For all residents of Mississauga who are coming tonight to TVO Broadcast Centre, thanks for your support.
Join New Blue candidates outside the studio during the debate for some old fashioned mainstreeting and to hear from Jim!
Prepare all your questions for it will be a real debate. We will be there to answer all questions you have in mind.
It's time for a better Future. #votenewblueparty
#newblueontario #election2022 #canada #ontario #canadapolitics #onpoli #newblue2022 #erinmills #mississauga #mississaugalife #mississaugaschool #mississaugabusiness #mississaugafamily #provencialelectrions2022 #mississaugaerinmills #NewBlueParty
#CharlesWroblewski #NewBlueOn #newbluecandidates #FORDMUSTGO #ElectionFraud
Join New Blue candidates outside the studio during the debate for some old fashioned mainstreeting and to hear from Jim!
Prepare all your questions for it will be a real debate. We will be there to answer all questions you have in mind.
It's time for a better Future. #votenewblueparty
#newblueontario #election2022 #canada #ontario #canadapolitics #onpoli #newblue2022 #erinmills #mississauga #mississaugalife #mississaugaschool #mississaugabusiness #mississaugafamily #provencialelectrions2022 #mississaugaerinmills #NewBlueParty
#CharlesWroblewski #NewBlueOn #newbluecandidates #FORDMUSTGO #ElectionFraud
For all residents of Mississauga who are coming tonight to TVO Broadcast Centre, thanks for your support.
Join New Blue candidates outside the studio during the debate for some old fashioned mainstreeting and to hear from Jim!
Prepare all your questions for it will be a real debate. We will be there to answer all questions you have in mind.
It's time for a better Future. #votenewblueparty
#newblueontario #election2022 #canada #ontario #canadapolitics #onpoli #newblue2022 #erinmills #mississauga #mississaugalife #mississaugaschool #mississaugabusiness #mississaugafamily #provencialelectrions2022 #mississaugaerinmills #NewBlueParty
#CharlesWroblewski #NewBlueOn #newbluecandidates #FORDMUSTGO #ElectionFraud
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