Drills usually precede the #FalseFlag event.
Are you prepared for a #GridDown event?
Internet Reset:
Are you prepared for the internet to go dark? Prepared for an extended loss of power? Where are you right now? Are you prepared to shelter in place ... right now? How long can you go without being able to contact your family, get money from the bank, the ATM, buy food, book travel, continue employment, etc? Where are you at RIGHT NOW? Can you stay where you are for however long it will take to get power, the internet back up and running?
Could the next big global #FalseFlag event, be a Great Reset that completely shuts down the internet? What if it were to happen right now, today, are you ready?
Klaus Schwab with #TheGreatReset announcements have already told us to expect a cyber attack a #CyberPandemic. So ... when and what form will this take?
Who will be implicated? Anti-Vaxxers? Gun Nuts? Anons? Russians? ChiCom's? Domestic Terrorists, White Supremicists?
Will they finally test that #InternetKillSwitch ?
Imagine the chaos if the internet were down even for just one day ... imagine a week ... that would surely scare us all into submission, would it not?
Think about it:
Even with all the de-platforming and censorship, at the moment there remains relative freedom of information on the internet, and this continues to threaten the new world order Globalists. All that FREE speech, it simply can no longer be tolerated.
First manufacture the threat. Hire hackers to access your financial, hack wall street, hack the big banks records and empty the starving middle class bank accounts, crash 401k/IRA accounts, crash your global stock accounts, it would be all they need to get everyone to support the creation of a new more secure internet in the aftermath of a global internet cyber attack.
And just like that, we wake up and see one of the biggest changes in human history, a New Internet, the INTERNET RESET, where information is now fully censored, history is rewritten, global taxes are implemented and are lining the bank accounts of corporations, cryptocurrencies are fully tracked and traced ... etc., etc ... use your imagination. The Great Reset, done. The New World Order has arrived. Did you prepare?
Are you prepared for a #GridDown event?
Internet Reset:
Are you prepared for the internet to go dark? Prepared for an extended loss of power? Where are you right now? Are you prepared to shelter in place ... right now? How long can you go without being able to contact your family, get money from the bank, the ATM, buy food, book travel, continue employment, etc? Where are you at RIGHT NOW? Can you stay where you are for however long it will take to get power, the internet back up and running?
Could the next big global #FalseFlag event, be a Great Reset that completely shuts down the internet? What if it were to happen right now, today, are you ready?
Klaus Schwab with #TheGreatReset announcements have already told us to expect a cyber attack a #CyberPandemic. So ... when and what form will this take?
Who will be implicated? Anti-Vaxxers? Gun Nuts? Anons? Russians? ChiCom's? Domestic Terrorists, White Supremicists?
Will they finally test that #InternetKillSwitch ?
Imagine the chaos if the internet were down even for just one day ... imagine a week ... that would surely scare us all into submission, would it not?
Think about it:
Even with all the de-platforming and censorship, at the moment there remains relative freedom of information on the internet, and this continues to threaten the new world order Globalists. All that FREE speech, it simply can no longer be tolerated.
First manufacture the threat. Hire hackers to access your financial, hack wall street, hack the big banks records and empty the starving middle class bank accounts, crash 401k/IRA accounts, crash your global stock accounts, it would be all they need to get everyone to support the creation of a new more secure internet in the aftermath of a global internet cyber attack.
And just like that, we wake up and see one of the biggest changes in human history, a New Internet, the INTERNET RESET, where information is now fully censored, history is rewritten, global taxes are implemented and are lining the bank accounts of corporations, cryptocurrencies are fully tracked and traced ... etc., etc ... use your imagination. The Great Reset, done. The New World Order has arrived. Did you prepare?
Drills usually precede the #FalseFlag event.
Are you prepared for a #GridDown event?
Internet Reset:
Are you prepared for the internet to go dark? Prepared for an extended loss of power? Where are you right now? Are you prepared to shelter in place ... right now? How long can you go without being able to contact your family, get money from the bank, the ATM, buy food, book travel, continue employment, etc? Where are you at RIGHT NOW? Can you stay where you are for however long it will take to get power, the internet back up and running?
Could the next big global #FalseFlag event, be a Great Reset that completely shuts down the internet? What if it were to happen right now, today, are you ready?
Klaus Schwab with #TheGreatReset announcements have already told us to expect a cyber attack a #CyberPandemic. So ... when and what form will this take?
Who will be implicated? Anti-Vaxxers? Gun Nuts? Anons? Russians? ChiCom's? Domestic Terrorists, White Supremicists?
Will they finally test that #InternetKillSwitch ?
Imagine the chaos if the internet were down even for just one day ... imagine a week ... that would surely scare us all into submission, would it not?
Think about it:
Even with all the de-platforming and censorship, at the moment there remains relative freedom of information on the internet, and this continues to threaten the new world order Globalists. All that FREE speech, it simply can no longer be tolerated.
First manufacture the threat. Hire hackers to access your financial, hack wall street, hack the big banks records and empty the starving middle class bank accounts, crash 401k/IRA accounts, crash your global stock accounts, it would be all they need to get everyone to support the creation of a new more secure internet in the aftermath of a global internet cyber attack.
And just like that, we wake up and see one of the biggest changes in human history, a New Internet, the INTERNET RESET, where information is now fully censored, history is rewritten, global taxes are implemented and are lining the bank accounts of corporations, cryptocurrencies are fully tracked and traced ... etc., etc ... use your imagination. The Great Reset, done. The New World Order has arrived. Did you prepare?