• Video streaming site Rumble has filed a lawsuit against the state of California in response to legislation forcing social media platforms to censor political speech. Rumble is being represented by The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which filed suit against AB 2655, aka the “Defending Democracy from Deepfake Deception Act of 2024,” in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division. The legislation is Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom’s response to a deepfake satire video of Kamala Harris that was shared on X by Elon Musk among others.
    Video streaming site Rumble has filed a lawsuit against the state of California in response to legislation forcing social media platforms to censor political speech. Rumble is being represented by The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which filed suit against AB 2655, aka the “Defending Democracy from Deepfake Deception Act of 2024,” in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division. The legislation is Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom’s response to a deepfake satire video of Kamala Harris that was shared on X by Elon Musk among others. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/rumble-sues-california-says-states-war-against-political-speech-censorship
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  • Social Media Was Created By To Overthrow Regimes & Governments

    WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 2024
    EPISODE #4016 9AM

    • Gavin Wince - QUX TV

    Share this far and wide!

    Social Media Was Created By To Overthrow Regimes & Governments THE PETE SANTILLI SHOW WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 2024 EPISODE #4016 9AM SPECIAL GUEST: • Gavin Wince - QUX TV Share this far and wide! https://rumble.com/v4oxpob-social-media-was-created-by-to-overthrow-regimes-and-governments.html
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  • NPR INSIDER SPEAKS - Went Full-Activist After 2016 Election [The Pete Santilli Show #4016 9AM]

    WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 2024
    EPISODE #4016 9AM

    • Dr. John Eastman, Senior Fellow, The Claremont Institute
    • Gavin Wince, QUX.TV

    NPR INSIDER SPEAKS - Went Full-Activist After 2016 Election [The Pete Santilli Show #4016 9AM] THE PETE SANTILLI SHOW WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 2024 EPISODE #4016 9AM SPECIAL GUEST: • Dr. John Eastman, Senior Fellow, The Claremont Institute • Gavin Wince, QUX.TV https://rumble.com/v4on2v8-npr-insider-speaks-went-full-activist-after-2016-election-the-pete-santilli.html
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  • En passant, petit "flashback", le plus gros investisseur au WHO c'est William Henry Gates III - aka - Bill Gates avec ses fondations Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations et GAVI.
    En passant, petit "flashback", le plus gros investisseur au WHO c'est William Henry Gates III - aka - Bill Gates avec ses fondations Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations et GAVI. https://yandex.com/search/?text=World+Health+Organization+investiors&lr=21382
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  • FILE: #DigitalID4D #WEFGatesFoundation #B20Summit #IBM #CBDC #AustraliaMyGovID
    Exposed: The Truth Behind...Rushed Digital ID Law
    "B20 Summit, in November 2022, the health minister of Indonesia, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, called on the G2O member nations to institute a “global health certificate” in order to restrict a human’s right to “move around.” He said: “Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO — if you have been vaccinated or tested properly — then you can move around.”
    “The Gates Funding is also earmarked to support interoperable payment systems and data-sharing systems. In short, digital, trackable cash. This aligns with the Federal Reserve’s discussion of creating a central bank digital currency that would include your identity with every purchase, including medical care.” ID2020, which partnered with IBM and Mastercard to develop the Good Health Pass, is supported by Gavi The Vaccine Alliance, which gets much of its funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and has a strong alliance with the WHO. Additionally, the World Bank’s digital-identity platform, ID4D, has Gates Foundation support.
    Many governments, foundations, and organizations that support digital IDs will claim that those can help the “marginalized” people of the world become “visible.” These interests tout the “cost-effectiveness,” the “convenience,” and the “security.” But what happens when your digital ID becomes a window into your carbon footprint, vaccine status, or religious and political views? How many holes will you then accumulate on your “punch card”? Are we simply trading a punch-card registry for an updated block-chain ledger? Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav said recently that if we do not learn from our history, we make that history irrelevant."
    IBM, the Holocaust, and Digital ID: The Shocking Connection
    FILE: #DigitalID4D #WEFGatesFoundation #B20Summit #IBM #CBDC #AustraliaMyGovID 💥Exposed: The Truth Behind...Rushed Digital ID Law "B20 Summit, in November 2022, the health minister of Indonesia, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, called on the G2O member nations to institute a “global health certificate” in order to restrict a human’s right to “move around.” He said: “Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO — if you have been vaccinated or tested properly — then you can move around.” “The Gates Funding is also earmarked to support interoperable payment systems and data-sharing systems. In short, digital, trackable cash. This aligns with the Federal Reserve’s discussion of creating a central bank digital currency that would include your identity with every purchase, including medical care.” ID2020, which partnered with IBM and Mastercard to develop the Good Health Pass, is supported by Gavi The Vaccine Alliance, which gets much of its funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and has a strong alliance with the WHO. Additionally, the World Bank’s digital-identity platform, ID4D, has Gates Foundation support. Many governments, foundations, and organizations that support digital IDs will claim that those can help the “marginalized” people of the world become “visible.” These interests tout the “cost-effectiveness,” the “convenience,” and the “security.” But what happens when your digital ID becomes a window into your carbon footprint, vaccine status, or religious and political views? How many holes will you then accumulate on your “punch card”? Are we simply trading a punch-card registry for an updated block-chain ledger? Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav said recently that if we do not learn from our history, we make that history irrelevant." IBM, the Holocaust, and Digital ID: The Shocking Connection https://ifapray.org/blog/ibm-the-holocaust-and-digital-id-whats-the-connection/
    IBM, the Holocaust, and Digital ID: The Shocking Connection - Intercessors for America
    On Jan. 30, 1933, the world would change forever as Adolf Hitler was named chancellor of Germany. On that infamous day, he forged ahead with a plan to
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  • 9. FILE: #UN2030Agenda #GAVIAlliance #MeaslesRubellaVaccination #Rougeole #CampagneDePeur
    "Mon fils l'a eu à l'âge de 20 ans... moi jamais et sa soeur non plus... et tous sans aucun vaccins... au final mon fils s'en ai très bien sorti... "
    🧵9. FILE: #UN2030Agenda #GAVIAlliance #MeaslesRubellaVaccination #Rougeole #CampagneDePeur TÉMOIGNAGE SUR LA ROUGEOLE: "Mon fils l'a eu à l'âge de 20 ans... moi jamais et sa soeur non plus... et tous sans aucun vaccins... au final mon fils s'en ai très bien sorti... "
    0 Comments 0 Shares 821 Views 0 Reviews
  • 8-A. FILE: #UN2030Agenda #GAVIAlliance #MeaslesRubellaVaccination #Rougeole #CampagneDePeur
    Décès lié à la ROUGEOLE de 2018 à 2022 = 1
