• SO, how about all those that couldn't get HCQ and died?

    To EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU that was against early treatments, that spread these lies, their blood is on YOUR hands. YOU are part of their dying. YOU caused their deaths.


    SO, how about all those that couldn't get HCQ and died? To EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU that was against early treatments, that spread these lies, their blood is on YOUR hands. YOU are part of their dying. YOU caused their deaths. FUCK EVERY ONE OF YOU! https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/breaking-study-hydroxychloroquine
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 457 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • But of course -- they want to lessen free speech. They don't want people being able to get information out. Remember when they said HCQ and IVM wouldn't work for covid? Now they are admitting they do. Remember when they said masks stopped the spread of covid? When they said 6' apart was all it took to prevent viral spread? When they said Russia, Russia, Russia when President Trump took office? When they said the laptop was Russian propeganda? The FACT of the matter is, their so-called "fact checks"are usually wrong and that is by design -- that is to prevent people from knowing what is going on, what the actual facts are. Tony Blair is a POS, just as are all of the deep state globalist Presidents we have had in office. They want total control over you -- the Patriot Act (that has NEVER been rescinded) is not enough. Now they want to be able to arrest and imprison you for speech. Is is pitfork and shovel time yet?

    Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

    Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history, has joined the chorus of commentators demanding a new crackdown on social media.

    Speaking to LBC Radio this week, Blair said: “The world is going to have to come together and agree on some rules around social media platforms​".​ “It’s not just how people can provoke hostility and hatred but I think… the impact on young people particularly when they’ve got access to mobile phones very young and they are reading a whole lot of stuff and receiving a whole lot of stuff that I think is really messing with their minds in a big way. “I’m not sure what the answer is but I’m sure we need to find one.”

    Blair was not alone in calling for new restrictions on social media. Earlier this week, the left-wing Speaker of the House Sir Lindsay Hoyle also said that the government should consider new limits against online speech.​ “Misinformation is dangerous,” Hoyle said. “Social media is good but its also bad when people are using it in a way that could cause a riot, threat, intimidation, suggesting that we should attack somebody, it’s not acceptable​".​ “What we’ve got to do is factually correct what’s up there, if not I think the government has to think long and hard about what they are going to do about social media and what are they going to put through parliament as a bill​".

    “I believe it should be across, it doesn’t matter what country you are in, the fact is that misinformation is dangerous and no misinformation, or threats, or intimidation should be allowed to be carr​ied out on social media platforms.”​

    But of course -- they want to lessen free speech. They don't want people being able to get information out. Remember when they said HCQ and IVM wouldn't work for covid? Now they are admitting they do. Remember when they said masks stopped the spread of covid? When they said 6' apart was all it took to prevent viral spread? When they said Russia, Russia, Russia when President Trump took office? When they said the laptop was Russian propeganda? The FACT of the matter is, their so-called "fact checks"are usually wrong and that is by design -- that is to prevent people from knowing what is going on, what the actual facts are. Tony Blair is a POS, just as are all of the deep state globalist Presidents we have had in office. They want total control over you -- the Patriot Act (that has NEVER been rescinded) is not enough. Now they want to be able to arrest and imprison you for speech. Is is pitfork and shovel time yet? Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history, has joined the chorus of commentators demanding a new crackdown on social media. Speaking to LBC Radio this week, Blair said: “The world is going to have to come together and agree on some rules around social media platforms​".​ “It’s not just how people can provoke hostility and hatred but I think… the impact on young people particularly when they’ve got access to mobile phones very young and they are reading a whole lot of stuff and receiving a whole lot of stuff that I think is really messing with their minds in a big way. “I’m not sure what the answer is but I’m sure we need to find one.” Blair was not alone in calling for new restrictions on social media. Earlier this week, the left-wing Speaker of the House Sir Lindsay Hoyle also said that the government should consider new limits against online speech.​ “Misinformation is dangerous,” Hoyle said. “Social media is good but its also bad when people are using it in a way that could cause a riot, threat, intimidation, suggesting that we should attack somebody, it’s not acceptable​".​ “What we’ve got to do is factually correct what’s up there, if not I think the government has to think long and hard about what they are going to do about social media and what are they going to put through parliament as a bill​". “I believe it should be across, it doesn’t matter what country you are in, the fact is that misinformation is dangerous and no misinformation, or threats, or intimidation should be allowed to be carr​ied out on social media platforms.”​ https://endtimeheadlines.org/2024/09/tony-blair-calls-for-global-agreement-on-social-media-speech-restrictions/
    Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions
    Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history,
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 717 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Well looky here: I wonder how many millions of people worldwide the medical establishment actually killed due to their following crooked big pharma's claim that HCQ didn't help ...

    Oxford University Study: Hydroxychloroquine Is a ‘Safe & Effective’ Treatment for Covid

    Scientists at the world-renowned Oxford University in England have just confirmed that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is “safe and effective” when used to treat COVID-19.

