• Absolutely gorgeous
    Absolutely gorgeous
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  • https://twinktrinsart.myshopify.com/products/bee-greeting-card-1?variant=45521804099895

    ~ Artwork Printed on Greeting Cards ~ Under $3

    Little bee
    Will you see
    Little worker bee

    Original Artwork and Poetry of Artist Jen Shearer

    #greeting #cards #greetingcards #stationary #thankyou #kind #kindness #happy #calm #bee #bumblebee #bumble #art #Shopify #shop #life #style #animal #animals #sparkling #glittering #awesome #gorgeous #garden #nectar #honey #food #sweet #bees #buzz #hum
    https://twinktrinsart.myshopify.com/products/bee-greeting-card-1?variant=45521804099895 ~ Artwork Printed on Greeting Cards ~ Under $3 Little bee Will you see Little worker bee Original Artwork and Poetry of Artist Jen Shearer #greeting #cards #greetingcards #stationary #thankyou #kind #kindness #happy #calm #bee #bumblebee #bumble #art #Shopify #shop #life #style #animal #animals #sparkling #glittering #awesome #gorgeous #garden #nectar #honey #food #sweet #bees #buzz #hum
    Bee ~ Greeting Card
    Little beeWill you seeLittle worker beeOriginal Artwork and Poetry of Artist Jen Shearer These greetings cards are printed on high-quality 330gsm Fedrigoni card.
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 5KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • https://twinktrinsart.myshopify.com/products/bee-greeting-card-1?variant=45521804099895

    ~ Artwork Printed on Greeting Cards ~ Under $3

    Little bee
    Will you see
    Little worker bee

    Original Artwork and Poetry of Artist Jen Shearer

    #greeting #cards #greetingcards #stationary #thankyou #kind #kindness #happy #calm #bee #bumblebee #bumble #art #Shopify #shop #life #style #animal #animals #sparkling #glittering #awesome #gorgeous #garden #nectar #honey #food #sweet #bees #buzz #hum
    https://twinktrinsart.myshopify.com/products/bee-greeting-card-1?variant=45521804099895 ~ Artwork Printed on Greeting Cards ~ Under $3 Little bee Will you see Little worker bee Original Artwork and Poetry of Artist Jen Shearer #greeting #cards #greetingcards #stationary #thankyou #kind #kindness #happy #calm #bee #bumblebee #bumble #art #Shopify #shop #life #style #animal #animals #sparkling #glittering #awesome #gorgeous #garden #nectar #honey #food #sweet #bees #buzz #hum
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  • http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/spiritual/specific_channelings/sananda/news.php?q=1668632399
    SANANDA - 12-9-22


    Today’s message is about the turning of Mother Earth. She has been holding off time after time. The Lightworkers are wondering why she hasn’t turned over, as she promised to do so several times. Allays, she was adamant about turning on her axis but reneged at the last minute.

    I have talked to the moon several times. Finally, I decided to give her a vision of what she would look like when she graduated to 5th dimension, She was amazed, as her future showed a growling earth like a sun. She saw gorgeous trees. mountains and all kinds of flowers, trees and shrubs. The mountains were tremendously tall and a sight to see. Those that peopled her were taking great care of all animals and everything created. There was no evil war of killing but everyone lived in Love and Harmony.

    After that vision, at the requests\ of my Lightworkers, I gave her a vision of her future if she did not turn on her axis. A horrible smell like a sewer wafted through the polluted atmosphere that almost took her breath away. In addition, that Mother Earth saw the degradation and utmost evil she never imagined. Earth looked bedraggled, worn out and utterly at death’s door.

    I said “Is this what you want to be in the near future? Is this your demanding goal?”

    By this time, Earth was crying and said. ”Oh, no! Am I at that doorway?” I replied, “I am sorry to tell you that you are at the very edge of that vision. You are to make a choice of which vision you want. Every time you make a date to turn over and renege at doing what you promised, = you have been going toward that scenario.

    I do think my analogy got through to Mother Earth. She saw with certainty that if she did not turn to shine like a sun, her future would be most evil and run by Satan’s minions.

    Mother Earth cried out in agony and said, “I have set a date and by the will of God Aton, who created me, I shall go forth and shine like a sun”.

    I replied. “All upon your surface now are taken care of by the Lighted Realms. Not even a blade of grass has been left behind. You have your freewill to choose either way. Remember every time you have not done what you promised, you slide further “down the rabbit hole. I am delighted that you are turning to the Light. Bless you Dear Mother Earth!” Mother Earth’s agony and fear immediately dissipated.

    May all of you, who read this message, please say a prayer for Mother Earth, that she make the right choice of graduating to a higher dimension and will not be afraid of doing so, Mother Ear is satisfied that she wishes to graduate and the Lightworkers are to be lifted off. She waits a few more days.

    My blessings to all!


    http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/spiritual/specific_channelings/sananda/news.php?q=1668632399 SANANDA - 12-9-22 MESSAGE FROM - IMMANUEL 'JESUS' SANANDA - MOTHER EARTH - DECEMBER 9, 2022 SANANDA: I AM THE ONE YOU CALLED ‘JESUS’ IMMANUEL. MY CREATOR CALLS ME SANANDA. I AM THE ONE WHOM YOU AWAIT. I AM THAT I AM, I AM SANANDA. Today’s message is about the turning of Mother Earth. She has been holding off time after time. The Lightworkers are wondering why she hasn’t turned over, as she promised to do so several times. Allays, she was adamant about turning on her axis but reneged at the last minute. I have talked to the moon several times. Finally, I decided to give her a vision of what she would look like when she graduated to 5th dimension, She was amazed, as her future showed a growling earth like a sun. She saw gorgeous trees. mountains and all kinds of flowers, trees and shrubs. The mountains were tremendously tall and a sight to see. Those that peopled her were taking great care of all animals and everything created. There was no evil war of killing but everyone lived in Love and Harmony. After that vision, at the requests\ of my Lightworkers, I gave her a vision of her future if she did not turn on her axis. A horrible smell like a sewer wafted through the polluted atmosphere that almost took her breath away. In addition, that Mother Earth saw the degradation and utmost evil she never imagined. Earth looked bedraggled, worn out and utterly at death’s door. I said “Is this what you want to be in the near future? Is this your demanding goal?” By this time, Earth was crying and said. ”Oh, no! Am I at that doorway?” I replied, “I am sorry to tell you that you are at the very edge of that vision. You are to make a choice of which vision you want. Every time you make a date to turn over and renege at doing what you promised, = you have been going toward that scenario. I do think my analogy got through to Mother Earth. She saw with certainty that if she did not turn to shine like a sun, her future would be most evil and run by Satan’s minions. Mother Earth cried out in agony and said, “I have set a date and by the will of God Aton, who created me, I shall go forth and shine like a sun”. I replied. “All upon your surface now are taken care of by the Lighted Realms. Not even a blade of grass has been left behind. You have your freewill to choose either way. Remember every time you have not done what you promised, you slide further “down the rabbit hole. I am delighted that you are turning to the Light. Bless you Dear Mother Earth!” Mother Earth’s agony and fear immediately dissipated. May all of you, who read this message, please say a prayer for Mother Earth, that she make the right choice of graduating to a higher dimension and will not be afraid of doing so, Mother Ear is satisfied that she wishes to graduate and the Lightworkers are to be lifted off. She waits a few more days. My blessings to all! SALU ESU I8JMMANUEL ‘JESUS’ SANANDA
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • I like to type really late at night.

    #Wakeup! They're trying to kill you!

    Speaking of Wake Up...How about a Bamm tune from an adorable Russian pop star, Zivert?

    Yah Babe. You gorgeous creature you! Mwah xoxo See you @ vk Никто никогда не знает, почему.

    I like to type really late at night. #Wakeup! They're trying to kill you! Speaking of Wake Up...How about a Bamm tune from an adorable Russian pop star, Zivert? Yah Babe. You gorgeous creature you! Mwah xoxo See you @ vk Никто никогда не знает, почему. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usy6l6sEr7g
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Creativity inspiring music from gorgeous Italian singer Benedetta Caretta. Now We Are Free #GreatReplacement

    Creativity inspiring music from gorgeous Italian singer Benedetta Caretta. Now We Are Free #GreatReplacement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzz5eL05gSc
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Absolutely beautifully stunning victory. Sometimes in the war against humanity we can be inspired by "winning against all odds".

    After having suffered a fire where he lost 20 gorgeous horses, he was overcome with grief and thought to quit. But his staff and supporters lifted him up again.

    The night before another horse got sick. So he got the last spot by a "fluke". And OMG, what an incredible display of bold courage. From the very back to VICTORY!

    Absolutely beautifully stunning victory. Sometimes in the war against humanity we can be inspired by "winning against all odds". After having suffered a fire where he lost 20 gorgeous horses, he was overcome with grief and thought to quit. But his staff and supporters lifted him up again. The night before another horse got sick. So he got the last spot by a "fluke". And OMG, what an incredible display of bold courage. From the very back to VICTORY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIYD42DV3Ro
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 449 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Oooookie dokie...slighty traumatized my coddled child with "forest school" today... uhmmm ...he had an overall great time ...but aaah fack was "HIGHLY" TF OFFENDED that a 3 year old was crying and no one was rushing to save her ......he said even ...thru tears ...a 3 year old was crying mom...and no one was helping her ...awe ...lol..i said i know bud...but she was ok.....NO!!! NO SHE WASNT MOM!!! thats sick! ...lol...
    Its child led learning ...and learning thru play ...the kids figure things out on their own and grow thru ...experiences like this little girl had...i said i know why you felt that way hun...its a different type of environment and learning...its teaching her to handle her own emotions and be independent...and problem solve ...she was safe and didnt die?? ...did she?? ... he hates the awesome teacher ... awe ...i teased him a bit n said...i know babe...its cuz you re used to mama ...helping you with a lot of stuff ...and oh my goodness my little baby waby ...you seem to have a slightly perceived minut little differentiation in skin texture there on your hand... are you ok???!!... let mommy put some cream n kissy wissy it better...oh shit ...this was a shock to his world...
    The kids arent told what to do...no ones bitching at him to eat his lunch..the teacher will never tell him to...he decides what's right for him...each kid does .....sandwhich first etc...or not eat whatever scrapes are not treated as open heart surgeries he is not used to this ...hes not wanting to do it...*there are some "triggers" from past ppl he has not liked (that the teacher reminds him of in ways) or been upset about...or ppl he thought he could trust that changed and betrayed him...so...thats ok...i said i was so proud of him for giving it a try ...we discussed a lot about the psychology behind the perceived horrifying cruelty and the associations of past upsetting things with him.. its a completely different style of learning and environmrnt ...shocked his system n shook up his little coddled world of pillowy safeness with mama ...i said he can change his mind in the future ..if wants..check it out again...etc...he HATES the teachers style...i think shes fantastic!...but can understand why its "upsetting" to him ...hes used to structured things ...and things about this teacher bothered him...that wouldnt others perhaps ...but im seeing the connections hes making to past ppl...events and a completely different type of learning and way than hes used to...proud he tried it tho...
    Thought hed wanna be outa the shit apt doing book work with smokey ole bitchy mom...nope ...he likes it this way omg thats a shame! ..a gorgeous provincial park with really cool kids ..and like do whatever tf you want basically!!.. if i were a kid ...i'd be the one trying tf to hide in the forest and never come home......he was "offended" ... he literally said..."no mom! ...im like offended!!!!" ... oh man!... and when the younger child was crying he used the word
    "horrified " as to how he felt it was handled or the treatment she received... she was just left to figure it out ...self regulate ...and learn independance ...he could NOT tolerate this...jesus christ ive created a snowflake......who's "offended" at not being bloody coddled ...or if other children arent!...hes a sensitive wee empathic beautiful little boy...in my opinion he NEEDS MORE FOREST SCHOOL!!... but if hes super uncomfortable and he massively dislikes her or way of teaching children.. its not for him i guess perhaps at this moment anyhow....and that's ok.. i would never force him...even when the psychology was explained to him ...he was still extremely pissed .. and adamant... in his opinion...this is not tf ok...and very wrong and evil...cruel...etc...k bud......im proud of you for trying something new...n lets focus on the good pieces...and nice things you did with the kids...and fun you had etc..."well i hate her ...and i dont wanna go near her again...i get bad vibes he says and i think shes mean"... awwwwe let mama kissy wissy your scrapey wapey all better oh no...lol my little baby boy... is a prime snowfake .....
    Hes not used to it...doesnt like the lady ...whatever ..just thought he may...he wants to be with the kids but her to vanish...essentially..
    He perceives some of her actions as uncaring ..."horrifying" when its actually ensuring children uhmmm ...arent dependent and have confidence to navigate things themselves ..problem solve etc...sooooo they dont end up sorta ...like my lil sweet mama coddled baby boy
    (Just kidding sorta) hes an exceptionally amazing child in many ways xo
    Oooookie dokie...slighty traumatized my coddled child with "forest school" today... uhmmm ...he had an overall great time ...but 😅 aaah fack was "HIGHLY" TF OFFENDED😆 that a 3 year old was crying and no one was rushing to save her ...😅...he said even ...thru tears ...a 3 year old was crying mom...and no one was helping her😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ...awe ...lol..i said i know bud...but she was ok..😃...NO!!! NO SHE WASNT MOM!!! thats sick! ...lol... Its child led learning ...and learning thru play ...the kids figure things out on their own and grow thru ...experiences like this little girl had...i said i know why you felt that way hun...its a different type of environment and learning...its teaching her to handle her own emotions and be independent...and problem solve ...she was safe and didnt die?? ...did she?? ... he hates the awesome teacher ...😅 awe ...i teased him a bit n said...i know babe...its cuz you re used to mama ...helping you with a lot of stuff ...and oh my goodness my little baby waby ...you seem to have a slightly perceived minut little differentiation in skin texture there on your hand...😅 are you ok???!!😃... let mommy put some cream n kissy wissy it better😆😅🤣🤣🤣...oh shit ...this was a shock to his world...😆 The kids arent told what to do...no ones bitching at him to eat his lunch..the teacher will never tell him to...he decides what's right for him...each kid does .....sandwhich first etc...or not eat whatever 😅scrapes are not treated as open heart surgeries 😅😆 he is not used to this 🙃...hes not wanting to do it...*there are some "triggers" from past ppl he has not liked (that the teacher reminds him of in ways) or been upset about...or ppl he thought he could trust that changed and betrayed him...so...thats ok...i said i was so proud of him for giving it a try ...we discussed a lot about the psychology behind the perceived horrifying cruelty 😅 and the associations of past upsetting things with him.. its a completely different style of learning and environmrnt ...shocked his system n shook up his little coddled world of pillowy safeness with mama 😅...i said he can change his mind in the future ..if wants..check it out again...etc...he HATES the teachers style...i think shes fantastic!...but can understand why its "upsetting" to him ...hes used to structured things ...and things about this teacher bothered him...that wouldnt others perhaps ...but im seeing the connections hes making to past ppl...events and a completely different type of learning and way than hes used to...proud he tried it tho... Thought hed wanna be outa the shit apt doing book work with smokey ole bitchy mom😅😃...nope ...he likes it this way😆🤣 omg thats a shame! ..a gorgeous provincial park with really cool kids ..and like do whatever tf you want basically!!😃.. if i were a kid ...i'd be the one trying tf to hide in the forest and never come home...😆...he was "offended" 😆... he literally said..."no mom! ...im like offended!!!!" ...😆😅😆😆 oh man!... and when the younger child was crying he used the word "horrified " as to how he felt it was handled or the treatment she received🤣... she was just left to figure it out ...self regulate ...and learn independance ...he could NOT tolerate this😆...jesus christ ive created a snowflake...🤣...who's "offended" at not being bloody coddled 🤣...or if other children arent!😃...hes a sensitive wee empathic beautiful little boy...in my opinion he NEEDS MORE FOREST SCHOOL!!😃... but if hes super uncomfortable and he massively dislikes her or way of teaching children.. its not for him i guess perhaps at this moment anyhow....and that's ok.. i would never force him...even when the psychology was explained to him ...he was still extremely pissed ..😅 and adamant... in his opinion...this is not tf ok...and very wrong and evil...cruel...etc...k bud...🥰...im proud of you for trying something new...n lets focus on the good pieces...and nice things you did with the kids...and fun you had etc..."well i hate her ...and i dont wanna go near her again...i get bad vibes he says and i think shes mean"...😪 awwwwe let mama kissy wissy your scrapey wapey all better😆 oh no😬...lol😅😆🤣🤣🤣 my little baby boy...🙃 is a prime snowfake😆 ..😶... Hes not used to it...doesnt like the lady ...whatever ..just thought he may...he wants to be with the kids but her to vanish😅...essentially..🤔 He perceives some of her actions as uncaring ..."horrifying" when its actually ensuring children uhmmm ...arent dependent and have confidence to navigate things themselves ..problem solve etc...sooooo they dont end up sorta😅 ...like my lil sweet mama coddled baby boy😅🤣🤣🤣💯 (Just kidding sorta) 😂 hes an exceptionally amazing child in many ways🥰 xo 💯
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 527 Ansichten 0 Vorschau