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ER physician Dr. Jeff Matheson is under attack today in the TORONTO SUN for refusing mask mandates and telling his patients the truth about the vaccines. The College of Physicians has suspended his licence. He is being defended by Rocco Galati, but his income has ground to a halt.
My interview with him last week has attracted much attention, even though I pulled my post. Others have copied it on other platforms. Here is one of many.
☕️Please show your support of Dr. Jeff Matheson with a donation of $5 if you can. This donation goes directly to him. He set up the account on my insistence, as so many have indicated that they want to help him in a tangible way.
☕️☕️☕️TORONTOSUN.COMMANDEL: Ajax doc who broke promise to mask with patients suspended nine monthsNo stranger to trouble, Dr. Jeffrey Matheson has been suspended yet again .Please log in to like, share and comment! -
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