First Schwab, then Soros, Now "50%" of Invitees to WEF Davos, CANCELED!
Something really major is going on concerning the World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland. I reported earlier that WEF Chief Klaus Schwab would not attend due to health reasons, and later, George Soros backed out due to a scheduling conflict. Now I can report to all of you that upwards of FIFTY PERCENT of invitees, will not be showing up. The last time a WEF Meeting was ditched like this . . . . was the week of the 9-11 attacks!
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Something really major is going on concerning the World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland. I reported earlier that WEF Chief Klaus Schwab would not attend due to health reasons, and later, George Soros backed out due to a scheduling conflict. Now I can report to all of you that upwards of FIFTY PERCENT of invitees, will not be showing up. The last time a WEF Meeting was ditched like this . . . . was the week of the 9-11 attacks!
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First Schwab, then Soros, Now "50%" of Invitees to WEF Davos, CANCELED!
Something really major is going on concerning the World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland. I reported earlier that WEF Chief Klaus Schwab would not attend due to health reasons, and later, George Soros backed out due to a scheduling conflict. Now I can report to all of you that upwards of FIFTY PERCENT of invitees, will not be showing up. The last time a WEF Meeting was ditched like this . . . . was the week of the 9-11 attacks!
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