• ‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

    The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.

    Jablonowski noted that the study was based solely on government data. He said: “The government has had this data for decades, professing safety while simultaneously refusing to study safety. The facade of U.S. government public health is crumbling, revealing a culprit in chronic disease in this country: willful ignorance.”

    ​The authors of the study noted that government-sponsored studies have not compared health outcomes in vaccinated versus completely unvaccinated children.​

    (In other words, government _LIED_ to you . . . )

    ‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders. Jablonowski noted that the study was based solely on government data. He said: “The government has had this data for decades, professing safety while simultaneously refusing to study safety. The facade of U.S. government public health is crumbling, revealing a culprit in chronic disease in this country: willful ignorance.” ​The authors of the study noted that government-sponsored studies have not compared health outcomes in vaccinated versus completely unvaccinated children.​ (In other words, government _LIED_ to you . . . ) https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/study-vaccinated-children-autism-risk-increase/
    ‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism
    The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 253 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • 5/14
    Winyu Chinthammit
    University of Tasmania
    The author has contributed to research in topics: Augmented reality & Mobile interaction.
    5/14 Winyu Chinthammit University of Tasmania The author has contributed to research in topics: Augmented reality & Mobile interaction. https://typeset.io/authors/winyu-chinthammit-4570bwq8mf?papers_page=2
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 121 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • The new analysis, published in JAMA Pediatrics on Monday, found that fluoride exposure exceeding 1.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) was associated with reduced intelligence among children. The study, conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), took nine years to complete and is the largest meta-analysis to date on the health effects of fluoride.
    The studies reviewed measured fluoride levels in drinking water and in urine. The authors used urinary fluoride as a proxy for total fluoride exposure. Among the 74 reviewed studies, 64 found that higher levels of fluoride exposure were linked to lower IQ in children. The strength of this association is considered moderate to large.
    The new analysis, published in JAMA Pediatrics on Monday, found that fluoride exposure exceeding 1.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) was associated with reduced intelligence among children. The study, conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), took nine years to complete and is the largest meta-analysis to date on the health effects of fluoride. The studies reviewed measured fluoride levels in drinking water and in urine. The authors used urinary fluoride as a proxy for total fluoride exposure. Among the 74 reviewed studies, 64 found that higher levels of fluoride exposure were linked to lower IQ in children. The strength of this association is considered moderate to large. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/conspiracy-fact-higher-fluoride-levels-linked-lower-iq-scores-children-new-review-finds
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 342 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Biometric Update regularly authors articles regarding the term "Mastercard Biometric Checkout Program." The following list of links is available to assist you with finding biometrics news concerning "Mastercard Biometric Checkout Program" and other relevant terms.
    Biometric Update regularly authors articles regarding the term "Mastercard Biometric Checkout Program." The following list of links is available to assist you with finding biometrics news concerning "Mastercard Biometric Checkout Program" and other relevant terms. https://www.biometricupdate.com/tag/mastercard-biometric-checkout-program
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 539 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • #WEF #AllgoodPlan #lateKlausSchwab #KivaAllgood #Ukraine
    Kiva Allgood
    Head, Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains, World Economic Forum
    #WEF #AllgoodPlan #lateKlausSchwab #KivaAllgood #Ukraine Kiva Allgood Head, Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains, World Economic Forum https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/kiva-allgood/
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 1KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Scientists Say the Food of the Future May Be…Farmed Pythons?
    The authors of a new scientific study claim that python meat has "broad culinary appeal"
    Scientists Say the Food of the Future May Be…Farmed Pythons? The authors of a new scientific study claim that python meat has "broad culinary appeal" BY SAGE MARSHALL | PUBLISHED MAR 22, 2024 2:00 PM EDT https://www.fieldandstream.com/survival/study-promotoes-python-farming/
    Scientists Say the Food of the Future May Be…Farmed Pythons?
    Authors of a new scientific study claim that python meat has "broad culinary appeal."
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 527 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • The study, spanning from March 1, 2019 to Feb. 28, 2022, encompassed the tumultuous period marked by the enforcement of social restrictions, including social distancing, quarantine measures, and unprecedented "full societal lockdowns," which the study noted "had not previously been experienced in living memory." "Significant worsening of executive function and working memory was observed in the first year of the pandemic across the whole cohort, in people with mild cognitive impairment, and in people with a history of COVID-19," the authors wrote. The negative impact on cognitive function persisted into the second year, notably concerning executive function across the entire cohort and working memory within specific subgroups.
    The study, spanning from March 1, 2019 to Feb. 28, 2022, encompassed the tumultuous period marked by the enforcement of social restrictions, including social distancing, quarantine measures, and unprecedented "full societal lockdowns," which the study noted "had not previously been experienced in living memory." "Significant worsening of executive function and working memory was observed in the first year of the pandemic across the whole cohort, in people with mild cognitive impairment, and in people with a history of COVID-19," the authors wrote. The negative impact on cognitive function persisted into the second year, notably concerning executive function across the entire cohort and working memory within specific subgroups. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/covid-19-lockdowns-linked-memory-cognitive-decline-uk-study
    COVID-19 Lockdowns Linked To Memory, Cognitive Decline: UK Study
    "The effects of these measures are yet to be fully established..."
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 1KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Exactly what we've been saying for years:

