URGENT: #StopTheTreaty: Comment on WHO's Pandemic Treaty | World Council for Health
We have less than 24 hours to stop this insane 'treaty' from steam rolling us (
We have less than 24 hours to stop this insane 'treaty' from steam rolling us
This is bad people. Take time to comment.
Please go the and write an objection. Get it on record in writing that this is NOT ok with you and why.
Go here to read the opposition letter.
URGENT!!! Comment on the WHO treaty NOW This is really important. If the changes the US wants go in, then all nations will be governed by what the WHO says the pandemic response should be and we will all be screwed.
To participate, use this link.
Click "Written Submissions" bar in middle of screen
Provide data as requested.
In Organization (required field) type in: "World Citizen" or "An Individual"
Either one will work!
Copy the four (4) points into section
1. National and local leadership retain full autonomy, reserving the right to make decisions based on what is best for their own people.
2. The ability of nations and local municipalities to opt out of any and all portions of the agreement as they see fit, without consequence.
3. An open and transparent process with the ability for all people of the world to vote on including failsafe measures that will prevent the application of the global agreement in places where a majority of the people do not want it.
4. Measures that do not allow for influence in the process by any and all pharmaceutical companies or other global health profiteers.
WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, SEND YOUR EMAIL (not Forward, but New Email) -- as follows:
3. Send this exact text to at least TWO (2) of your friends / family, who are reliable and will do the same,
e.g. Ask them to do exactly what you just did:
copy the exact text within your email, including the link and send your email to TWO (2) of their friends / family, who are also reliable and will do the VERY SAME THING.
4. If we are successful, meaning if each and every person who receives this request to become active for just two (2) minutes, does exactly what you just did, THIS IS WHAT YOU JUST MADE POSSIBLE:
THIRTY (30) Iterations, e.g. 30 layers of messages, if the chain remains unbroken, from
this Newsletter will have Delivered (drumroll please) - 536,870,912 Treaty Responses:
Five Hundred Thirty Six Million, Eight Hundred Seventy Thousand and Nine Hundred +12
Instructions to comment
This will take you less than 2 minutes. If you’re fast, you can do it in < 60 seconds.
Here is the comment I filed which you can copy or modify. Your comment is limited to 250 words. I suggest you copy and paste mine if you agree with it.
The following elements should be included:
1. National and local leadership retain full autonomy, reserving the right to make decisions based on what is best for their own people.
2. The ability of nations and local municipalities to opt out of any and all portions of the agreement as they see fit, without consequence.
3. An open and transparent process with the ability for all people of the world to vote on including failsafe measures that will prevent the application of the global agreement in places where a majority of the people do not want it.
4. Measures that do not allow for influence in the process by any and all pharmaceutical companies or other global health profiteers.
Written submissions (
URGENT: #StopTheTreaty: Comment on WHO's Pandemic Treaty | World Council for Health
We have less than 24 hours to stop this insane 'treaty' from steam rolling us (
We have less than 24 hours to stop this insane 'treaty' from steam rolling us
This is bad people. Take time to comment.
Please go the and write an objection. Get it on record in writing that this is NOT ok with you and why.
Go here to read the opposition letter.
URGENT!!! Comment on the WHO treaty NOW This is really important. If the changes the US wants go in, then all nations will be governed by what the WHO says the pandemic response should be and we will all be screwed.
To participate, use this link.
Click "Written Submissions" bar in middle of screen
Provide data as requested.
In Organization (required field) type in: "World Citizen" or "An Individual"
Either one will work!
Copy the four (4) points into section
1. National and local leadership retain full autonomy, reserving the right to make decisions based on what is best for their own people.
2. The ability of nations and local municipalities to opt out of any and all portions of the agreement as they see fit, without consequence.
3. An open and transparent process with the ability for all people of the world to vote on including failsafe measures that will prevent the application of the global agreement in places where a majority of the people do not want it.
4. Measures that do not allow for influence in the process by any and all pharmaceutical companies or other global health profiteers.
WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, SEND YOUR EMAIL (not Forward, but New Email) -- as follows:
3. Send this exact text to at least TWO (2) of your friends / family, who are reliable and will do the same,
e.g. Ask them to do exactly what you just did:
copy the exact text within your email, including the link and send your email to TWO (2) of their friends / family, who are also reliable and will do the VERY SAME THING.
4. If we are successful, meaning if each and every person who receives this request to become active for just two (2) minutes, does exactly what you just did, THIS IS WHAT YOU JUST MADE POSSIBLE:
THIRTY (30) Iterations, e.g. 30 layers of messages, if the chain remains unbroken, from
this Newsletter will have Delivered (drumroll please) - 536,870,912 Treaty Responses:
Five Hundred Thirty Six Million, Eight Hundred Seventy Thousand and Nine Hundred +12
Instructions to comment
This will take you less than 2 minutes. If you’re fast, you can do it in < 60 seconds.
Here is the comment I filed which you can copy or modify. Your comment is limited to 250 words. I suggest you copy and paste mine if you agree with it.
The following elements should be included:
1. National and local leadership retain full autonomy, reserving the right to make decisions based on what is best for their own people.
2. The ability of nations and local municipalities to opt out of any and all portions of the agreement as they see fit, without consequence.
3. An open and transparent process with the ability for all people of the world to vote on including failsafe measures that will prevent the application of the global agreement in places where a majority of the people do not want it.
4. Measures that do not allow for influence in the process by any and all pharmaceutical companies or other global health profiteers.
Written submissions (
URGENT: #StopTheTreaty: Comment on WHO's Pandemic Treaty | World Council for Health
We have less than 24 hours to stop this insane 'treaty' from steam rolling us (
We have less than 24 hours to stop this insane 'treaty' from steam rolling us
This is bad people. Take time to comment.
Please go the and write an objection. Get it on record in writing that this is NOT ok with you and why.
Go here to read the opposition letter.
URGENT!!! Comment on the WHO treaty NOW This is really important. If the changes the US wants go in, then all nations will be governed by what the WHO says the pandemic response should be and we will all be screwed.
To participate, use this link.
Click "Written Submissions" bar in middle of screen
Provide data as requested.
In Organization (required field) type in: "World Citizen" or "An Individual"
Either one will work!
Copy the four (4) points into section
1. National and local leadership retain full autonomy, reserving the right to make decisions based on what is best for their own people.
2. The ability of nations and local municipalities to opt out of any and all portions of the agreement as they see fit, without consequence.
3. An open and transparent process with the ability for all people of the world to vote on including failsafe measures that will prevent the application of the global agreement in places where a majority of the people do not want it.
4. Measures that do not allow for influence in the process by any and all pharmaceutical companies or other global health profiteers.
WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, SEND YOUR EMAIL (not Forward, but New Email) -- as follows:
3. Send this exact text to at least TWO (2) of your friends / family, who are reliable and will do the same,
e.g. Ask them to do exactly what you just did:
copy the exact text within your email, including the link and send your email to TWO (2) of their friends / family, who are also reliable and will do the VERY SAME THING.
4. If we are successful, meaning if each and every person who receives this request to become active for just two (2) minutes, does exactly what you just did, THIS IS WHAT YOU JUST MADE POSSIBLE:
THIRTY (30) Iterations, e.g. 30 layers of messages, if the chain remains unbroken, from
this Newsletter will have Delivered (drumroll please) - 536,870,912 Treaty Responses:
Five Hundred Thirty Six Million, Eight Hundred Seventy Thousand and Nine Hundred +12
Instructions to comment
This will take you less than 2 minutes. If you’re fast, you can do it in < 60 seconds.
Here is the comment I filed which you can copy or modify. Your comment is limited to 250 words. I suggest you copy and paste mine if you agree with it.
The following elements should be included:
1. National and local leadership retain full autonomy, reserving the right to make decisions based on what is best for their own people.
2. The ability of nations and local municipalities to opt out of any and all portions of the agreement as they see fit, without consequence.
3. An open and transparent process with the ability for all people of the world to vote on including failsafe measures that will prevent the application of the global agreement in places where a majority of the people do not want it.
4. Measures that do not allow for influence in the process by any and all pharmaceutical companies or other global health profiteers.
Written submissions (