• ‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

    The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.

    Jablonowski noted that the study was based solely on government data. He said: “The government has had this data for decades, professing safety while simultaneously refusing to study safety. The facade of U.S. government public health is crumbling, revealing a culprit in chronic disease in this country: willful ignorance.”

    ​The authors of the study noted that government-sponsored studies have not compared health outcomes in vaccinated versus completely unvaccinated children.​

    (In other words, government _LIED_ to you . . . )

    ‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders. Jablonowski noted that the study was based solely on government data. He said: “The government has had this data for decades, professing safety while simultaneously refusing to study safety. The facade of U.S. government public health is crumbling, revealing a culprit in chronic disease in this country: willful ignorance.” ​The authors of the study noted that government-sponsored studies have not compared health outcomes in vaccinated versus completely unvaccinated children.​ (In other words, government _LIED_ to you . . . ) https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/study-vaccinated-children-autism-risk-increase/
    ‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism
    The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 192 Views 0 Reviews
    To facilitate the implementation of these tools, they will be combined with innovative practices. EUVABECO’s 14 partners will unite to perform a scoping review, aiming to identify innovative vaccination practices throughout Europe.
    #EUVABECO #COVID19INJECTIONS #CDS #ePIL #PasseportVaccinal #OMS #PLAN #NWO To facilitate the implementation of these tools, they will be combined with innovative practices. EUVABECO’s 14 partners will unite to perform a scoping review, aiming to identify innovative vaccination practices throughout Europe. https://euvabeco.eu/about/
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    #EUVABECO #COVID19INJECTIONS #CDS #ePIL #PasseportVaccinal #OMS #PLAN #NWO EUROPEAN VACCINATION CARD WILL BE PILOTED IN FIVE COUNTRIES https://www.vaccinestoday.eu/stories/european-vaccination-card-will-be-piloted-in-five-countries/
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    Pt. 23: Bio Techno-enslavement (EUVABECO Project Passport)
    #EUVABECO #COVID19INJECTIONS #CDS #ePIL #PasseportVaccinal #OMS #PLAN #NWO Pt. 23: Bio Techno-enslavement (EUVABECO Project Passport) https://rumble.com/v5ay7lv-pt.-23-bio-techno-enslavement-euvabeco-project-passport.html
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    Lancé en janvier 2024 par la Commission européenne, le projet EUVABECO (European Vaccination Beyond Covid-19) réunit des institutions et universités de 14 pays qui devront élaborer et tester 12 projets pilotes pour la mise en place d’outils “innovants”, destinés à préparer et prévenir les pandémies et à stimuler la vaccination au sein de l’UE.
    Il est placé sous la coordination de l’université de Crète, en Grèce, avec un budget de 8,44 millions d’euros, dont 6,75 millions provenant du programme EU4Health et 1,69 million de “partenaires”, non spécifiés.
    5 outils sont actuellement à l’étude:
    -Le Système de Décision Clinique (CDS), un outil médical qui a pour objectif de fournir des arguments et des recommandations à la vaccination. Le CDS partira des pratiques de la France et du Luxembourg.
    -Le ciblage des populations (SCR), un outil social qui comprend la sélection, l’identification et l’invitation des catégories et personnes spécifiques à vacciner. Ce système s’inspirera de l’exemple belge durant le Covid.
    -Le feuillet d’information électronique des vaccins (ePIL), un outil industriel pour faciliter le transfert des vaccins d’un pays à l’autre.
    -La modélisation et les prévisions (FOR), un outil de santé publique qui a pour but de prévoir la production et les commandes de vaccins en fonction des données épidémiologiques. Ce volet se basera sur le simulateur de l’université de Saarland en Allemagne.
    -La carte de vaccination européenne (CVE), un outil (de contrôle) “qui assure la continuité des soins”. Il sera testé par 5 pays pilotes sur base du passe sanitaire Covid. "
    Passeport vaccinal (CONTRÔLE NUMÉRIQUE) européen débarque dans 5 pays pilotes: le projet EUVABECO à la loupe
    #EUVABECO #COVID19INJECTIONS #CDS #ePIL #PasseportVaccinal #OMS #PLAN #NWO "EUVABECO Lancé en janvier 2024 par la Commission européenne, le projet EUVABECO (European Vaccination Beyond Covid-19) réunit des institutions et universités de 14 pays qui devront élaborer et tester 12 projets pilotes pour la mise en place d’outils “innovants”, destinés à préparer et prévenir les pandémies et à stimuler la vaccination au sein de l’UE. Il est placé sous la coordination de l’université de Crète, en Grèce, avec un budget de 8,44 millions d’euros, dont 6,75 millions provenant du programme EU4Health et 1,69 million de “partenaires”, non spécifiés. 5 outils sont actuellement à l’étude: -Le Système de Décision Clinique (CDS), un outil médical qui a pour objectif de fournir des arguments et des recommandations à la vaccination. Le CDS partira des pratiques de la France et du Luxembourg. -Le ciblage des populations (SCR), un outil social qui comprend la sélection, l’identification et l’invitation des catégories et personnes spécifiques à vacciner. Ce système s’inspirera de l’exemple belge durant le Covid. -Le feuillet d’information électronique des vaccins (ePIL), un outil industriel pour faciliter le transfert des vaccins d’un pays à l’autre. -La modélisation et les prévisions (FOR), un outil de santé publique qui a pour but de prévoir la production et les commandes de vaccins en fonction des données épidémiologiques. Ce volet se basera sur le simulateur de l’université de Saarland en Allemagne. -La carte de vaccination européenne (CVE), un outil (de contrôle) “qui assure la continuité des soins”. Il sera testé par 5 pays pilotes sur base du passe sanitaire Covid. " Passeport vaccinal (CONTRÔLE NUMÉRIQUE) européen débarque dans 5 pays pilotes: le projet EUVABECO à la loupe https://essentiel.news/passeport-vaccinal-europeen-euvabeco-5-pays-pilotes/
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  • Free market Capitalism has turned into Corporatism. If you are a large enough corporation and want to use a harmful agent in your foodstuffs because it's cheaper and you can make more money, you will be allowed to as long as you grease the correct politician's bank accounts and re-election campaigns ...