    The Latest On Global Warming Is ... There Is No Global Warming

    QUOTE: A new study out of Norway is exactly what was needed to shut down the climate alarmists. Its findings show that man has not set fire to his home planet.

    Right from the top, in the abstract not 10 lines into the study, the authors get to the point.

    "Using theoretical arguments and statistical tests we find," the researchers say, "that the effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be strong enough to cause systematic changes in the temperature fluctuations during the last 200 years."

    Exactly what we've been saying for years: The Latest On Global Warming Is ... There Is No Global Warming QUOTE: A new study out of Norway is exactly what was needed to shut down the climate alarmists. Its findings show that man has not set fire to his home planet. Right from the top, in the abstract not 10 lines into the study, the authors get to the point. "Using theoretical arguments and statistical tests we find," the researchers say, "that the effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be strong enough to cause systematic changes in the temperature fluctuations during the last 200 years." https://issuesinsights.com/2023/10/25/the-latest-on-global-warming-is-there-is-no-global-warming/
    The Latest On Global Warming Is … There Is No Global Warming
    Just-published research Norway’s government blows up everything you thought you knew about the climate ‘crisis.’
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 2KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Leading voices in the climate community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis comes under fresh assault by new scientific papers. The authors of the papers are being attacked and say that “activist scientists” threatened by the new findings are “aggressively conducting an orchestrated disinformation campaign to discredit the papers and the scientific reputation of the authors.” Indeed, from insults on social media and furious blog posts to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests demanding emails from a journal editor and federal scientist, the controversy is getting heated.
    Leading voices in the climate community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis comes under fresh assault by new scientific papers. The authors of the papers are being attacked and say that “activist scientists” threatened by the new findings are “aggressively conducting an orchestrated disinformation campaign to discredit the papers and the scientific reputation of the authors.” Indeed, from insults on social media and furious blog posts to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests demanding emails from a journal editor and federal scientist, the controversy is getting heated. https://www.activistpost.com/2023/10/era-of-unquestioned-and-unchallenged-climate-change-claims-is-over.html
    Era Of 'Unquestioned And Unchallenged' Climate Change Claims Is Over - Activist Post
    Leading voices in the climate community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis comes under fresh assault by new scientific papers.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Here are the scientific FACTS that bothers greatly the climate whores:

    The Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over

    This whole article is truly good reporting and worthy of a careful read, so please go to the link and do so. Please help tell more people about this excellent article.

    Some of the key notes from this article:

    Leading voices in the climate community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis comes under fresh assault by new scientific papers.

    The authors of the papers are being attacked and say that “activist scientists” threatened by the new findings are “aggressively conducting an orchestrated disinformation campaign to discredit the papers and the scientific reputation of the authors.”