    A study into the effectiveness of the drug against Covid was conducted by the COPCOV Collaborative Group.

    The group, led by Dr. William H. K. Schilling, is part of the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU) Tropical Health Network.

    The study sought to better understand the safety profile of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) after multiple reports emerged during the pandemic that the antiviral drug had been successfully used to treat Covid.​

    Well looky here: I wonder how many millions of people worldwide the medical establishment actually killed due to their following crooked big pharma's claim that HCQ didn't help ... Oxford University Study: Hydroxychloroquine Is a ‘Safe & Effective’ Treatment for Covid Scientists at the world-renowned Oxford University in England have just confirmed that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is “safe and effective” when used to treat COVID-19. A study into the effectiveness of the drug against Covid was conducted by the COPCOV Collaborative Group. The group, led by Dr. William H. K. Schilling, is part of the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU) Tropical Health Network. The study sought to better understand the safety profile of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) after multiple reports emerged during the pandemic that the antiviral drug had been successfully used to treat Covid.​ https://slaynews.com/news/oxford-university-study-hydroxychloroquine-safe-effective-treatment-covid/
    Oxford University Study: Hydroxychloroquine Is a 'Safe & Effective' Treatment for Covid - Slay News
    Scientists at the world-renowned Oxford University in England have just confirmed that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is "safe and effective" when used to treat COVID-19.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 539 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • https://youtu.be/f27ZyCZHcQ8?si=mpp0j8DYBHkSW9aa
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 306 Ansichten 0 Vorschau

    Dr. Jane Ruby welcomes one of the original frontline doctors, Navy veteran, past President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Lee Merritt who shares her research of cancer tumors to say that they are parasite sacs that are identified as cancer, on standard medical tests, which, she explains, is partly why ivermectin and HCQ are so effective in her estimation for both flu symptoms and cancerous tumors. Dr. Merritt shares her views on The Great Reset, the role of the U.S. governent and the DOD in the mass injuring and mass genocide. The role of bacteria and certain light frequencies that can control their movement and suppression. She says this technology can manipulate th body's behavior and she opines on what is really in the covid shot vials.

    Dr. Jane Ruby - 08/15/2023

    DR. LEE MERRITT: CANCER TUMOR ARE PARASITES Dr. Jane Ruby welcomes one of the original frontline doctors, Navy veteran, past President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Lee Merritt who shares her research of cancer tumors to say that they are parasite sacs that are identified as cancer, on standard medical tests, which, she explains, is partly why ivermectin and HCQ are so effective in her estimation for both flu symptoms and cancerous tumors. Dr. Merritt shares her views on The Great Reset, the role of the U.S. governent and the DOD in the mass injuring and mass genocide. The role of bacteria and certain light frequencies that can control their movement and suppression. She says this technology can manipulate th body's behavior and she opines on what is really in the covid shot vials. Dr. Jane Ruby - 08/15/2023 https://www.bitchute.com/video/2hh5Tgd8K3Hn/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Well would you look at this -- funny how there is now proof that death was caused BY EXACTLY what we said would happen. This is why azithromycin was prescribed along with HCQ and Zinc -- to counter bacterial infection. Funny how we just continue to be proven right again and again and again as information cannot remain as hidden as it was early on.

    So sorry for those who lost loved ones, but we really did try to tell you -- early treatment, NOT remdesivir and ventilators . . .

    Well would you look at this -- funny how there is now proof that death was caused BY EXACTLY what we said would happen. This is why azithromycin was prescribed along with HCQ and Zinc -- to counter bacterial infection. Funny how we just continue to be proven right again and again and again as information cannot remain as hidden as it was early on. So sorry for those who lost loved ones, but we really did try to tell you -- early treatment, NOT remdesivir and ventilators . . . https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-hospital-deaths-bacterial-pneumonia/
    Majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia
    Hospitals sticking to the strict hand-me-down, highly profitable “COVID protocol” may have doomed a majority of admitted COVID-19 patients to death due to a perfect storm of institutional failure, a new study shows.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau

    Pharma colludes w/government to push dangerous drugs like the combination flu shot containing mRNA. Pharma CEOs publicly promoted injections for unapproved uses-off label promotion. Yet they tried to prevent Ivermectin & HCQ from being used for covid treatment. Pharma & government knew the dangers of the “vaccines” but still pushed them to market & engaged in gain-of-function research. Patients are denied organ transplants if they don’t take the “vaccines.” Congress remains complacent.