    🧵8-A. FILE: #UN2030Agenda #GAVIAlliance #MeaslesRubellaVaccination #Rougeole #CampagneDePeur Décès lié à la ROUGEOLE de 2018 à 2022 = 1 https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/fr/tv.action?pid=1310039201&fbclid=IwAR17cdd6Hwav2VCZlHEiHrvS-OOeEGAyrgYkupzX3x112_sc3hHNZd5C0kE
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  • 8. FILE: #UN2030Agenda #GAVIAlliance #MeaslesRubellaVaccination #Rougeole #CampagneDePeur
    "nombre de décès lié à la rougeole au Canada= 1 décès de 2018 à 2022."
    Réponse d'un parent à l'école de ses enfants concernant la vaccination scolaire/ROUGEOLE
    🧵8. FILE: #UN2030Agenda #GAVIAlliance #MeaslesRubellaVaccination #Rougeole #CampagneDePeur 💥"nombre de décès lié à la rougeole au Canada= 1 décès de 2018 à 2022." Réponse d'un parent à l'école de ses enfants concernant la vaccination scolaire/ROUGEOLE https://www.facebook.com/100000630469324/posts/7636381109726162/
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    Gouvernement Québec lance sa nouvelle campagne vaccination rougeole.
    Dans cette partie du document (traduit en français par logiciel interne du site de GAVI (Bill Gates ayant mentionné dans le passé que ses investissement dans les vaccins lui rapporte beaucoup plus que MICROSOFT).
    Voici les phrases clés:
    "La vaccination contre la rougeole et la rubéole soutenue par Gavi au cours de la période 2021-2025 grâce à une combinaison de vaccination systématique et de mesures préventives et de lutte contre les épidémies, avec un coût estimé à 239 millions de dollars pour l’achat de vaccins pour les campagnes préventives, la vaccination contre la rougeole figure déjà parmi les investissements les plus rentables de Gavi.
    Le soutien de l’Alliance Gavi à l’introduction et à l’utilisation systématique de ces innovations diagnostiques contribuera la prise de décision du programme de vaccination des tests de diagnostic de la rougeole peut aider à la prise de décision du programme de vaccination.
    À ce jour, aucun TDR des IgM de la rougeole n’a reçu la préqualification de l’OMS ou n’a été entièrement validé par un groupe d’experts de l’OMS. Au moins un TDR contre la rougeole est en cours de développement et devrait être commercialisé d’ici 2024. Le PTP devrait être finalisé au début de 2024.
    Le Réseau mondial de laboratoires contre la rougeole et la rubéole (GMRLN), organisé par l’OMS et financé par les Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) des États-Unis, a joué un rôle clé dans le soutien des tests de laboratoire dans les pays éligibles à Gavi"
    Document sur le site GAVI en anglais:
    APRÈS L'ARNAQUE CON-VID19, VOICI LE RACKETT DE LA ROUGEOLE - PROGRAMMATION PAR CONTRÔLE MENTAL Gouvernement Québec lance sa nouvelle campagne vaccination rougeole. Dans cette partie du document (traduit en français par logiciel interne du site de GAVI (Bill Gates ayant mentionné dans le passé que ses investissement dans les vaccins lui rapporte beaucoup plus que MICROSOFT). Voici les phrases clés: "La vaccination contre la rougeole et la rubéole soutenue par Gavi au cours de la période 2021-2025 grâce à une combinaison de vaccination systématique et de mesures préventives et de lutte contre les épidémies, avec un coût estimé à 239 millions de dollars pour l’achat de vaccins pour les campagnes préventives, la vaccination contre la rougeole figure déjà parmi les investissements les plus rentables de Gavi. Le soutien de l’Alliance Gavi à l’introduction et à l’utilisation systématique de ces innovations diagnostiques contribuera la prise de décision du programme de vaccination des tests de diagnostic de la rougeole peut aider à la prise de décision du programme de vaccination. À ce jour, aucun TDR des IgM de la rougeole n’a reçu la préqualification de l’OMS ou n’a été entièrement validé par un groupe d’experts de l’OMS. Au moins un TDR contre la rougeole est en cours de développement et devrait être commercialisé d’ici 2024. Le PTP devrait être finalisé au début de 2024. Le Réseau mondial de laboratoires contre la rougeole et la rubéole (GMRLN), organisé par l’OMS et financé par les Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) des États-Unis, a joué un rôle clé dans le soutien des tests de laboratoire dans les pays éligibles à Gavi" Document sur le site GAVI en anglais: https://www.gavi.org/sites/default/files/about/market-shaping/roadmaps/Public-Summary_Measles-Diagnostics-Roadmap-2023.pdf
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  • 7. FILE: #UN2030Agenda #GAVIAlliance #MeaslesRubellaVaccination #MeaslesTestKit #HealthRacket
    "Once a measles IgM RDT receives basic regulatory approval, funding will be needed for the procurement and distribution of such tests. Gavi Alliance involvement with encouraging the availability and use of measles RDTs in subnational laboratories and clinics or other settings would benefit Gavi-supported measles immunisation efforts, particularly efforts to make measles preventive vaccination SIAs more efficient and effective. Gavi can fund pooled procurement to encourage diagnostic manufacturers’ involvement in this market"
    The Market Shaping Goal
    Supply and Procurement Roadmap
    Measles IgM Rapid Diagnostics Capacity
    🧵7. FILE: #UN2030Agenda #GAVIAlliance #MeaslesRubellaVaccination #MeaslesTestKit #HealthRacket "Once a measles IgM RDT receives basic regulatory approval, funding will be needed for the procurement and distribution of such tests. Gavi Alliance involvement with encouraging the availability and use of measles RDTs in subnational laboratories and clinics or other settings would benefit Gavi-supported measles immunisation efforts, particularly efforts to make measles preventive vaccination SIAs more efficient and effective. Gavi can fund pooled procurement to encourage diagnostic manufacturers’ involvement in this market" The Market Shaping Goal Supply and Procurement Roadmap Measles IgM Rapid Diagnostics Capacity https://www.gavi.org/sites/default/files/about/market-shaping/roadmaps/Public-Summary_Measles-Diagnostics-Roadmap-2023.pdf
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