• Here’s something from the #Compost

    Don’t just focus on a #Debate. Focus on #Reality.

    Do not forget #Poppies

    Here’s something from the #Compost Don’t just focus on a #Debate. Focus on #Reality. Do not forget #Poppies https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/iran-coronavirus-outbreak-graves/
    Coronavirus burial pits in Iran so vast that they’re visible from space
    Iranian authorities began digging a pair of trenches for victims just days after the government disclosed the initial outbreak. Together, their lengths are that of a football field.
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  • The sustainable agricultural system involves the integration of trees, crops, and livestock on the same land, allowing for multiple benefits. Agroforestry can help resolve the problem by acting as a natural filter for the excess nitrogen. The trees in such a system absorb nitrogen through their roots and incorporate it into their biomass, preventing it from leaching into the soil or water. The trees also provide shade for crops, reducing their water and nutrient requirements, which in turn reduces the amount of fertilizer needed. Additionally, the roots of the trees can improve soil structure, which can reduce soil erosion and improve water infiltration. Another solution is agroecology, which involves crop rotation, intercropping, and the use of natural fertilizers. One of the main causes of nitrogen pollution in the Netherlands is the heavy use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture. Agroecology offers an alternative approach that reduces the reliance on chemical fertilizers by utilizing natural sources of nutrients, such as compost and animal manure. This can significantly reduce the amount of nitrogen runoff from farms, which is a major contributor to water pollution.
    The sustainable agricultural system involves the integration of trees, crops, and livestock on the same land, allowing for multiple benefits. Agroforestry can help resolve the problem by acting as a natural filter for the excess nitrogen. The trees in such a system absorb nitrogen through their roots and incorporate it into their biomass, preventing it from leaching into the soil or water. The trees also provide shade for crops, reducing their water and nutrient requirements, which in turn reduces the amount of fertilizer needed. Additionally, the roots of the trees can improve soil structure, which can reduce soil erosion and improve water infiltration. Another solution is agroecology, which involves crop rotation, intercropping, and the use of natural fertilizers. One of the main causes of nitrogen pollution in the Netherlands is the heavy use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture. Agroecology offers an alternative approach that reduces the reliance on chemical fertilizers by utilizing natural sources of nutrients, such as compost and animal manure. This can significantly reduce the amount of nitrogen runoff from farms, which is a major contributor to water pollution. https://www.activistpost.com/2023/03/dutch-farmers-and-government-can-reach-a-better-solution.html
    Dutch Farmers and Government Can Reach a Better Solution - Activist Post
    Dutch farmers have expressed frustration and anger over the government's measures to reduce nitrogen emissions. Are there other solutions?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views 0 Reviews
  • New York Legalizes Unsettling Method of Corpse Disposal via @WestJournalism https://www.westernjournal.com/ap-new-york-oks-human-composting-law-6th-state-us/
    New York Legalizes Unsettling Method of Corpse Disposal via @WestJournalism https://www.westernjournal.com/ap-new-york-oks-human-composting-law-6th-state-us/
    New York Legalizes Unsettling Method of Corpse Disposal
    Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation on Saturday to legalize natural organic reduction, popularly known as human composting.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 339 Views 0 Reviews
  • And the leftists just keep on trudging down the road of insanity and sickness . . .

    And the leftists just keep on trudging down the road of insanity and sickness . . . https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2022/09/19/human-composting-is-now-legal-in-california-leading-the-way-to-soylent-green-n629853
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  • Biodegradable products may also contain PFAS, which may create a greater problem as the containers are composted and mixed in the soil, and end up back on your plate inside the food you're eating

    PFASs are found in cosmetics and the water supply, which increases your exposure to chemicals known to be associated with liver toxicity, obesity, reduced birth weight and tumors in multiple organ systems

    One study showed only 8% of product ingredient labels indicated PFAS chemicals were used. Consider using strategies to lower your exposure such as checking your personal care products on the EWG Skin Deep database, opting for stovetop non-GMO popcorn and drinking granulated activated carbon filtered water

    Biodegradable products may also contain PFAS, which may create a greater problem as the containers are composted and mixed in the soil, and end up back on your plate inside the food you're eating PFASs are found in cosmetics and the water supply, which increases your exposure to chemicals known to be associated with liver toxicity, obesity, reduced birth weight and tumors in multiple organ systems One study showed only 8% of product ingredient labels indicated PFAS chemicals were used. Consider using strategies to lower your exposure such as checking your personal care products on the EWG Skin Deep database, opting for stovetop non-GMO popcorn and drinking granulated activated carbon filtered water https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2022/04/08/pfas-chemicals-in-food-wrappers.aspx
    What's Lurking in Your Food Wrapper?
    In addition to food, its packaging could also impact your health. See how:
    0 Comments 0 Shares 191 Views 0 Reviews