    Dr. Jane Ruby - Airdate 07/21/2023

    PHARMA CEOS ARE WAR CRIMINALS-TRANSPLANT PATIENTS ARE HELD HOSTAGE Pharma colludes w/government to push dangerous drugs like the combination flu shot containing mRNA. Pharma CEOs publicly promoted injections for unapproved uses-off label promotion. Yet they tried to prevent Ivermectin & HCQ from being used for covid treatment. Pharma & government knew the dangers of the “vaccines” but still pushed them to market & engaged in gain-of-function research. Patients are denied organ transplants if they don’t take the “vaccines.” Congress remains complacent. Dr. Jane Ruby - Airdate 07/21/2023 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Bn9AE4XjbFAI/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau

    Dr. Stella says covid is a treatable & preventable disease with hospitals still using deadly Remdesivir & inbutation. Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin are effective treatments that can be acquired through telemedicine & are safe. Malaria is treatable with HCQ. Cases in the US mean the female anopheles mosquito is in the country. Dr. Stella stresses medical preparedness by getting meds & supplies while they are still available.


    MALARIA & COVID TREATMENTS, DR. STELLA IMMANUEL, HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE, MEDICAL PREPAREDNESS Dr. Stella says covid is a treatable & preventable disease with hospitals still using deadly Remdesivir & inbutation. Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin are effective treatments that can be acquired through telemedicine & are safe. Malaria is treatable with HCQ. Cases in the US mean the female anopheles mosquito is in the country. Dr. Stella stresses medical preparedness by getting meds & supplies while they are still available. DOCTOR JANE RUBY - AIRDATE 07/14/2023 https://www.bitchute.com/video/AucOIPVEeQbF/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • But not Ivermectin or HCQ.
    But not Ivermectin or HCQ. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-pharmacists-now-allowed-to-prescribe-paxlovid-1.6190725
    Ontario pharmacists now allowed to prescribe Paxlovid
    Pharmacists across Ontario can now directly prescribe the anti-viral drug Paxlovid.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 968 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • This was just published this morning:

    A few excerpts:

    * The findings of this study demonstrate COVID-19 death rates per population are positively correlated with countrywide COVID-19 vaccination rates; the higher the percentage of a countries’ vaccination rate, the higher is the COVID-19 death rate/population.

    * This is to say that policies intended to curtail viral spread (masking, 6 foot distancing, etc.) were, from the beginning, doomed to fail.

    * It is difficult to explain these results on any basis other than primary failure of containment and vaccine strategies.

    * As more data has emerged from countries across the globe the efficacy of HCQ and CQ in early COVID-19 infection is widely substantiated.

    * The greater availability of HCQ by country, the less the COVID-19 deaths per country population.


    This was just published this morning: A few excerpts: * The findings of this study demonstrate COVID-19 death rates per population are positively correlated with countrywide COVID-19 vaccination rates; the higher the percentage of a countries’ vaccination rate, the higher is the COVID-19 death rate/population. * This is to say that policies intended to curtail viral spread (masking, 6 foot distancing, etc.) were, from the beginning, doomed to fail. * It is difficult to explain these results on any basis other than primary failure of containment and vaccine strategies. * As more data has emerged from countries across the globe the efficacy of HCQ and CQ in early COVID-19 infection is widely substantiated. * The greater availability of HCQ by country, the less the COVID-19 deaths per country population. https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202211.0480/v1
    Global COVID-19 Pandemic Outcomes: Dissecting a Failed Strategy
    Objectives to assess COVID-19 mortality rates per country population. To determine what if any independent country-specific variables from 9 different databases were correlated. Design population based retrospective cohort study. Setting analysis of global COVID-19 treatment and containment strategies using data from 9 worldwide websites. Participants 108 countries worldwide. Interventions none. Main Outcome Measures were COVID-19 death rates per country population analyzed by univariate and multivariate analysis. The main outcome parameters were to determine if there are any correlations between the percentage of countrywide COVID-19 deaths/population by the countries’ percent vaccinated. Secondary outcome measures include the effect of other independent variables on COVID-19 death rates per country population including: health expenditures per capita, annual income per capita, COVID-19 tests per 1000 people, stringency index (a measure of each countries containment strategies), hydroxychloroquine score (a measure of each countries use), ivermectin score (a measure of each countries use), hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and specific countries and geographic locations. Results COVID-19 vaccination rates ranged from 0-99% in 108 countries. Univariate analysis demonstrates the following independent variables to correlate with COVID-19 deaths/population (correlation coefficient, p value): countrywide COVID-19 vaccination rates (+0.2936, p=0.002); healthcare costs per capita (+0.3212, p=0.0007), income per capita (+0.3051, p=0.0013), COVID-19 tests per 1000 population (+0.6981 p=0.0307); stringency index (+0.3098, p=0.0011); hydroxychloroquine index (-0.1337, p=0.0678); and ivermectin index (-0.1383, p=0.1535). Conclusions Increasing rates of COVID-19 vaccination are associated with increase COVID-19 death rates per country population (p=0.002). Other variables associated include healthcare costs per capita (+0.3212, p=0.0007), income per capita (+0.3051, p=0.0013), COVID-19 tests per 1000 population (+0.6981 p=0.0307); and stringency index (+0.3098, p=0.0011).
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 1KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau