I was going to try to summarize this in a couple paragraphs, just take a few quotes here and there to give you the gist of the article. . . and ended up with what amounts to a concatenated version of the article instead! This is BAD, and puts another mark against nutritionist and dietician regulated colleges. This is unfortunate, but it explains why recent changes have been made to our publicly-pushed food pyramids. If we needed yet another reason not to trust voices coming from government-adjacent sources, here's another one!
Tuft’s (Junk) Food Compass Is Worse Than We Thought by Mercola
I was going to try to summarize this in a couple paragraphs, just take a few quotes here and there to give you the gist of the article. . . and ended up with what amounts to a concatenated version of the article instead! This is BAD, and puts another mark against nutritionist and dietician regulated colleges. This is unfortunate, but it explains why recent changes have been made to our publicly-pushed food pyramids. If we needed yet another reason not to trust voices coming from government-adjacent sources, here's another one!
Tuft’s (Junk) Food Compass Is Worse Than We Thought by Mercola