66 year old retired truck driver did some wrench pullin when I was a young man.
Road some motorcycle like to meet new people with free thinking mind. Don't drink at all, quit smoking 11 years ago. Did I mention that don't let anybody shove stuff into my body not even doctors or government. Have 1 new cat for a pet and try to take care of my 94 year old father but he is amazing still helps or tries to with every project that comes up. All in all I I am greatful to be alive and healthy under the grace of God.
  • 6 Publicações
  • 5 fotos
  • 0 Vídeos
  • Retired/Truck Driver na not much
  • Estudou Industrial na long ago can not remember
    Class of sometimes
  • Male
  • Relacionamento Complicado
  • Seguido por 25 pessoas
Informações de Educação
  • University
  • College
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