Well we as WHITE PEOPLE are FUCKED IN CANADA. A judge ruled yesterday that attacking a white man is not a HATe CRUME. You can now legal attack punch stab shoot call names under the new Hate Crime by faggot Justin #justincastro Trudeau
Welcome to FULL BLIWN MARXIST CANADA. Don’t fucking believe me. Get your weapons on order flukes. They are coming for us. WHITES ONLY
Welcome to FULL BLIWN MARXIST CANADA. Don’t fucking believe me. Get your weapons on order flukes. They are coming for us. WHITES ONLY
Well we as WHITE PEOPLE are FUCKED IN CANADA. A judge ruled yesterday that attacking a white man is not a HATe CRUME. You can now legal attack punch stab shoot call names under the new Hate Crime by faggot Justin #justincastro Trudeau
Welcome to FULL BLIWN MARXIST CANADA. Don’t fucking believe me. Get your weapons on order flukes. They are coming for us. WHITES ONLY
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