    Indeed, from insults on social media and furious blog posts to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests demanding emails
    from a journal editor and federal scientist, the controversy is getting heated.

    William Happer, Princeton professor emeritus of physics and former climate adviser to President Donald Trump, wasn't surprised by the response to the new findings.

    “The paper presents very strong evidence that a warming bias is built into the records from urban areas,” Mr. Happer told The Epoch Times after reviewing the paper, which he wasn't involved with.

    “This extra warming of urban versus rural areas is not caused by increasing concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. It is caused by humans, but it cannot be reversed by ruinous net-zero policies.”

    The blog post by Mr. Schmidt “is dismissive in an insubstantive way,” said climatologist Judith Curry, who wasn't involved in the new papers but previously served as chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

    “The response by Schmidt, Mann, and others, particularly with regard to the FOIA request regarding editorial discussions on this paper, reflects their ongoing attempts to control the scientific as well as public dialogue on climate change,” she told The Epoch Times. “In my opinion, their behavior not only reflects poorly on them but is damaging to climate science.”

    A number of climate scientists contacted for comment by The Epoch Times declined to respond on the record.

    Saying that what passes for climate science had been deeply corrupted, several warned that advocates of the man-made-warming position would retaliate against them if they spoke out publicly.

    One of the scientists facing what critics believe is retaliation is Mr. Nikolov, a federal scientist who also served as guest editor of the journal that published one of the key new studies.

    “If Dr. Schmidt has objections to the results published by the CERES group, a normal response would be to write and publish a paper that refutes these results through new and improved data analysis. Trying to discredit the authors and the guest editor of a journal by finding ‘dirt’ through a FOIA request is definitely not a part of the standard scientific process.”

    Here are the scientific FACTS that bothers greatly the climate whores: The Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over This whole article is truly good reporting and worthy of a careful read, so please go to the link and do so. Please help tell more people about this excellent article. ================ Some of the key notes from this article: Leading voices in the climate community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis comes under fresh assault by new scientific papers. The authors of the papers are being attacked and say that “activist scientists” threatened by the new findings are “aggressively conducting an orchestrated disinformation campaign to discredit the papers and the scientific reputation of the authors.” Indeed, from insults on social media and furious blog posts to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests demanding emails from a journal editor and federal scientist, the controversy is getting heated. William Happer, Princeton professor emeritus of physics and former climate adviser to President Donald Trump, wasn't surprised by the response to the new findings. “The paper presents very strong evidence that a warming bias is built into the records from urban areas,” Mr. Happer told The Epoch Times after reviewing the paper, which he wasn't involved with. “This extra warming of urban versus rural areas is not caused by increasing concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. It is caused by humans, but it cannot be reversed by ruinous net-zero policies.” The blog post by Mr. Schmidt “is dismissive in an insubstantive way,” said climatologist Judith Curry, who wasn't involved in the new papers but previously served as chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. “The response by Schmidt, Mann, and others, particularly with regard to the FOIA request regarding editorial discussions on this paper, reflects their ongoing attempts to control the scientific as well as public dialogue on climate change,” she told The Epoch Times. “In my opinion, their behavior not only reflects poorly on them but is damaging to climate science.” A number of climate scientists contacted for comment by The Epoch Times declined to respond on the record. Saying that what passes for climate science had been deeply corrupted, several warned that advocates of the man-made-warming position would retaliate against them if they spoke out publicly. One of the scientists facing what critics believe is retaliation is Mr. Nikolov, a federal scientist who also served as guest editor of the journal that published one of the key new studies. “If Dr. Schmidt has objections to the results published by the CERES group, a normal response would be to write and publish a paper that refutes these results through new and improved data analysis. Trying to discredit the authors and the guest editor of a journal by finding ‘dirt’ through a FOIA request is definitely not a part of the standard scientific process.” https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/era-of-unquestioned-and-unchallenged-climate-change-claims-is-over-5503316
    Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over
    New studies undercut the ‘scientifically empty’ warming narrative, says astrophysicist and aerospace engineer.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau