How Many Americans Will Die From Civilization Collapse?
33% or 113,850,000 from medical issues = 231,150,000
75% of 40% (69,345,000) from Genocide = 161,805,000
10% from plague and pestilence (16,180,500) = 145,624,500
20% due to starvation (29,124,900) = 116,499,600.
My estimate is that there will be only about 116,000,000 Americans left within two years of the collapse and the start of ACWII. That’s a 66% death rate within two years. That’s a minimum, with my being generous on all the numbers.
Estimates based on an EMP attack that takes down the entire USA power grid have been a 90% death rate in merely one year. So I’m actually looking at things with rose-colored glasses.
Elevated Comment two (on farms and food) Note: Right now only 2% of Americans live on farms.
80% of Americans live in a city, which is a literal food wasteland. When they start moving out, it will be like locusts, and anyone who gets in their way simply dies.
NOTE: All this assumes a hard collapse as opposed to a slow withering. But that scenario is entirely possibly with hard enough shocks, and we’re doing almost everything we can to ensure they happen.
Deagle doesn't look so Conspiracy Theorish anymore, does it . . .
33% or 113,850,000 from medical issues = 231,150,000
75% of 40% (69,345,000) from Genocide = 161,805,000
10% from plague and pestilence (16,180,500) = 145,624,500
20% due to starvation (29,124,900) = 116,499,600.
My estimate is that there will be only about 116,000,000 Americans left within two years of the collapse and the start of ACWII. That’s a 66% death rate within two years. That’s a minimum, with my being generous on all the numbers.
Estimates based on an EMP attack that takes down the entire USA power grid have been a 90% death rate in merely one year. So I’m actually looking at things with rose-colored glasses.
Elevated Comment two (on farms and food) Note: Right now only 2% of Americans live on farms.
80% of Americans live in a city, which is a literal food wasteland. When they start moving out, it will be like locusts, and anyone who gets in their way simply dies.
NOTE: All this assumes a hard collapse as opposed to a slow withering. But that scenario is entirely possibly with hard enough shocks, and we’re doing almost everything we can to ensure they happen.
Deagle doesn't look so Conspiracy Theorish anymore, does it . . .
How Many Americans Will Die From Civilization Collapse?
33% or 113,850,000 from medical issues = 231,150,000
75% of 40% (69,345,000) from Genocide = 161,805,000
10% from plague and pestilence (16,180,500) = 145,624,500
20% due to starvation (29,124,900) = 116,499,600.
My estimate is that there will be only about 116,000,000 Americans left within two years of the collapse and the start of ACWII. That’s a 66% death rate within two years. That’s a minimum, with my being generous on all the numbers.
Estimates based on an EMP attack that takes down the entire USA power grid have been a 90% death rate in merely one year. So I’m actually looking at things with rose-colored glasses.
Elevated Comment two (on farms and food) Note: Right now only 2% of Americans live on farms.
80% of Americans live in a city, which is a literal food wasteland. When they start moving out, it will be like locusts, and anyone who gets in their way simply dies.
NOTE: All this assumes a hard collapse as opposed to a slow withering. But that scenario is entirely possibly with hard enough shocks, and we’re doing almost everything we can to ensure they happen.
Deagle doesn't look so Conspiracy Theorish anymore, does it . . .
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