England finally woke up about Vitamin D, apparently. The US still has not. (Actually, they probably knew long ago but can't take away potential profits from Pharma now can we).
Not 1 person with a Vit. D level above 50ng/ml died from covid -- NOT ONE. Yet, you could not get Vit. D IVs here once you had to be hospitalized (you could in Italy, for one). In fact, that was one of the early findings in 2020 -- that high dose IVs with Vit. D was helping people kick covid.
Why didn't we recognize that in the rest of the world? Profits -- profits to hospitals and pharma. What a sad state of the world we live in due to the root of all evil . . .
Not 1 person with a Vit. D level above 50ng/ml died from covid -- NOT ONE. Yet, you could not get Vit. D IVs here once you had to be hospitalized (you could in Italy, for one). In fact, that was one of the early findings in 2020 -- that high dose IVs with Vit. D was helping people kick covid.
Why didn't we recognize that in the rest of the world? Profits -- profits to hospitals and pharma. What a sad state of the world we live in due to the root of all evil . . .
England finally woke up about Vitamin D, apparently. The US still has not. (Actually, they probably knew long ago but can't take away potential profits from Pharma now can we).
Not 1 person with a Vit. D level above 50ng/ml died from covid -- NOT ONE. Yet, you could not get Vit. D IVs here once you had to be hospitalized (you could in Italy, for one). In fact, that was one of the early findings in 2020 -- that high dose IVs with Vit. D was helping people kick covid.
Why didn't we recognize that in the rest of the world? Profits -- profits to hospitals and pharma. What a sad state of the world we live in due to the root of all evil . . .