    Aspartame was FDA approved under Reagan, due to Donald Rumsfeld's insistence, over all prior medical assessments that it was unsafe and gave baby monkeys epilepsy.

    Decades of Science Link Popular Artificial Sweetener to Serious Health Risks

    Dozens of studies have linked aspartame to serious health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, stroke and dementia, plus mood disorders, headaches and migraines.​

    Free market Capitalism has turned into Corporatism. If you are a large enough corporation and want to use a harmful agent in your foodstuffs because it's cheaper and you can make more money, you will be allowed to as long as you grease the correct politician's bank accounts and re-election campaigns ... Aspartame was FDA approved under Reagan, due to Donald Rumsfeld's insistence, over all prior medical assessments that it was unsafe and gave baby monkeys epilepsy. Decades of Science Link Popular Artificial Sweetener to Serious Health Risks Dozens of studies have linked aspartame to serious health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, stroke and dementia, plus mood disorders, headaches and migraines.​ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/community-forum/aspartame-artificial-sweetener-serious-health-risks/
    Decades of Science Link Popular Artificial Sweetener to Serious Health Risks
    Dozens of studies have linked aspartame to serious health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, stroke and dementia, plus mood disorders, headaches and migraines.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 1K Views 0 Reviews
  • The top three medical causes of car accidents In Japan are heart disease, epilepsy and cerebrovascular disease. This is why Mitsubishi Electric has developed a new system that collects biometric data such as pulse and blood pressure using a contactless Driver Monitoring System (DMS) camera in order to detect if a driver is in a serious physical condition. Mitsubishi has already been using the DMS to detect driver distractions and drowsiness. The new system uses Mitsubishi Electric’s proprietary AI to estimate biometric data and Maisart AI technology, the company said in a press release.
    The top three medical causes of car accidents In Japan are heart disease, epilepsy and cerebrovascular disease. This is why Mitsubishi Electric has developed a new system that collects biometric data such as pulse and blood pressure using a contactless Driver Monitoring System (DMS) camera in order to detect if a driver is in a serious physical condition. Mitsubishi has already been using the DMS to detect driver distractions and drowsiness. The new system uses Mitsubishi Electric’s proprietary AI to estimate biometric data and Maisart AI technology, the company said in a press release. https://www.activistpost.com/2023/04/car-manufacturers-introduce-new-a-i-biometric-technologies-to-detect-medical-emergencies-in-drivers-and-passengers.html
    0 Comments 1 Shares 874 Views 0 Reviews
    RAND PAUL SAYS "THE STORM IS COMING" https://gab.com/deepilch/posts/108316533381057360
    Trump on Gab: 'The storm is coming....'
    Trump on Gab: 'The storm is coming....'
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