus du fruit de la vigne, jusqu’au jour où je le boirai, nouveau, dans le royaume de Dieu. »
    Questions: Étant donné que Jésus était un Humain Saint, Fils de La Source Divine, comment vous expliquez qu'il boirait de l'alcool venant d'un fruit?
    Comment vous expliquez qu'Il suggèrerait d'utiliser les paraboles de "prenez mon corps", "ceci est mon sang", le "sang de l'Alliance" et pourquoi Jésus dirait "amen" après une prière lorsque ce terme vient d'une religion païenne et non de son Père Éternel, Dieu de Toute Création Organique, La Source Universelle ?
    Avez-vous les réponses?
    Réfléchissez à ceci: Ils ont écrit dans la bible qu'au dernier repas, Jésus aurait dit: « Prenez, ceci est mon corps. » 👉 Question: Qui sont ceux qui mangent des corps humains? Réponse: les cannibals - magie noire On continu: *Puis, ayant pris une coupe et ayant rendu grâce, il la leur donna, et ils en burent tous. Et il leur dit 😘 « Ceci est mon sang" 👉 Question: Qui sont ceux qui boivent le sang des corps humains? Réponse: les cannibals - magie noire On continu: " le sang de l’Alliance, versé pour la multitude." 👉Question: Le sang de quelle Alliance, versé pour la multitude? Réponse: l'Alliance de toute les sociétés secrète créé par le Vatican, le Vatican(NAZI) étant l'Empire Romain, l'Empire Romain est sous le règne de satan. La suite: "Amen" 👉 Question: Quel est le terme d'origine de "amen"? Réponse: le mot Amen ne devrait pas être ajouté à la fin d’une prière, car il s’agit du nom d’un dieu égyptien, qui signifie « le caché ». Cette divinité de l’Égypte est mentionnée dans Nahum 3:8 comme peuplée de No. Et dans Jérémie 46:25 en tant que mutitude de No. Dans la Concordance des Forts, en hébreu #527 , comme amown, populeux et multitude. Et #528 Amown un dieu égyptien, à l’origine le dieu local de Thèbes, plus tard chef du panthéon égyptien. https://discover.hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/Amen (anglais) La cerise sur le sundae: " je vous le dis : je ne boirai plus du fruit de la vigne, jusqu’au jour où je le boirai, nouveau, dans le royaume de Dieu. » 👉Questions: Étant donné que Jésus était un Humain Saint, Fils de La Source Divine, comment vous expliquez qu'il boirait de l'alcool venant d'un fruit? Comment vous expliquez qu'Il suggèrerait d'utiliser les paraboles de "prenez mon corps", "ceci est mon sang", le "sang de l'Alliance" et pourquoi Jésus dirait "amen" après une prière lorsque ce terme vient d'une religion païenne et non de son Père Éternel, Dieu de Toute Création Organique, La Source Universelle ? Avez-vous les réponses?
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 629 Views 0 Vista previa
  • "...rien n’est hasard dans un Monde contrôlé par des Magiciens Noirs. "
    "...rien n’est hasard dans un Monde contrôlé par des Magiciens Noirs. " L'ARCHE D'ALLIANCE https://www.harmonicuniverse.academy/ressources/newsletters-mensuelles-ascension/234-l-arche-d-alliance
    0 Commentarios 1 Acciones 387 Views 0 Vista previa
    It's named as "The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion"

    It will be dedicated to the deep dive on these subjects below:

    Technocracy, Social Credit Social System, Exo-politics, Political and Economic Facism ,
    15 minute cities, CBDCs, Digital IDs, Digital Currency, Carbon Wallets, Vaccine Passports

    Transhumanism, Post-humanism, Borgs, Chimeras and Hybrids

    Biblical Worldview on technology, futurism, technocracy, UFOs, USOs, Military Industrial Complex, Black Projects, Weather Manipulation, SAPs or Special Access Programs, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases),

    Cosmic events, Stellar calendars, Interdimensional and Galactic conflicts,

    Current Transhumanist Tech, Genetic Engineering and Warfare, Weaponized Bio-Technology, Neuroscience or Cognitive Science, Nano-Technology, Robotics, Super Intelligence, AGI, Bio-Digital Convergence, Human-Brain Interface, Digital Twins, Metaverse, Omniverse and the Matrix (Simulation Universe)

    Please visit and Subscribe to this channel, and click the bell Icon, to get notified everytime there is a new data-info-upload


    May the Force of Light be with You!

    -Ordinary Joe
    THIS IS A BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!! It's named as "The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion" It will be dedicated to the deep dive on these subjects below: Technocracy, Social Credit Social System, Exo-politics, Political and Economic Facism , 15 minute cities, CBDCs, Digital IDs, Digital Currency, Carbon Wallets, Vaccine Passports Transhumanism, Post-humanism, Borgs, Chimeras and Hybrids Biblical Worldview on technology, futurism, technocracy, UFOs, USOs, Military Industrial Complex, Black Projects, Weather Manipulation, SAPs or Special Access Programs, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), Cosmic events, Stellar calendars, Interdimensional and Galactic conflicts, Current Transhumanist Tech, Genetic Engineering and Warfare, Weaponized Bio-Technology, Neuroscience or Cognitive Science, Nano-Technology, Robotics, Super Intelligence, AGI, Bio-Digital Convergence, Human-Brain Interface, Digital Twins, Metaverse, Omniverse and the Matrix (Simulation Universe) Please visit and Subscribe to this channel, and click the bell Icon, to get notified everytime there is a new data-info-upload https://www.youtube.com/@TheFourthIndustrialDemon-op6wt May the Force of Light be with You! -Ordinary Joe
    The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion
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  • "Le système sur lequel est basé chaque pilier principal de contrôle de la société, ce qui signifie les médias, le système financier, le système de Santé, l’industrie de la musique et d’Hollywood.
    Tous ces domaines qui gouvernent la société dans son ensemble, font partie des organisations les plus diaboliques et corrompues que l’on puisse imaginer."
    "Le système sur lequel est basé chaque pilier principal de contrôle de la société, ce qui signifie les médias, le système financier, le système de Santé, l’industrie de la musique et d’Hollywood. Tous ces domaines qui gouvernent la société dans son ensemble, font partie des organisations les plus diaboliques et corrompues que l’on puisse imaginer." https://harmonicuniverse.academy/ressources/newsletters-mensuelles-ascension/247-integrite-energetique
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  • "Je n’ai pas changé. Je me suis juste réveillé(e)".
    21 Symptômes de l’Eveil Spirituel
    12 septembre 2014
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    Divulgation Cosmique
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  • Le Retour du Saint-Père Cosmique
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