It's named as "The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion"
It will be dedicated to the deep dive on these subjects below:
Technocracy, Social Credit Social System, Exo-politics, Political and Economic Facism ,
15 minute cities, CBDCs, Digital IDs, Digital Currency, Carbon Wallets, Vaccine Passports
Transhumanism, Post-humanism, Borgs, Chimeras and Hybrids
Biblical Worldview on technology, futurism, technocracy, UFOs, USOs, Military Industrial Complex, Black Projects, Weather Manipulation, SAPs or Special Access Programs, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases),
Cosmic events, Stellar calendars, Interdimensional and Galactic conflicts,
Current Transhumanist Tech, Genetic Engineering and Warfare, Weaponized Bio-Technology, Neuroscience or Cognitive Science, Nano-Technology, Robotics, Super Intelligence, AGI, Bio-Digital Convergence, Human-Brain Interface, Digital Twins, Metaverse, Omniverse and the Matrix (Simulation Universe)
Please visit and Subscribe to this channel, and click the bell Icon, to get notified everytime there is a new data-info-upload
May the Force of Light be with You!
-Ordinary Joe
It's named as "The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion"
It will be dedicated to the deep dive on these subjects below:
Technocracy, Social Credit Social System, Exo-politics, Political and Economic Facism ,
15 minute cities, CBDCs, Digital IDs, Digital Currency, Carbon Wallets, Vaccine Passports
Transhumanism, Post-humanism, Borgs, Chimeras and Hybrids
Biblical Worldview on technology, futurism, technocracy, UFOs, USOs, Military Industrial Complex, Black Projects, Weather Manipulation, SAPs or Special Access Programs, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases),
Cosmic events, Stellar calendars, Interdimensional and Galactic conflicts,
Current Transhumanist Tech, Genetic Engineering and Warfare, Weaponized Bio-Technology, Neuroscience or Cognitive Science, Nano-Technology, Robotics, Super Intelligence, AGI, Bio-Digital Convergence, Human-Brain Interface, Digital Twins, Metaverse, Omniverse and the Matrix (Simulation Universe)
Please visit and Subscribe to this channel, and click the bell Icon, to get notified everytime there is a new data-info-upload
May the Force of Light be with You!
-Ordinary Joe
It's named as "The Fourth Industrial Demonic Delusion"
It will be dedicated to the deep dive on these subjects below:
Technocracy, Social Credit Social System, Exo-politics, Political and Economic Facism ,
15 minute cities, CBDCs, Digital IDs, Digital Currency, Carbon Wallets, Vaccine Passports
Transhumanism, Post-humanism, Borgs, Chimeras and Hybrids
Biblical Worldview on technology, futurism, technocracy, UFOs, USOs, Military Industrial Complex, Black Projects, Weather Manipulation, SAPs or Special Access Programs, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases),
Cosmic events, Stellar calendars, Interdimensional and Galactic conflicts,
Current Transhumanist Tech, Genetic Engineering and Warfare, Weaponized Bio-Technology, Neuroscience or Cognitive Science, Nano-Technology, Robotics, Super Intelligence, AGI, Bio-Digital Convergence, Human-Brain Interface, Digital Twins, Metaverse, Omniverse and the Matrix (Simulation Universe)
Please visit and Subscribe to this channel, and click the bell Icon, to get notified everytime there is a new data-info-upload
May the Force of Light be with You!
-Ordinary Joe